sk8ing, playing guitar, and being a laid back dude, AND...
Short Elle's!
You are a Mod. Yeah baby.
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
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Which of my favorite guitarists are you? Part Deux
Jimi Hendrix
You DEFINE rock music. You helped all the Elvis lovers come to their senses.
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Take the quiz: "Which Dead Rock Star Are You?"
John Lennon
You are John Lennon! You're a nerd to many young and old, and loved for it too. You have influenced many different people, you and old. You have magnetism. Oh, he died in 1980 from a moron... who shot him.
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People that are open-minded and have respect for others. And The Beatles. =0)(Even though half of them are dead. =0(
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BEATLES, and tunes that are rad. Just as long as it doesn't talk about bumpin' and grindin' and destroying people, we're ok.
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Classic stuff with all the Classic Stars. Like Cary Grant in "North By Northwest" for example. Stuff like that.
You are pretty much the coolest animal, a Liger.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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Malcolm in the Middle, and TCM!!!
Books that are deep, fun, thrilling, and make life more valuable.
My Love= AMAZING. Pretty much the best.
> Sacramento Ain't Worth Moose Tits!
Bang! Bang! It's Long Shot Lori!
AMBO! My Bob Dylan Co-song writer brainstormer lady! You BE TIGHHHHHT! LAMP
GEN!!! I don't know her a whole bunch, but this chica got a heart and a soul...she be TIZZLE!
Vanessa!!! Cool kid!!!! She's wayyy awesome!!!! And so are her parentals!!!
BOSS! (Crispin) I Heart this kid soo much! He is definately an all around good guy. I love you bro!
Tut! This kid takes tizzle pics and he's my Pen Pal!
There's more of you so hold on! i'll get you guys!
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