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About Me

account phished mid-April or something like that. Need to fix it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who don't piss me off


house, progressive house, dub house, edm, techno, indie rock, old school hip hop, mixtapes, livesets, radio shows, Npr, jazz, jungle, Velour 100, experimental...


independent flicks, criterion collection, foreign movies, arte.......


sex and the city


Isaac Rabin

My Blog

Lake Constance, Germany

October 31st and November 1st I went to Konstanz right next to Lake Constance. Ever since my return to Europe in january I would have to say I've had my fair share of travel ranging from Brittany ( B...
Posted by jdat on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 07:16:00 PST

State of daze

So the other day, monday, I was at the hospital undergoing a bunch of tests in regards to my pre-transplant checkup for my kidneys. Ever since my return in France in january I've been kind of confu...
Posted by jdat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST