I think the meaning of life is to laugh as much as possible.
You should be jealous that I have the following things, and you do not:
my wonderful boyfriend, Zukus
the cutest dog in the world, Andrew Kazoo
an army of feline friends, Myu, Jake Snake, & Pud
a 1996 Hyundai Elantra with action figures glued to it
I have too many interests, not enough time, and apparently an unfocused resume. I really believed my parents when they told me I could be anything I wanted to be. Unfortunately I've wanted to be all of the following at some point-in-time in my life:
trapeze artist
tattoo artist
art teacher
But who am I kidding? Newspapers probably won't exist in 5 years. And I know for a fact people do not read.
I hope my life story will entertain someone someday. I want someone to think the world is better because I am in it.
= molly sigh LJ = molly_sigh