I am interested in video games, movies, gadgets, comics, and Sara. That about covers it.
I'd like to meet anyone I haven't talked to in forever. If I don't actually know you, don't talk to me. If I do know you and we've lost touch, go nuts.
Xbox Live Gamertag: Skarecrow13
Second Life: Pitt Dagger
AIM Dark25
Send me your Wii number, and I'll send you mine.
-Wrennen the Nightelf rogue on Terokkar
-Marro the undead warrior on Bloodhoof
Tool, Radiohead, Type O Negative, Depeche Mode, Fugazi, The Smiths, Sensefield, Bad Religion, All 80's music, and Oldies. Plenty more too, but it'd take a long time to say everything. Flavor of the Month = Rock Band Soundtrack.
Anything awesome. As I've said before, with me, either it is "Awesome" or it "sucks". I prefer things that don't suck.
Evil Dead 2, The real Star Wars Trilogy (especially Empire), Back to the Future, Reservoir Dogs, Goodfellas, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Fight Club, Moonstruck, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, as well as a myriad of other movies I will inevitably say are the best movie ever made.
The Simpsons and Batman the Animated Series (you know, when it was on.) Lately, anything where people are making custom vehicles, like American Chopper or Trick my Truck.
Comics, esp. Cerebus, Poison Elves, Akira, JTHM, and good Batman Stories. Other than that, Lord of the Flies.
Gene Wilder, James Bond, Batman, Link, Solid Snake, Pepe Le Pew, Simon Belmont, Leon Kennedy, Darth Vader (before he got wussified in Ep. 1-3), Vito Corleone, and Fozzy Bear.