MICKY D profile picture


no matter how cool you are , you will scream when you catch your dick in your zip

About Me

i play the drums,i play in many bands and play various styles i do sessions either live or studio work i love doing both and am available for most types of drumming work at the moment i'm working on a few projects with old mates and few people i've met along the way . i like being just the drummer, i've heard all the drummer jokes " what do you call the fool who hangs around with musicians ? the drummer " " what do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? homeless " " how can you tell if the stage is level ? look at the drummer and if he is drooling from both sides it's level " "whats the difference between a drummer and a drum machine ? you only have to punch the information in once with a machine and it won't sleep with your girlfriend " ha ha ha what fun. heres one for yer " whats black and blue and lying in a ditch ? a musician who told too many drummer jokes " myself i would rather be the drummer anyday the oldest instrument the most natural form of expressing yourself its in us all the pulse of life all lived to a beat. and you get to shag the rest of the bands girlfriends.

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Create your own Unclickable Button ........................................................... Living on a lighted stage approaches the unreal, for those who think and feel in touch with some reality beyond the gilded cage. Cast in this unlikely role, ill equipped to act, within suficient tact, one must put up barriers to keep one self in tact. Living in the limelight: the universal dream for those who wish to see. Those who wish to be must put a side the alienation, get on with the fascination, the real relation, the underlying theme. Living in a fish-eye lent, caught in the camera eye, I have no heart to lie. I can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend. All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers, each another's audience, outside the gilded cage ........................................................... I play the drums I hire myself out to the highest bidder i expect to be paid a lot of money, booze, women or whatever as long as there is lots of it. I play all types of music and play in many bands and with many different musicians , to me it is the greatest most fun way to spend your life with brilliant people doing what you love.beats going to work , trust me, work sucks

My Interests

drums , porsche cars and taking my clothes off with members of the opposite camp. cycling ........................................................... ..

I'd like to meet:

placebo and kosheen
.. ........................................................... Type O Negative My Girlfriends Girlfriend
.. ....................................................... Type o negative
.. ......................................................... Nick Cave & Pj Harvey - Henry Lee
Add to My Profile | More Videos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........................................................... People Aged 1 to 100 Bang on Drums
Add to My Profile | More Videos *********************************************************** Porsche 928 S4 Speed Record
Add to My Profile | More Videos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ porsche 928 the best car ever produced period 95 GTS Porsche 928 cruising by
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......................................................... Rush


Janes Addiction-Jane Says(live)


silver or black box that sits in peoples living rooms sucking their brains right out of their noses . the biggest income reducer and relationship killer known to man. avoid at all costs or use sparingly


anything and everything , everyone should turn off the tele and read for an hour a day "But i haven't got time " "BOLLOCKS YOU WATCH 40 HOURS OF FUCKING SHIT ON THE TELE EVERY WEEK ." PICK UP A BOOK. educate yourself don't let them dumb you down with the stuff they're feeding you with through the box in your living room.

My Blog

record companies/ music industry

I don't know how everyone else feels on this subject but i can't wait for the demise and implosion of the record industry as we know it.For years the record companies have dictated what we listen...
Posted by MICKY D on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:21:00 PST