We are a four lady Flight of the Conchords tribute band. Meet the ladies...
Coco Cabana: the romantic dreamer. Bestselling author of such steamy novels as the controversial "Lusty Unicorns" as well as the sequels "Lusty Unicorns 2: Husky Horses", "Lusty Unicorns 3: Pretty Ponies" and "Lusty Unicorns 4: Horny Horns" (Known collectively as "The Lusty Unicorn Cycle"). Alas, her follow up series "Lusty Monkeys" failed to light anyone's fire. This led to her life in folk music, and consequently, the band.
Sugar Kaine: the newly added one. You may remember her from her early beginnings fronting Get Bent-Featuring Sugar Kaine, a tribute band to Two Minutes in Heaven. She grew to love folk as a child, wandering the country with her parents and other Joan Baez-tines, a group of Yuppies who followed Joan around in a Volvo caravan in the 80s. She's ecstatic for the opportunity to tribute a band directly by being a member of said band.
Ziggystar: the optimistic one. A one-time struggling rapper from the UP of Michigan. Her rap style was too tame and her personality too nice and cheery for the hard core rapping game. Tragically, she was booed off the stage after a rap battle gone bad, jaded and crushed she ran off to find a place where her particular style of rapping would be appreciated. She was performing for nursing home residents when she found she needed to supplement her income by singing in the street, leading to her meeting the rest of the band.
Kookie Clementine: the sullen one. Trained at an early age as a pastry chef (but not a sniper), she lost interest in the art of baking after an unfortunate and mysterious mixer incident. She was seduced by the dark underbelly of the world of folk music. She is currently the voice of sanity in Two Minutes of Heaven.
Mackenzie Wellington-Christchurch: the former member. Gone but never forgotten, original member of Two Minutes in Heaven, Mackenzie moved on to greener pastures with a new husband.
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