in no particular order...... anime, manga, urban/comic toys/figurines, making music (hip hop/electro), street art (postering, stencilling, graffiti, stickers etc), graphic design, big fat art coffee table books, ganja, listening to music, fashion, BMX, cooking
anyone on the rephlex records label, warp records (luke vibert, etc), wagon christ, roots manuva, fink, DJ Rap, DJ Krush, DJ Pogo, Scratch perverts, Killa kela, Lo Tek Hi fi, Cinematic Ochestra, Herbaliser, Dilated peoples, people Under the Stairs, RJD2, cannibal Ox, Aesop Rock, Murs, Mr Lif, Prefuse-73, Assoto sounds, Skinny man, DJ Hype, Mud family, Roni size, Phi Life Cypher, Rahzel, Autechre, metamatics, Boards of canada, loop junktion, square pusher, aphex twin, Krafty Kuts, Two Lone swordsmen, Red Snapper, Nightmares On wax, wu Tang, J-Zone, DJ Format, DJ Shadow, the Roots, Blackalicious, the list goes on and on!
Akira, Ghost in The Shell 1 & 2, Ninja scroll, Spriggan, Metropolis, Zatoichi, Ichi the Killer, Kill Bill, 1 & 2, Irreversible, Requiem for a Dream, Battle Angel Alita, Appleseed, Princess Monnonoke, Grave of the Fireflies, barbarella, Flesh Gordon, Pornos, Big Fish, American Splendour, BMX Videos, Lord of the Rings, Spawn, Donnie Darko,
Stick em up, Oni, Pictoplasma 1 & 2, scrawl 1 & 2, street logos, stencil graffiti, Subway Art, Lodown Graphic Engineering, Art Of rebellion, The Hobbit, Stylefile Sketches,Graffiti world, Colors Zoo,Kaze magazine