I'm interested in blacksmithing, bladesmithing, history, and music.Check out my website for some cool pictures of my work:
As many like minded people as I can.
You have been marked on my profile map!Get Your Own Voice Player ManageThese guys:
I like folk music, traditional Irish music, and classic rock. I'll give anything a try, but don't expect me to go nuts for it. If I don't, get over it.
One of my favorite movies of all time is Boonedock Saints. LotR and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and Superbad are enjoyable.
My favorite channels are Discovery, History, and Comedy Central
One of my favorite books is the Lord of the Rings. They are way better than the movies. Most of my books that I own are informational books on history and metalworking.
My late grandfather, Joe Fisher. He flew recon planes off a distroyer in WW II, he also invented the printed circuit switch, was the USN representitive to NATO and had many more accomplishments durring the 82 years of his life. Plus, he also fought people out side of bars and kicked their ass. His college experience was way different than mine.My dad who served 17 years in the Army, my younger brother who has recently joined the National Guard, my uncle Mooky, and my cousin Jason. I have now joined your ranks!