Music,cooking,guitar,PARASYTIC,CANNABIS CORPSE,biking long distances,talking about metal and other useless information,not working for shitty health food stores,riding the "iron horse"through lush mountains and random countryside,40's of ole'E, bourbon shot..Carcass.....
punks,crusties,hippies,metallers,bangers,activists,and anybody esle that isnt just another pathetic human
jesus christ here we go.......... deviated instinct,electro hippies,concrete sox,flux of pink indians,crow,antisect,napalm death,master,first three death records,most death metal and all that old ripperchrust,all peace punk,Amebix"hellbastard"axegrinder'...pestilence,obituary,ol d sepultura,tank, diamond head,civilized society, paxton quiggly,bleeding rectum,zero hour,extinction of mankind,hiatus,nausea,antisect,Crass,e.n.t, know the good stuff...Fuckin'CARCASS,JUDAS PRIEST,bolt thrower,impaled,exhumed,impetigo,sodom,the melvins,diamond head,autopsy,celtic frost,old morbid angel,megadeth(first three),turbonegro,bits and pieces of black metal(the non arayan kind) anything from the 80's some glam included.... Also really into Current93,coil,bjork,mum,NEW MODEL ARMY,Coil,Skinny puppy,legendary pink dots,bauhaus,joy division,the smiths,old blues and jazz,etc..
Wild zero,Gummo(pretty much anything from harmony),city of lost children,happiness,rivers edge,red dawn(patrick fuckin swazee),audition,visitorQ,anything takashi mike,reflecting skin,evildead2,avalon,zombie movies,cheesy high school horror gore,nekromantic 1and2,the tenant,anything david lynch...
dont have one anymore,..couldnt tell you whats happening in that world
welcome to the monkey house,venus on the half shell,journey to the end of the night,most howard zinn,tom robbins,choamsky,rimbaub,choosing death my,latest read.and of course lords of chaos,fiction and non fiction,biographies
emma goldman,penny rimbaub,steve ignorant,,bill fuckin steer,ken owen,jeff walker....i dont know...need to keep it limited....