v a n i l l a *14 profile picture

v a n i l l a *14

I am here for Friends

About Me

Okay, well it's been over like.. how many months... since may then... that i haven't updated this page of mine.. and i thought, why don't i update it while i still have the time!!! so yeah, here i am updating my profile!!!right, so my best friend here aimi is telling me to write something else apart from that crap i wrote up there... so here it goes... i just came back from a gathering today with my MALAY CREW, the MALAYPRIDE UK!!! and man it was a blast!! XD well this is my last gathering with them too, because i'm sadly moving back to MALAYSIA this valentine u_u so yeah, they all wanted to see me before i go... so yeah ili and kambing! i shall see you soon!! XD hahaha!! Okay about myself now, i'm just your regular girl from Malaysia who has lived in Paris, France for 5 years then London, UK 4 years now... and i've been studying japanese for 3.5 years and french for 8 years... man... french is soo annoying... but i don't mind, and i've been to japan twice now!! XD it was AWESOME!!!any who, i don't know what esle to say but yeah fill free to add me as yer friend: [email protected] adios!

My Interests

Okay okayc now time for my interestc. Hmmmc well I can start off saying that Ifm obsessed with Japan!! Kehehe!!! Ifm even learning the language!!! Gwahahah!!! Donft ask why (^-^;) even I donft know why!!! I think it is all about the culture and stuff (*^o^*) they are really quite somethingc donft you think?Hurmmc Lemme seec oh yeah! Manga and Animec man!!! I canft live without them!!! (o") I seriously canft!!! I think because of thisc I am soo into Japanc maybec who knowsc my favourite manga of all time is Detective Conan!! Waaaaa~! Truly the best!! Huhu !!! Gosho Aoyama truly is something I can look up to (u_u )Kimono yeshc kimonoc they are soo beautiful and uniquec I wanna own one, one day!! A Blue background with pink cherry blossom and a yellow obi (^^) ‚«‚ê‚¢ ‚¾‚È~I Something like this... but darker blue and pink sakura's... you get the picture right?Oh yeh!!! Tae-kwon-do, Kendo, and Japanese Archery!!! Ifm a big fan of martial arts!! Especially sword fighting!! Huhu~! They are soooooooooo COOL!! ˆê‚΂ñ‚©‚Á‚±‚¢‚Å‚·‚æ~ISwords also interest me a lot!! I wanna own a Katana (Japanese Sword) one day!!! Heheh!!! And I can easily whip someonefs ass!! GWAHHAHA!!! o(^o^)o Who knowsc I would proberly become the number one women best sword fighter in the world~!!! HAHAHAHHA!!! Oh god!!! i want this sword soooo badly!!Hmmmc oh yesc Final Fantasyc (u_u ) I think its my no. 1 inspiration to Japan. Rinoa from FF8c manc she got me into Wings SOOOOO badly!!! Hehehe!!! I sometimes wished that there would be a world like thatc man wouldnft it be sooo coolc waaa~! And the weaponds, outfitc the scenery!! Ifm trying my best to try and draw like that!!! (^^)d Well I guess that is about itc oh yes.. did I mention about drawing ^^ I would constantly draw all the time!! Keheheh!!! My bad =P this are my 3 best drawings i've drew ^^ i know abit crap and im still learning!!! hehehe!!Oh yees!!! One last thingc my last everc Cherry Blossomc they really inspire me to draw a lotc and also very quite romanticc Cherry Blossoms (Sakura, ‚³‚­‚ç, ÷) was also the reason why I want to go to Kyoto Universityc The Cherry Blossom is beautifully bloomed there!! And sooooo many of them as well!!

I'd like to meet:

they are so many people whom i love to meet... but unfortunetly some are dead... but let's not show some sad faces eh? ^^ people i'd like to meet... i don't mind who they are ^^ i welcome everyone :D i'm not too fussy about choosing friends so feel free to add me and talk to me =D though i would like to apologise in advance for my lateness on replying... m(_ _)m **bows** so yeah ^^


Hehehe!! Music time!!! Well as you might have already guessed?I do love Japanese music such as J-pop and J-rock!! Wohooo!!! J-rock is my favorite!!! But I also listen to western music!!! My favorite western bands are: Lostprophets and Muse!! I worship them!! (u_u ) well I know too many bands?I am not in the mood (because its 3.18 am) to write down all the list of bands I know?((+_+)) Anywho?you can try and figure out who the bands are!! Oh yeah, I listen to all type of rock!! You just name it and I will just say YES I listen to that type of rock music (^_~)v


Movie time~!!!! Okay, first off… BATTLE ROYALE is the BEST movie made in the whole entire world!!!! Then comes the Interview with the Vampire and Queen of the Damn… But I still wanna see suicide circle!!! Its sooooo cool!!!! hurm… Well I can say that Miyazaki’s film also made big impacts on me as well!! Such as Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) BR made a GREAT impact in my life ^^ I thank you Kinji-Sama m(_ _)m oh yeah.. wanna give a shout out to KAZUO KIRIYAMA!! I LOVE YOU!!! And same goes to KAWADA!!!!! p/s Fulltime Killer is a MUST watch movie!!! And also Infernal Affairs and Zatochi… basicly just watch all “BEAT” Takeshi’s movie and movies that Andy Lau is in (u_u )


Televsion eh? Well, nowadays I havn’t been watching the TV… don’t ask why =S but yeah, here is what I watch ^^


Books… I do read a lot of books actually ^^ I’m first trying to get my hands on BATTLE ROYALE the Novel… if I can… but so far the best book I’ve read is: Across the Nightingale Floor, Grass for his Pillow by Lian Hearn and The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan ^^ I recommend that you people go and read these books!!! By the way... these covers are the books i have... except for BR the Novel... because i don't have it yet...


And lastly… My heros… hmmm…. Well it would be my Brother... Arif… he saved my life more than once when I was swimming… hehhe!! And also… I think Kiriyama from Battle Royale is also my hero… As for my heroine… it would be…. My Japanese sister…Mayumi Ichikawa…. And Rinoa from FF8 ^^ hehehe!! A bit silly eh? Oh and before I forget… my last ever hero who I look up to is… hide & j… because of his music… I can live on…

My Blog

Wohooo!! wat kinda angel i am!! ;)

ok well i did this quiz on wat angel i am.. if u wanna do it.. go to... urm.. hold on... ok go here ^^ hebat betul!! http://quizilla.com/users/Devilgurl66653/quizzes/%26lt%3B%26 lt%3B%26gt%3B%26gt%3B...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

solution!! to the scrollbar!!!

hey you guys.. iknow some of ya have been trying to write in my comment for my page.. but lately you guys couldn't cuz like ther is no scroll bar at the bottom.. well aiqa and ili gave me a soluttion!...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Selamat Tahun Baru 2004!! happy new yr!!

hey hey!! selamat tahun baru 2004!!! akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!!! happy new year!!!! bonne annee!! gwahahaha! im soo..urm.. lingustist... gwhahah anywayz... im in my fwends crib for the moment....
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wallpaper.... like sucks...

hey hey!! well i made this wallpaper for my malay gang and ili.. cuz ili wanted me to make her one.. so im like.. wat the heck... so yeah and yeah... well... i was crying for 2 hrs.. cuz i finall...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


minna san!! merikurisumasu omedetou!!!! hehehe!! i dnt celebrate it but i just like saying it.. it makes ppl smile!! well i hope everyone enjoyed their x-mas!!! hehe!!!
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


well its finally THE day!!! my holiday!! i can now lay down on my ASS!!! wohooo!!! well i missed hide's birthday... i felt sooooo down!!! it was on the 13th dec... and i missed it cuz i thought it...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fuked up day...

well today.. such a shit day... but thanks to a really good friend of mine.. cheered me up!! cuz he said he loved me... ok anywayz about my day: i found out that my favorite manga bookstore is clos...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

2 more weeks till x-mas holiday!!!

hey hey!! well lets see... wat was i going to say.. oh yeah.. 2 MORE WEEKS TILL X-MAS HOLIDAY!!! WOHOOO!! ok lately ive been sorta out of place... and when i mean by that i mean that ive been sooo hyp...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


hey hey!!! well i finally did myspace!! all green!!! i was in a greeny mood! cool eh? took me 3 days to do this crap!!! but hey THANKS TOM N JOE for the specail effects and etc... and thanks Ili and A...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Selamat Hari Raya!!

hey hey!! i know its thxs giving for the amercians.. but for the muslims its Eid!! YAHOO!!! Eid Mubarak everyone and selamat hari raya to all your malay's!!!! well on tues i had a awsome day with m...
Posted by v a n i l l a *14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST