Binkzilla profile picture


This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our ow

About Me

i'm Bianca; and i'm an art and music junkie.i'm a very generous and sweet person as long as you do the same for me. i think everyone is kool in their own ways, but it would depend on the situation that has happened between us. other than that, i'm a pretty ligit girl to hang with. seriously, just talk to me or something, i won't bite. :)♥although i have to say that if i don't like you i'd most likely tell it to your face. i don't have to fucking like you.♥i love art...doesn't matter(ex.photographery, taggings, poems, tats, dancing, etc...)♥i thank god that i'm half asian. i wouldn't want to be any other.♥ i love music too . . . music to me is like a big chunk out of my soul. it's everything to me.♥i enjoy traveling or going somewhere with friends or relatives.♥yea, this is myspace n' shit...but it doesn't mean i have to post something to get everyone's attention about my life. fuck that shit.♥i have a habit of talking or referring to people in movie quotes or something along the lines.♥the more you get to know me..the more you know what kind of a person i am(a great one).I Am What I Am.My .. [[email protected]]Layout by HOT LAYOUTS I edited my profile at . check out these Myspace Layouts!
Being Sexy Emo-Fucks
Me And Big Sis
I LOVE This man!
♥Mi Amor De Mi Vida♥

My Interests

♥music ♥tea ♥international foods ♥poetry ♥Katanas ♥concerts ♥tattoos ♥certain piercings ♥photographery ♥ligit fashion ♥extremely sexy asian women ♥gang memembers ♥fat hairy men like Carl from ATHF. . . you know, those normal things we like.

. . .[TATS 4 LIFE!]

I'd like to meet:

Ridiculously Good-Looking People Like Yours Truely . . .Get Your Own Voice Player Manage


i'll listen to practicually anything that you throw at me. Music Is Life. I Love The 80's.


i love most of them. i'll kick your ass at movies! nothing makes my day than chilling with friends and a good movie.


Prison Break, Titus, That 70 Show, anime, Oresama, MXC, Invader Zim, In Living Color, Mr. Bill, Scrubs, King of the Hill, South Park, America's Top Model. i'm not that much of a tv person.


Mangas, Dharma Punx, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, Hitch-Hiker's Guide, Clockworks Orange, Tithe, Valiant.


Chris Farley, Tenacious D, John Lennon,close friends, and Jhonny Cash.

My Blog

My Dearest Friends

Soooo . . . this bloggy will prolly be about a lil of everything, just to let my readers know.   -SMOKING- It's been a problem to a lot of under-aged kids. They're now smoking. Okay, i for one h...
Posted by Binkzilla on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 03:24:00 PST

What Is This Feeling?

i'm 19. i have a job. i'm a happy person. i'm  everyone's favorite person. i'm living a perfect life. i'm a good girl. i'm the best friend you could ever have. . . . but i'm ...
Posted by Binkzilla on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 10:23:00 PST

Ain't That The Truth . . .

Underwear Goes Inside The Pants Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. Do you know what's not natural?80 year old dudes with hard-ons. Tha...
Posted by Binkzilla on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 08:24:00 PST

Summer air reminds me of . . .

FINALLY!!! skool is almost, ALMOST, out and summer is coming up for the upcoming events. i'm practicually booked, shall we say, for this summer. surprized that this summer is gonna be worth something....
Posted by Binkzilla on Thu, 25 May 2006 08:23:00 PST

Her Name Was Darling . . .

"Brother," asked Darling as she tugged on her Brother's blazer.."yes, my lil one?""when will i go to Paradise?" questioned Darling with innocent eyes."the same way your mother did,'' smiled Brother."h...
Posted by Binkzilla on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 05:02:00 PST

Behind The Music: Bianca

hello, i'm Bianca. i dont know, i'm gonna write something about my past and how much i've conquered. this is an inspired story from certain people asking me to do so. me, i'm like . . . chale. oh well...
Posted by Binkzilla on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 12:19:00 PST