Get the MySpace code for Virtual Bubblewrap
I been on this crazy site a while and I still find it rather wacky. I call it the myspace dynamic. I have made some great friends here, rekindled old friendship, have people come to loathe me and met some certifiably insane folks, in the confines of my basement while in my underwear no less. But its all good, I like to keep it interesting. Like the other day, I finally got to meet this couple that I corresponded with on "the Space." So we are chatting and they ask me if I am bi? Well, I studied a little Spanish in high School, but not enough to really be bi, but I didn't want to look stupid, so I said, "Yeah, I'm bi." They said "Great" and invited me over to a party at their house next weekend, they said their were having some s&m people come over. I said great, Spainiards and Mexicans. So it should be interesting to go there speak a little spanish and do the whole intellectual scene. Isn't myspace great.Hello, and welcome to Tromis-land! Sorry I was busy cleaning up the 'ol doublewide. I was stuck with the dilemma of whether I should purchase the doublewide next to me, thus making it a quadwide, and thus the Tromis Estate!! Then I figured how much I would spend in plastic Flamingos and opted not too.But welcome, Its been a crazy year, and the hunt for the perferct guacamole continues. I dig all things Kustom, you should know what I mean, don't make me punch you in the head this early in the conversation. Ie- Rat Rods, Cars, Tiki, Guitars, any kind of music that ends in -billy, You get the idea. Always like to hear and find out about new bands, however if you idea of a good band is U2 or god forbid Bon Jovi, ( what was their box set:"100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong", what are they kidding , yes they can be wrong, its called bad taste, and not the good king either) then please leave and take you glitter graphics with you on the way out , Thank you!!Furthermore if we should ever run into each other along the way, don't be shy come up and say hi. Oh shit , I just rhymed , didn't I.