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Can we prevent all out war with the police Written by : David L Andrade OneVoiceNews 5/7/2008We all want a police department we can respect* But what we in the non-white community and low income white community get are gang bangers with badges*Look at this video and I ask you is this the actions of a professional police department or is this the actions of a gang who feels that their colors have just been disrespected*Please don't tell me that it's not all the police who are bad* The so called good police don't do nothing to stop the bad ones* That police code of silence to protect fellow officers is the same code of the streets no snitching* And then the police have the nerve to condemn others who don't snitch*
Each 1 Teach 1Please don't tell me the police had good reasons to act like a bunch of thugs* Because if you think they got reason to act like thugs then black folk got much more reason also to act like thugs* So whats good for one is good for the other*Beating after beating by the police* Killing after killing by the police* It never ends* The police actions are forcing certain elements within the non-white and low income white communities to begin talking about an eye for an eye life for a life retaliation against police and their die hard supporters* This would be a huge disaster for all involved and we are running out of time to prevent this*In my city of New Bedford Mass I have offered my services to sit at the table with the powers that be to work things out to build a police department that serves and protects all the people not just those with influence* But they look down on any who come to them willing to speak truth to power* I guess they feel why should they talk with those whom they have been given the right to kill in cold blood*Gangs who once warred with each other are talking truce so that they can come together and defend their communities from police attack* Leaders who always spoke of marching and praying are now speaking of arming and defending* Even some non-white police officers who do not agree with what they see in their departments are giving valuable information to community leaders against their rouge officers*We want a police department who holds our lives and that of our children in the same high re-guard as they do their own lives and that of their children* And we as a community reserve the right to defend our lives from any one and that includes the police who feels they can come into our community and shoot first ask questions later * We want peace and justice the questions is do they* And again I offer my service to meet with the powers that be as one who is not afraid to speak truth to power* And before you make the claim that we just hate police I'll say we don't hate police we hate police abuse* And we will do what we must to end it*Written by David L Andrade OneVoiceNews New Bedford Mass 5/7/2008--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------_____________ ______________________________________________-------------- ----- David L Andrade and OneVoiceNews History page-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------------------------

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------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- This a 1970 say brother program about the Black revolt of New Bedford Mass. I was 20 years old at the time. Can you pick me out. Most of those you see on this video have passed away. I am one of the few still standing. Watch this video from 1970 and sad to say nothing has changed... ------------------------------------- B.C.C. speech By David L Andrade David L Andrade OneVoiceNews Video By Michael Santos of 13 by 3 mile productions --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Dr. Julia Hare tells it how it is... --------------------------------------------- Farrakhan The Movie
Add to My Profile | More Videos------------------------------------------ David L Andrade and OneVoiceNews History page----------------------------------------------- 13 by 3 mile problem. We must stop the violence!! ================================================== Somthing OneVoiceNews did back around 1994 .. ----------------------------------------- Why can't all our leader speak as boldly as this Leader BE WISE LIKE THE EAGLE ------------------------------------------------------------ --- The Gangs are starting to change "

..------------------------------------ Check out this video: WORLD PAIN (the video)

Add to My Profile | More Videos ------------------------------------------- Watch this video. It nails its. I think back to my days in school and my kids days in school and this video speaks to what was done to me and my kids. When one attacks the minds of your children in this manner it is nothing less than an act of war. Defend your children from this form of attack. ____________________________ ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ____________________________________

I'd like to meet:

Mikey Life at The Temple Bar performing "I Wanna Kill You"
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Check out Warren G:

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My Blog

The Police are the Hunters you are their Prey

Young people if stopped by the police remain silentI have warned you over and over * But still the police herd you all into jail and court in numbers never seen before* The police no matter what they ...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:17:00 PST

Self Hate is the worst hate of all

The Only way to beat you is to cheat youby: David L Andrade OneVoiceNewsYou must love others as you love yourself the bible says* But when your mind is full of self hate, what is the out come of lovin...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 05:40:00 PST

Gangstas rules to live by from your adopted Grandfather

All Gangsters and those who want to save them. The USA is attacking Gangs and building new jails to place them in. We need to use wisdom. If you hope to out smart them follow these rules. Please read ...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:38:00 PST

Can we prevent all out war with the police

Can we prevent all out war with the police Written by : David L Andrade OneVoiceNews 5/7/2008We all want a police department we can respect* But what we in the non-white community and low income white...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:05:00 PST

When they destroy Obama !! What will you do.

When they destroy Obama. What will you do ?By David L Andrade OneVoiceNewsWhen they destroy Obama. Either now or later. Either by out right murder or by character assassination. Either before the elec...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

They are planning your death while you dance

Preacher Wright said it, this brother in the video said it, wise like the eagle said it, I have said it. AIDS IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Wake up they are killing us off the planet and you still ...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:03:00 PST

Resist the devils and send them back to hell

Listen with care on what this guy says. I mean take the time to really listen. This guy has it right. If all people who face oppression apply the wisdom of his words the oppression of others would end...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:36:00 PST

They want us all dead

It's a set up. They want to murder us speech By David L Andrade Our young people are dieing on the streets. Killing each other fighting for crumbs. Our fake ass leaders watch ...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 06:21:00 PST

Are suicide bombers the next step in the Black struggle

Are suicide bombers the next step in the Black struggle ? We have as a people endure a living endless hell. Now they are creating a situation that pits the poor against the poor. At a time when milli...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:47:00 PST

Wisdom is an echo of lives once lived by David L Andrade

Wisdom is an echo of lives once lived Written by David L Andrade All great teachers strive leave a sense of responsibility within the hearts and minds of others. It seems that all great teachers do ju...
Posted by OneVoiceNews on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:54:00 PST