Hi, we are 5 very spoilt cats. Our mummy refers to cats as "Pooshies". Our names are Beanie (white with calico markings) and I am 6 years old (nearly 7) My Biological mother (see Poon Jabbi in friends list) turned up one day and gave birth to me and 5 others and when my Mummy saw me she wanted me because I was so cute, so I got kept. I have always been a little bit pyscho, I dont really like strangers that much especially when they touch me, it makes me get my claws out!,Munchie (Fluffy Ginger), and I am 6 years old, I got purchased from the RSPCA because Mummy and Daddy thought that Beanie needed a friend to play with, I kind of made Beanie a little less pyscho but she's still a bit on the weird side if you ask me, I dont think she likes me that much.
Pahchello (Grey with leopard markings) and I am 4 years old, I was born to a stray cat that lived down an alley way next to my Daddys work, I lived there with my biological mother until one day she deserted me one Friday afternoon, so Daddy bought me home to look after me for the weekend and try and find me a home, but Mummy didn't want to give me away after the weekend so I stayed - that was about three years ago now!Binx (Turtoishell) and I am 2 years old, I turned up about a year and half ago at Mummy and Daddys house along with four of my very own little kittens. Me and my kittens were very scared of anyone but Mummy started leaving food out for us and gradually tamed the five of us up, but then my kittens had to go (considering there were 9 cats living at Mummy and Daddys house at that time!) It was quite sad, Mummy was very upset because she had been looking after us all and feeding us everyday for around 3 months so she was sad, but I was kind of happy (don't tell anyone that) but they were kind of getting on my nerves. But they all got new homes, Mummy took them to a place called Best Friends Rescue where they were placed on the internet and found loving new homes. They wern't able to take me though because I was an adult cat and adult cats arn't as popular so Mummy said I had to stay!
and Buggy (Fluffy Grey, I am possibly a neighbors cat but I've been hanging around for about 2 years now dropping by whenever I get a bit hungry, so I kinda fit in here) Age is unknown??.These are our parents and they are currently building us a cattery so that we can go outside un-supervised (mummy worries too much about us otherwise). Our Mum even regularly donates to the RSPCA coz she loves animals so much!!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Cute standing kitty