denielles_rose profile picture


Exist on love and beauty... Insatiable desire.

About Me

I am learning... about myself... the universe... One step at a time (sometimes a lot of steps at a time)... things are changing. I want a garden. I like to peel potatoes. I like to paint, but don't do it as often as I would like... or maybe if I would like to do it more I would. Hmmm... Can you feel my breath in the air? Sometimes I think I can feel yours. I wondered a few weeks ago... if everyone in the world shut up for one minute... would the wind die down? Simplicity is my new goal. Something beautiful has grown inside of me. Just wait... Everything is changing...
Denielle S. Rose
Multi-bodied ho's aren't messin' with the flows.
So back up your mind and listen to the rose.
(Moses Atwood to Meghan Yates - 2006)
"He... is amazed when he sees any one having a godlike face or form, which is the expression or imitation of divine beauty; and at first a shudder runs through him, and some "misgiving" of a former world steals over him; then looking upon the face of his beloved as of a god he reverences him, and if he were not afraid of being thought a downright madman, he would sacrifice to his beloved as to the image of a god; then as he gazes on him there is a sort of reaction, and the shudder natually passes into an unusual heat and perspiration; for, as he receives the effluence of beauty through the eyes, the wing moistens and he warms. And as he warms, the parts out of which the wing grew, and which had been hitherto closed and rigid, and had prevented the wing from shooting forth are melted, and as nourishment streams upon him, the lower end of the wing begins to swell and grow from the root upwards, extending under the whole soul--for once the whole was winged. Now during this process the whole soul is in a state of effervescence and irritation, like the state of irritation and pain in the gums at the time of cutting teeth; in like manner the soul when beginning to grow wings has inflammation and pains and ticklings, and when looking at the beauty of youth she receives the sensile warm traction of particles which flow towards her, therefore called attraction, and is refreshed and warmed by them, and then she ceases from her pain with joy. But when she is separated and her moisture fails, then the orifices of the passages out of which the wing shoots dry up and close, and intercept the germ of the wing; which, being shut up within in company with desire, throbbing as with the pulsations of an artery, pricks the aperture which is nearest, until at length the entire soul is pierced and maddened and pained, and at the recollection of beauty is again delighted. And from both of them together the soul is oppressed at the strangeness of her condition, and is in a great strait and excitement, and in her madness can neither sleep at night nor abide in her place by day. And wherever she thinks that she will behold the beautiful one, thither in her desire she runs. And when she has seen him, and drunk rivers of desire, her constraint is loosened, and she is refreshed, and has no more pangs and pains; and this is the sweetest of all pleasures at the time, and is the reason why the soul of the lover never forsakes his beautiful one, whom he esteems above all; he has forgotten his mother and brethren and companions, and he thinks nothing of the neglect and loss of his property; and as to the rules and proprieties of life, on which he formerly prided himself, he now despises them, and is ready to sleep and serve, wherever he is allowed, as near as he can to his beautiful one who is not only the object of his worship, but the only physician who can heal him in his extreme agony. And this state, my dear imaginary youth, is by men called love..." (Excerpt from Plato's Phaedrus)

My Interests

Art, Music, Poetry, Painting. The universe... the god in me and me in god. I want to try new things, and learn as much as I can. This year I must learn Russian! I want to travel everywhere. The time has come for me.

You can read my poetry in my blog section. My artwork is displayed in the background. My photography and some design work, can be found in the more pics section. Click on the links in the music section to learn more... so, explore... check it out!


Lots of it! Indy had been my main interest...but, Progressive and Avante Garde are my music roots. Recently, my interests have shifted to Noise, Experimental, Electronic, IDM, Indy Hip-Hop, and more. It's hard to generalize what I listen to. Whatever I like...

A few off of the top of my head: Sigur Ros , Ugly Casanova , Alien Journalism , M83 , Emotional Joystick , dufus , Caribou , DJ Shadow , Bright Eyes , Architecture in Helsinki , Mount Eerie."The Microphones" , Joanna Newsom , CocoRosie , Daniel Johnston , Lisa Germano , Nico , The Mountain Goats , The Arcade Fire , 0=0 , Cursive , The Good Life , Prefuse 73 , Kid 606 , Neutral Milk Hotel , Xui Xui , Blackalicious , Aphex Twin , Boards of Canada , Wu-Tang (Think Differently) , The Books ... and finding lots more!


I help make them!I love a lot of movies...but, haven't been watching any lately. Some examples: Basquiat, My Life as a Dog, Frida, Punch Drunk Love, The Hours, The Big Kahuna, Julien Donkey-Boy, The Fog of War, documentaries of all sorts, Eraserhead... I can't think right now...


I don't watch TV...I'll lose my mind!


Catcher in the Rye ...anything by J.D. Salinger - Look Homeward, Angel - You Can't Go Home Again ...Thomas Wolfe is amazing - Symposium - Phaedrus by Plato...absolutely stunning works where Socrates speaks the words of my soul - Atlas Shrugged - Fountainhead ...Ayn Rand, (the controversial love of mine...but, I can't help it) - Zodiac by Neal Stephenson- I am the Cheese - The Bumblebee Flies Anyway my childhood love, Robert Cormier. I love Ginsberg, Whitman and Burroughs.

My Blog


1 2 3 4 5 6 - End words of lines in first sestet. 6 1 5 2 43 - End words of lines in second sestet. 3 6 4 1 2 5 - End words of lines in third sestet.5 3 2 6 1 4 - End...
Posted by denielles_rose on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:49:00 PST

His story...

Head unburied in books,I preferto touch the magic seams of life.Never, have I read a book tellingricher storiesthan those foundin your eyes.Touch fleshor touch a page...touch a tree and tell methe tim...
Posted by denielles_rose on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 06:30:00 PST

It comes together...

I think so. I drove to location this morning.Cool.Brass and steel.How are you?Can't find my velkro strips.I have only one short one. Can youcheck in pelican case?Not there.No.Ok.Shit.So when they can ...
Posted by denielles_rose on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST

Lotta little lines...

Show is in the evening.What this time?Put it on fire.How are you?On my way.People hour and half latenobody is here it's weird.I'm sitting in garage watching rain.:-)FuckMETell me about it.B-)I know.I ...
Posted by denielles_rose on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:22:00 PST

Times are a changin...

Here is the point in my life where I realize I have only one true friend. Yes, there is a friend or two who will think of me a time or two a year... and friends I will think of likewise... but, sudden...
Posted by denielles_rose on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

Good riddance...

Pastbehind meI'm ready to leave itthere.No need to look behindwhen the future is so bright.There is no friendmore sacred than this path.No more longing for what is long gone.I've made up my mind.What ...
Posted by denielles_rose on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:26:00 PST

This away thing is shit...

How will we find the waterthrough the waves?Where does one seethe calm in the storm?Now my tearsmeet my smileand I feel peacewithin anxietyand the big picturesI see are so beautifuland the little ones...
Posted by denielles_rose on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 06:49:00 PST

Dom Nakonyets...

Time stretched before my eyesas I walkthe linebetweenyou and mejoining handstoward our destiny.Blue eye'ssweet caressover linesand a deep sighbreath of comfortas I slip intothis momentof the futureand...
Posted by denielles_rose on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 06:07:00 PST

Strong distance...

Watching my futureunfurl in my handand the magicin my eye's glow...This is hardtimesand the best timefor nowI pass time'till my returnto you.To home.To the life that is waiting for mecalling for me.I ...
Posted by denielles_rose on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:35:00 PST

The Chinché Revolution...

Today is a tragic day in our fight against the chinché, (a.k.a: Bedbug). A few nights ago, our flesh suffered minor attacks and welts. We decided to remove the duct tape barrier from the floor boards ...
Posted by denielles_rose on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:05:00 PST