I love photgraphy without a doubt. Music is a requirement. And of course the ever so popular Traveling. So as opposed to being apart of the same writing class. I'll describe my interest and thing's I enjoy like this...Great French Toast...wit Egg's n Cheese, Great View's, Stimulating conversation, A funny efin movie, Oh and the one's that make you say Get the ef outta here at the end. Floating on the highway bouncing to your favorite tune's. That smile you get when anyone you really know's see's you...cause you know it's real. The sound of the NYC in the summer, A real M.C not a Wrapper...wrappers are disposable. A hard beat, a song so real it makes you catch goose bumps when you hear it cause you can really relate and the beat is just sickening. A great photo or even better a great photo opportunity. Heart's of gold, a great deal. A Good story a great joke. Exotic tree's. Electronic shit, a good game of NBA live. A good party , A hot track on set video folk's know what I mean. Peace and quiet, A fat check, A cold sunkist ( I know I need to quit that shit too. ). A good day.!!
10 Year's of film I've met alot of folk's. Seen alot blow up and I've seen alot fall. But I'm not really a fan type of dude. But I do respect good people.....genuinely good people. I've been on other sites and to me all were a waste of time. I've actually met a few of my Myspace friends in person and they were good people. As I stated above in my About Me I believe "Life's too Short to be Petty". If you have a dream go for it. Not all of us really know what we want to do until it happens to us. Alot of people just want to be apart of the crowd, some people are passionate. I'm more interested in the passionate type's cause it happened to them. They did something directly related to what their doing or want to do and they loved it. That's why their here, that' s why I'm here. A FEW SHOT'S OF MOMENT'S I'VE SEEN IN MY FILM CAREER. ENJOY.
Hip Hop all day. Not really a happy rap fan some of you know what I mean. R & B of course, Reggae, Calypso, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Alternative on occassion's. But honestly as long as it sound's good. Even though everyone's got their own perception. So let's just say I listen to a fare amount of music on any given day. Oh but I am an M.O.P fan. Why them one of the few groups or folk's I've had the pleasure of working with that were always exactly who they were. Whether 6 month's or 6 years later.
To many to name. Movies like music just keep's me smiling. What did you expect I work in the Film industry.
Your typical HBO Sunday night line up is probably the most consistant thing I watch. Then Video's gotta keep up with what's going on out there. Other than that movies, Discovery Channel, Weather Channel, and what ever else catches my eye as I click thru everylast one hundred and change looking for that one good show.
Just finished a book titled " Our Kind of People ". I also enjoyed another entitled " There's a God on the Mic " and " Screen Play" by Sid Field.
God, My Mom, My Pop, My Uncle's and Aunt's, Cousins, Neice's and Nephew's my Son, My lil lady and Me.Anyone pushing along to succeed at this thing called life. Oh and Stewie Griffin