WOLF profile picture


I think life begins at 30

About Me

Male ...31 years old. I am married to a beautiful woman that makes me think and take stock in myself and what I am doing. I work to live. I DO NOT live to work. I play the guitar ...for myself and for others. I enjoy living simply and taking the best things out of life rather than just taking what is easiest to reach. I have the good fortune to have good friends and live in a good place. It is good to be me. ..

My Interests

Music, drinking, board games, falconry, minor home repair.

I'd like to meet:

My Grandfather. Intelligent people that aren't caught up in the rat race.


Too vast to list....I am lazy so use your imagination


See: music


Almost none anymore. I have a tendency toward TV dependency, so I have gone cold turkey.


I graduated from college for God's sake......and I still have to prove I am literate. Wait...that's a cop out....I really don't read much.....do magazines count?


I have never really had any legitmate heroes. People are people right? If I had to pick one it would be my father for teaching me about life, morality, mortality, and faith in yourself above all else.

My Blog


blah blah blog............ My first attempt at blogging. What a self-important concept! As if people all over the world dont have enough of their own insignificant shit going on, I have now simultaneo...
Posted by WOLF on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:28:00 PST