Imagined, Produced and Created by Mia Femme.
Femme is a blend of music, performance, photography, sound drama and design that shows the life of some enigmatic characters in a place called Auditoria, a place that studies the disorders of the mind based on bioethical paradigms.
Dramatis personae:
Mia Femme: autist (asperger sydrome) in virtue, romantic, mental epicenism, fashion victim.
Nicola Glamina: antiromantic and glamour.
Amanda Dialisis: test tube innocence, away from society but with a mental develpoment much more advanced for his age, he conserves his childish spirit, victim of music boxes and glass cabinets.
Juliet Vervein: parallel killer, addict to stripes and toys.
Madison White: impulsive perfectionist, atelo fobic and obssesed with order and tidiness.
Femme live is:
Mia Femme: voices, synthesizers and keytar.
Madison White: electric guitar and midi guitar.
Amanda Dialisis: electronic drums.
Juliet vervein: hardware and software synthesizers, audio manipulation.
Nicola Glamina: synthesizers and sound textures.
All audio material created and recorded at Amniotica.
Graphic Design: Carolina Garcia and Cesar Bogoya
Live Sound Engineer: Omar Rodriguez
Short Videos chapter 1: Carlos Ramirez
Fashion Design: Natalia Uribe
Makeup Artist for Mia: Katherine Castillo
Photography: Ricardo Guzman, Luis Otero, Andrea Chiappe, Paloma Lizarralde.
Digital Photo Manipulation: Flow
Website Html Code: Juan Camilo Noreña
Executive Producer and Representation: Patrick Sternberg, Ruben Mendoza.
[email protected][email protected]
....tienes tan poco de heroina para mi adiccion....
(Mia Femme)
....I want to kiss your terror lips, I want to lick your lonely thighs, I want to bite the bone of your hips, I want a glimpse into your eyes......(Lip Sync - Femme)
....alone tonight, beautiful bits of time, my body should be the crime of your intentions......(Breathing Underwater - Femme)
....perseguire tus pasos, dejare atras lo que fui yo, quizas soy un fracaso, pero es falso que sea un traidor.....(Monogamia - Femme) me pudiste saborear, no me quisiste cuidar, mas anfetaminas finas, mucha vanidad perdida....(Perfume - Femme)
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