Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
****My best friend, the movies, family, books, guys, some parties, academics, food, buying a new pair of panties wherever i go, CLOTHES, money, mula, dinero GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIEYOu can't see it comin down my eyes so i gotta make this pic cRy..
okay this pic is just too cute :p
This Page Has Officially B33N PimpeD By The Princess HerSelf!
a mixture of laid back, hyper , preppy , ghetto , angry as hell , dumb as hell , smart , sexy , wanna be thug , wanna be stripper , conservative , liberal , corny , girls and guys
my beautiful friend Marquetta(not gay)
A picture of me and my beautiful siblings ( Brandon(top), Andrew(left), Marlon(right), Lauryn(right), and of course The Beautiful Me CENTER
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THE COLOR PURPLE, Eve's Bayou, Antwone Fisher, Crooklyn, Comming to America, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, 8mile, John Q., White Chicks etc...
The Bluest Eye, Sula, SONG OF SOLOMON, all zane books
MI MADRE Y PADRE Y La Princesa Malinda!