ApesOnDaLoose{Self-ProfessedPROFOUND} profile picture


Even my Superficial rhymes are SUPER OFFICIAL

About Me

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***It's bricked up in my head, it's shoved under my bed and I question myself again: 'what is it 'bout men?' My destructive side has grown a mile wide and I question myself again: 'what is it 'bout men? What is it 'bout men?' ***Cupid, draw back your bow****i am one big contradiction. i'm poised and proper yet loud and ghetto. i like to think rationally but love to make irrational decesions. i'm in love one day and i hate him( whoever he is that month lol) the next day. i'm just so confused and @ the same time i'm very sure. i'm sure that i want success , i'm unsure of the means in which i will attain it. here's what i have so far: i attend california state university long Beach. i love to learn i've always been nerdy deep down like that. i'm currently majoring in hospital administation which is basically dealing with the business aspects of hospitals and running them. that is a SAFE career goal. i can think of other things that would be more interesting lol. i'm also minoring in Spanish. enuff about that --now to the GOOD stuff. i'm loud. i'm crazy. i'll never cease to amaze you...lol i'm fun. to experience me is a true privelage. i have no boyfriend. alot of men are wierd and inconsistent. i want a successful, attractive, smart one ( with a nice car preferably lol) i dont like ppl who bullshit but ironically, at times , i can bullshit cuz i dont know what i want which brings me bacc to y i dont like bullshitters-- they're unsure about me. i want a man who KNOWS he wants me and shows it... i love life and i am grateful for every breath i take. get on my level. fucc wit my world. i love this chic "although i've been here before, he's just too hard to ignore...masculine you spin a spell- i think he'd wear me well...so where's my moral parallel?"

My Interests

****My best friend, the movies, family, books, guys, some parties, academics, food, buying a new pair of panties wherever i go, CLOTHES, money, mula, dinero GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIEYOu can't see it comin down my eyes so i gotta make this pic cRy..

okay this pic is just too cute :p This Page Has Officially B33N PimpeD By The Princess HerSelf! hOTT SHIT U LOVIN IT GOT DAMMIT!

I'd like to meet:

a mixture of laid back, hyper , preppy , ghetto , angry as hell , dumb as hell , smart , sexy , wanna be thug , wanna be stripper , conservative , liberal , corny , girls and guys


my beautiful friend Marquetta(not gay) A picture of me and my beautiful siblings ( Brandon(top), Andrew(left), Marlon(right), Lauryn(right), and of course The Beautiful Me CENTER
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THE COLOR PURPLE, Eve's Bayou, Antwone Fisher, Crooklyn, Comming to America, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, 8mile, John Q., White Chicks etc...



The Bluest Eye, Sula, SONG OF SOLOMON, all zane books


MI MADRE Y PADRE Y La Princesa Malinda!