ADSR is a group with Jorge Landeira & Marcel Castro components studio musicians electronic music.We started about in 1990, influenced by artists as Jean Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Software, Vangelis, Kraftwerk...and the soundtrack films.In the beggining whe were specially involved in the investigation on new sounds on analog sinthesizers, making versions of well know electronic songs; but in 1995 we started making our own music.A.D.S.R es un duo formado por Jorge Landeira & Marcel Castro, componentes como musicos de estudio de musica electronica. Nuestros inicios datan del año 1990, influenciados por gente como Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Software, Vangelis, Kraftwerk...y bandas sonoras de peliculas. Al principio nos dedicabamos a la investigacion de sonidos con sintetizadores analogicos y haciamos versiones de temas electronicos conocidos, hasta que en el año 1995 decidimos componer nuestra propia musica.Used equipment analog and digital synthesizers: elka synthex, roland jd-800, ppg wave 2.2, moog sonic six , moog prodigy, yamaha dx-7, tx81z and cs-80, oberheim matrix 6R + matrix 1000 + dpx-1 + obxa, sequential circuits prophet 5 rev.3.2 + prophet 2002 plus, roland sh-101 with synchronizer roland cr-78 compurhytm, roland jv-1080 + jv-880 (with vintage expander), korg dss-1 + ds-8, korg ms-20 with analog sequencer sq-10, korg polysix, roland d-550 with pg-1000 digital programmer, casio vz10m, akai ax-80, kawai k1r + sx210, vocoder roland vp-330 plus, E.H small stone, and more
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