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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

About Me

"The division in our lives is the structure of thought, which is the action of the observer who thinks himself separate. He further thinks of himself as the thinker, as something different from his thought. But there can be no thought without the thinker and no thinker without the thought. So the two are really one. He is also the experiencer and, again, he separates himself from the thing he experiences. The observer, the thinker, the experiencer, are not different from the observed, the thought, the experienced. This is not a verbal conclusion. If it is a conclusion then it is another thought which again makes the division between the conclusion and the action which is supposed to follow that conclusion. When the mind sees the reality of this, the division can no longer exist. This is the whole point of what we are saying. All conflict is this battle between the observer and the observed. This is the greatest thing to understand."… Jiddu Krishnamurti
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My Interests

CURRENT MOON moon phase infocutting through these modern dark ages, cooking, gardening, lanscaping, camping, consulting with people i love about world events, sharing life experience and information, being a bur under the saddle of the establishment, not being afraid to educate myself, reading, singing by myself, throwing weights around, growth.

I'd like to meet:

Those who have grown weary from living the dreary, materialist, empty life. Those who care to begin shaping a reality that is based upon love and prosperity for all mankind, not following the local sycophantic lapdog who serves those who own the world's capital by delivering new babes for the machine. Those who have grown weary of the various worldly institutions and their propaganda. Those who know there is more to knowledge than receiving a nod from an authority who wants you to be a useful worker, not a well-developed human being capable of critical thought. Those who still have imagination and taste. Those who have grown weary of "pop" culture and may be waking up to the fact that it is social engineering designed to fragment the mind and create chaos. I could go on all day, but that's a start :-)


Ulrich Schnauss, Binary Star, Silicon Soul, Timewriter, Mos Def, Talib Qweli, Radiohead, Black Angels, Calibre, Jon Kennedy, People Under the Stairs, Vibrasphere, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Gaudi, Bexarametric, Abakus, Ian Pooley, Proem, L'usine ICL, Arovane, Amon Tobin, old Squarepusher (before he started producing noise for his most clueless fans), the same with Aphex Twin, Mingus, Coltrane, Muddy Waters, Parker, Davis, Aes Dana, Bonobo, Boys Life, Cafu, Crazy Penis, Ben Neill, Tuatara, Shadow, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding, Nightmares On Wax, Nuspirit Helsinki, Ralp Myerz and the Jack Herren Band, Schneider TM, The Village Orchestra..........


Baraka, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Amelie, Brazil, 1984, Time Bandits, Talk To Her, Checkpoint, V for Vendetta, Trainspotting, The Shining, and many more.


Very little. Why do you think they call it "programming"?


Ender's Game, Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Greater Nowheres, The Book of Lies, Everything You Know Is Wrong, Holy Blood-Holy Grail, The Reality Dysfunction Series, Works on or by Hermetic and Perennialist Teachers (Plato, The Sufi Masters, The Nag Hammadi Library, Shakespeare, Holy Texts, etc.), Secret Teachings of All Ages, Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?, Cities of the Red Night, A Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and many, many more.


travis, kevin, angie, taylor, sarah, chris, joellee, reagan, burt, dave, star, triston, isabel, marcus, corey, charles, arthur c. clarke, malcolm x, adam, leah, ben, alana, my mom, my sister wendy, my nephews adrian and andrew, my niece amanda, my cat lambert who recently took his "long walk" (may the Creator bless his spirit), my current cat mattie (a living dust-bunny with markings like a moth), bjork, mos def, talib kweli, plants and animals, and anyone who loves life and is amazing.

My Blog


Posted by proteus on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:14:00 PST

Why one might want to avoid vaccines...

I have no idea why the interviewers found these admissions to be worthy of laughter. This is an admission that every vaccine created by Merck was contaminated by at least 40 chimp viruses. These virus...
Posted by proteus on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 05:46:00 PST

Blackwater and the politics of fear...

Blackwater in New Orleans: Blackwater: Shadow Army: It is truly unfortunate that we live in a System that is so devoid of meaning that we offer ourselves symbolically up to the rich ...
Posted by proteus on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:14:00 PST


this man was far from a saint. his family had ties to organized crime and some pretty nasty business practices, yet he was murdered because he chose to speak openly about issues that were pertinent to...
Posted by proteus on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:24:00 PST

Meditation Cannot Be Taught...

Posted by proteus on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 07:36:00 PST

Victor Wooten frying synapses...

Posted by proteus on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:18:00 PST

Carl G. Jung: The Wisdom of the Dream

Posted by proteus on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:48:00 PST

Trinity and Beyond...

I approach these images more from a symbolic perspective now than I used to, mainly because I have no interest in forcing another to conform to my will through overlaying my perceptions onto them... i...
Posted by proteus on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:23:00 PST

the coming super-state...

For years I have been reading about the CFR's plans on consolidating the North American sovereignties into one easier-to-manage Atlantean dream. Now it is apparently happening. While many in the "trut...
Posted by proteus on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 07:39:00 PST

The magic of 'awa...

'Awa is a Hawaiian drink made from powdered Kava Kava. I have been experimenting with recipes utilizing this potent entheogen for the past few weeks since receiving my order from Kona Kava Farm. In or...
Posted by proteus on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:26:00 PST