ÛžmuseXfuryÛž profile picture


Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

About Me

Chi .....
The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. Etymology: Chinese (Mandarin) qì, air, spirit, energy of lifeThe vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be inherent in all things. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine.
C omputer H uman I nterface
Means "tree branch" in Vietnamese

My Interests

Ethnic foods
Nude Beaches

The last remaining piece of her shattered heart darts out of her body and releases tiny shards of light.

I'd like to meet:

people who are honest,open-minded,non-judgemental,daring,free-spirited,cult ured,someone thats not afraid to voice their opinion for the right cause.I'm not on myspace for dating...just merely to find friends with a common interest...someone to inspire me...to entertain me intellectually.Then who knows, I may find that special someone who has captured my mind,heart,&soul.

I turn the head of every man
I capture any heart
My role is but to tempt and tease
And with skill I play my part
I feel your eyes upon me
I hear the words unsaid
I know you long to come with me
Where angels fear to tread
You long to wind your fingers
In the tresses of my hair
You yearn to kiss my ruby lips
Feel the smoothness of my skin
To hold me tightly in your arms
And breathe my fragrance in
You wonder if you've been bewitched
If your the victim of my spell
I'm in your every waking thought
I'm in your dreams as well
When you rock my hips with yours
And hear my sighs and cries
You feel a state of ecstacy
And wonder if you've died
But you forget I am the temptress
Our love was never meant to last
I was your femme fatale you see
And now our time has past
And so you try to clip my wings
Your love began to smother
I tell you so and let you go
And now I want another...until I find my equal.

i want to read your body like neruda poem written in braille, my fingers searching the pages of your skin, gently brushing away the hair that falls like a silken bookmark across your face. i will work my way down the page, hands trembling with excitement, anticipating which words will follow. fingers will linger in some areas, reread, so that on lonely nights like this one I will be able to recite the subtle nuances of your neck or the mystery surrounding your navel. I would try to interpret the verse for others, but there is no translation for your lungs breathing into the palm of my hand, or your heart, beating its ancient tribal rhythms in correspondence with mine.

"For in spite of language, in spite of intelligence and intuition and sympathy, one can never really communicate anything to anybody. The essential substance of every thought and feeling remains incommunicable, locked up in the impenetrable strong-room of the individual soul and body. Our life is a sentence of perpetual solitary confinement."
~Aldous Huxley~


What could love be?...
But a double edged sword ...
That cuts both ways.
So twisted and tangled in a bed of thorns...
When planted with a seed of deception.
Blinded by doubt and insecurities...
Unblinded thru faith...
For it is being able to trust in yourself...
That you can put trust in others.
It is like two intertwined souls made one...
Both reaching out to find their destiny.
That comfortable silence...
No need for words
The union of two like minds....
A perfected understanding.
Or could it be a drop of fresh morning dew?.....
Waiting to be scorched by the midday sun.
Love withstands the tests of time...
Ageless in it's wisdom...
Made new with every breath.
Bittersweet with memories
Like the labor pains of birth...
As it grows and flourishes.
For love is the common denominator...
Which spans all races...
Love does not discriminate.
Love overcomes lifes obstacles...
Truths tested thru fire.
What could love be?...
But forgiveness...
That comes from the heart...
Even though the minds unwilling to forget.
For love is not words to be spoken with a loose tongue
But the universal language that can be expressed...
Without making a sound.
It is to have patience...
For love has no rules...
Only the chance for changing...
Love evolved.
Love has no measure...
It is infinite...
Without boundries
No beginning nor end.
Love is a river of tears...
That flows to the deepest of oceans
Never knowing its' depth.
Most of all ...
Love is...
Letting go...
In hopes it will return
For love always comes full circle!
~Chi Paik~ 2004


Horror films
Action and Adventure,


No thanks


Foreign Dictionaries


People that Know how to Continually Love...In Spite of the Obstacles that may Arise.

My Blog

Aquarius Sexstrology

Is it possible to be the macrocosm in the middle of the microcosm?  It'd be like looking for the storm in the eye, instead of the eye in the storm.  If this is possible, our best example is ...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 01:17:00 PST

Autumns Birthday

Happy birthday October 17,1994 Your date of conception was on or about 24 January 1994 which was a Monday. You were born on a Mondayunder the astrological sign Libra.Your Life path number is 5.Your...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:31:00 PST

Happy Birthday Autumn Rayne

A daughter like you is so precious to me No on can count on the future or know what they someday might do But if I could have chosen a daughter,my heart would have reached out to you I'd have wished f...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 05:52:00 PST

The Astrology of Kink:::The Aquarian Experience

Leather and lace, fringe and fetish ... in this series, we'll take a peek at the kinkier side of the zodiac. Each sign has its own distinct sexual flavor; by combining the various tastes you find in t...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 05:48:00 PST


People believe that it is created by the meeting of two eyes,That it is like a magic force that carries two people across the room,That its' as simple as that.But it isn't,That isn't it,That will not ...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 07:31:00 PST

Autumn Love

Today I stand here naked before Mother Earth free to be who I am no need for shields or artifice, vulnerable to her loving touchdrawn into a primal dance to celebrate the coming Autumn twirling and sw...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 07:11:00 PST


Breathe inand take me into youlet me fill youtickle your soultouch your body dance with your mindto the melody of tender love and silky wantingsthe notes are written with each heartbeatand as music fl...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 09:40:00 PST

My Mother / My Gaurdian Angel

Some would say she's kind and gentleSome would say she's smart and wiseI say she's the one to fly me to the tip of heaven keeping me from harm.She'd place me on a soft white cloud and leave me but I k...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 10:14:00 PST

To my daughter Autumn

..TR> Boys and drivingGoing out on a dateTo be legal ageYou hardly can waitKnowing what's bestYou may think you doBut know this my daughterI will always love youAnother year olderAnd farther awayFro...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 04:59:00 PST

For the Ladies

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.  Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you ...
Posted by ÞmuseXfuryÞ on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:09:00 PST