LOOPING combines jew (or jaw) harps, steel pans, marimba, percussion and other music instruments to new sounds. You can call it "jew harp punk", but there are also songs, that contain elements of hard and soft rock, (austrian) folk, world music and even jazz. LOOPING is an one-man-no-budget-project by Ing. LOOP (pronounce: Engineer LOOP). That's why LOOPING does not play live concerts.
CD out now!
If you want to hear more, get the new CD "LOOPING - Gitarren, nein danke!" at www.danmoi.de or www.webstage.at.
Album-Download at www.manymusics.org (direct link: http://www.manymusics.org/album.asp?d=1000&id=A-004196).
Background information
Ing. LOOP was born in 2007 as alter ego of Robert Koch, who earns his money as freelance journalist. He is a semi-autodidact musician. As kindergarden and school kid he learned some basics with recorder and accordion. And he got a jew harp as gift from a bank at "Weltspartag". With 18 he tormented his friends while practicing drums. From 1984 to 1990 and from 1995 to 2004 he drummed for different amateur bands in Vienna. In 1997 he came in contact with steel pans and fell in love with this music instrument.
In 2007 Ing. LOOP registered his label "LOOPING no budget productions" and released the CD "Gitarren, nein danke!". It contains nine songs with Viennese dialect lyrics and three instrumental pieces. If you speak German, you will have fun with some of the songs. "Gitarren, nein danke!" means "Guitars, no thanks!" and is a kind of protest song against the mainstream music business and a side blow against nationalistic politics.
More information (in german language), press foto-download and lyrics: http://members.chello.at/looping/
Contact: [email protected].
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