well, comedy i guess. nice folk. acts of kindness. staying up late. laughterinoddplaces. kicking leaves. demonstrations of effort far exceeding expectations or what's actually required. puns (particularly bad ones) peppermint, red bush, lemon sherbet and camomile tea. cardigans. laughing. exuberance. baths at lunchtime. fish and chips. buses not trains. being treated as a regular in takeaway places. going for long walks around bits of london ive not been to before. and hopefully getting lost. and better still, finding my way home. going to the cinema in the morning. making up recipes. listening to comedy bootlegs. soya milk (its so good!) awkwardness. playing computer games when im reaallly bored. whistling to badly drawn boy at the bus stop. making up really awful jokes. long, meaningful conversations about nothing in particular.
i would not like two meat. im vegetarian. bang!
final fantasy. ben folds. the national. tv on the radio. beirut. jeffrey lewis. malcolm middleton. the lucksmiths. casiotoneforthepainfullyalone. gavin osborn. fionn regan. ferraby lionheart. modern giant. regina spektor. sufjan stevens. the divine comedy. the viking moses. art brut. yo la tengo. joanna newsom. aaron martin. american analogue set. arab strap. the bobby mcgees. belle and sebastian. ivor cutler. kings of convenience. badly drawn boy. herman dune. kate nash. brendan benson. daniel johnston. devendra banhart.
about a boy. buffalo 66. this boy's life. spinal tap.
the young ones. the apprentice. fifteen storeys high. the thick of it. monkey dust. jaaaam. look around you. the day today. nathan barley.
alan bennett's talking heads.
jeffrey lewis. ben folds.