I like to cook shit, cut shit up..make the shit look good and then putting shit on a platter for people to enjoy. And afterwards i like to have a beer, because it's my american right gaddamnit. I also eat shit. I actually eat shit alot. not too coordinated if you catch my drift.
dramatic chipmunk wise
annoying arty farty movies with subtitles that will never be shown in fly-over states... and comedies...and old movies...sometimes the occasional musical for when i'm feeling blue... and cary grant movies......old musical comedies with cary grant in 'em...in spanish..so theres subtitlesbecause i like that shit
barf burger-wise
dirty ones with big type...and laminated pages...geez! just kidding!!!. i'm a girl alright?? i can't ruin a book/magazine like that!!! that takes concentration and precision..and quite possibly a large water intake...three things i seriously lack...hand eye coordination too...i CAN walk and chew gum so you know.. there's hope.