Dave King - Art Gallery profile picture

Dave King - Art Gallery

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I'm just a guy living life as fully as I possibly can! There is a lot out there to experience, see, and do and I'm doing my best to go out and do it and any one who wants to come along for the ride is more then welcome. I am 100% MIT (Made In Taiwan), I have to expired warrenty to prove it. I've done a good bit of traveling... toured Europe, East Asia, and have gone cross country on my motorcycle. I love the ocean and anything that has to do with or on it. I like seeing and exploring new places and doing new things. There's more to life then just sitting in front of a TV or computer.

My Interests




*** Tattoo ***

Mountain Man tattoo.

*** Airbrush

*** Pencil ***

*** Charcoal ***

*** Photography ***



Motorcycles, shooting pool, hiking, swimming, boating, snorkeling, scuba diving, bodyboarding, surfing (though i haven't really tried it yet), martial arts, movies, cooking, photography,meeting people, people watching, video games, art, creating art, hanging out with friends

I'd like to meet:

People who like to go out and live life and occasionally relax at a coffee shop with good conversation, hang out and watch movies or DVD's, go out and find cool new places to visit, or shoot some pool.
***Flexigirl Video*** Flexible Girl
..*** Veyron V EuroFIghter ***


I wouldn't say I'm really into just one style of music. but i will say that Rap, Country, and Reggea generally don't do anything for me. i do enjoy the majority of Classic Rock, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno, and maybe some Easy Listening (especially when i'm working).


It's hard to really define my tastes in movies. I like what I like. Action, Drama, Comedy, Documentery... though Horrors and Thrillers don't really do anything for me (i usually leave the theatre feeling like i wasted my money).


My favorite Channels (when I do actually sit down to watch TV) are The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, some Spike TV, and some USA. If I'm going to sit down and really watch TV, then I want to either learn something, or be thoroughly entertained.


The Books that I've read most recently are The DaVinci Code and the entire Sword of Truth Series. I'm working on Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Atlus Shrugged. Like TV, if i'm going to sit down and read, I want to be either thoroughly entertained or I want to learn something.



My Blog

Think it’s time for a break...

Think it's time for me to go back to LA for a little while. I'm not sure if this is going to mean that I'm going to move my base of operations to Los Angeles or not, but I do know that I need to get a...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 05:28:00 PST


... grant me theSerenity to accept the thingsI cannot changeCourageto change thethings I canand theWisdomto know the difference.Living ONE DAY AT A TIME;Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardshi...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:02:00 PST

Who need caffiene when you can be ADHD?!?!?!

24 hours of no sleep and it doesn't look like relief is in sight. Just as well i guess... means i can get more stuff done. So let's see what delirium shall bring forth, shall we. So i lay tossing and ...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:08:00 PST

I’m just gonna open my own shop then dammit!!!

I've been so tired of the way so many tattoo shop owners are money grubbing fools. personally, i care more aboutt he art then i do about the money. i figure if i produce the best work i possibley can,...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 04:11:00 PST

Did my first tattoo on skin...

Did my first tattoo on skin on Jan 13. I'm diggin this whole ink in skin thing, good thing since i've decided to make tattooing my career (hey, something needed to pay for the Astin Vanquish... don't ...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 06:50:00 PST

So what the hell am I up to now???

        So I'm living up here in Salem, Oregon now and i think I'm likin it.Always knew i was a cooler weather person... Though, it's felt like LA again with temps up to ...
Posted by Dave King - Art Gallery on Tue, 23 May 2006 03:05:00 PST