activism, ad-busters, adidas, adobe photoshop, adult swim, afro-brazilian downtempo, akufen, androgyny, ani difranco, anias nin, aphex twin, aril brikha, armchair philosophy, bean pies, beastie boys, bi girls, biafra, billie holiday, bitches, black cats, black cherry kool-aid, bluegrass, body art, body modification, boots, bowling, boys, brooklyn, caffeine, candles, cheese, cincinnati, cirque du soleil, computers, cooking, corsets, cosmetology, cowboy bebop, crafts, creativity, desmond morris, drag kings, drag queens, drinking, drums, eating, ekoostik hookah, electronic music, emo, etymology, feminism, fiona apple, fonts, free will, fukbeatz, gay girls, geeks, ghosts, glitches, goth, graphic design, hair, halloween, herbs, hitachi magic wands, homosexuality, ikea, independent films, ireland, irvine welsh, jameson irish whiskey, kevin smith, kevin spacey, lauren hill, leather, lesbian avengers, ltj bukem, magick, martha stewart, massage, masturbation, mercy, music, nudity, old school hip hop, on our backs, organizing, painting, patsy cline, phish, pickled brothers sideshow, piercings, pine nuts, poetry, pomegranates, percussion, push-up bras, queer as folk, radiohead, rosalind russell, salsa, salvador dali, samurai jack, sarah jones, schwa, sewing, slam poetry, stars, steve madden, straight girls, sushi, tattoos, tenacious d, thai food, thrifting, tom robbins, thomas fehlmann, transsexuals, trip-hop, truth, vera wang, verbosity, vintage clothing, vinyl, virgin marys, virgos, west memphis three, white stripes, wine, words, your mom, zippos. (and yes, i cut and pasted this from my LJ cause i am lazy)
Anyone who knows what they want. I want to meet people with passion and who have made mistakes and have grown through them. Joyful, careful, spontaneous people. Artists, writers, musicians, seekers of truth and beauty.
And your mom. Heard she's HOT!!!
(&People who can identify my profile pic)
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anything that makes me:nostalgic, shake my ass, leap from my seat, sing along, frantically download, dance till i hurt or fall out laughing.
usual suspects, what the bleep do we know, shaun of the dead, dawn of the dead, crash, women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the life of david gale, midnight in the garden of good and evil, bring it on(yeah i know), ghost dog, the incredibly true adventure of two girls in love, auntie mame, the birdcage, reservoir dogs, goodfellas, a bronx tale, a bug's life, brazil, raising arizona a scanner darkly, bubba ho-tep, and about a billion others.
The Simpsons, Weeds, ATHF, battlestar galactica, family guy, gilmore girls, ER, law and order, star trek(old and new), cooking shows, home repair and remodeling shows and anything when insomnia hits.
so many.
my mom.