Cecily profile picture


What the freak is the address here? How the fuck should i know....# 1 happy street...

About Me

***PLEASE DO NOT FRIEND REQUEST ME UNLESS YOU KNOW ME...PERSONALLY!!!!!!!!! All my Myspace friends are people I know and love.....I am not here to meet anyone new.
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I am the Denver director of Avelon Entertainment, an entertainment company specializing in go-go dancing among other things. I'm also a dance instructor at Elite Dance Academy. I really don't have much to say about myself except that my life is dance. There is nothing I'd rather be doing..

My Interests

Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing............and

I'd like to meet:

I get along with all types of people. I'd like to meet fun and interesting people but boring people need love too!
Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com




Anything by Tom Robbins or Gabriel Garcia Marquez is great.


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My Blog


PARENTAL ADVISORY  CECILY CONTAINSEXPLICIT LYRICSUsername:http://www.go-quiz.com/warning-label/warning- label.php">Username: name="uname">From Go-Quiz.comhttp://www.go-quiz.com">Go-Quiz....
Posted by Cecily on Tue, 30 May 2006 01:42:00 PST