Marshall FUCKING Beck’s music profile picture

Marshall FUCKING Beck’s music

..One Bad Ass, Mother Fucker..

About Me

Check out this video: Rebirth live
This is Marshall Beck's music page. On this page you will find songs he has done with different recording artists and bands. If you wish to get in touch with Marshall message him on the Marshall "fucking" Beck profile. Thanks and enjoy!
-The dying mans number one regret is fear because fear causes regrets, therefore live your life fearing as little as possible.-
-Marshall Beck
-If you teach a hungry man how to fish so that he may eat and he still expects you to do it for him, then let him fucking starve.
-Marshall Beck
-One major thing I've learned while existing in this world is that if you allow your mind to give priority to your problems, your problems will consume you and destroy the things in your life that you cherish. Trust me, I've fucked this up enough myself.
-Marshall Beck
-I've often been tempted to feel judgmental, then I remind myself that feeling grateful is much more rewarding.
-Marshall Beck
-It is the job of the common pussy to hate those that have obtained success. The common man does this because he is to weak and cowardly to go out and obtain it himself.
-Marshall Beck
-You should only buy drinks for girls that you have already fucked.
-Marshall Beck
-Those that have been through the depths of hell and come back sane, have the greatest stories of selves and societies strengths and weaknesses to tell the open minded people of the world, who have not or chosen not to suffer in the same manner. The suffering often hold the knowledge of how to improve upon society and other people's inner strengths as well as how to conquer personal weaknesses.-
-Marshall Beck
-Girls pants and girls makeup do not belong in metal, unless they are being worn by a girl.-
-Marshall Beck
-The hardest thing to face in this world is the truth of being the person inside you that will bring you the most satisfaction, aside from who everyone else tells you who you should be. Once a person has faced and conquered the personal daemons in their past, as well as their fears they become untouchable to the common weakling. It is for this reason a person should not be afraid to spend time alone, for it is in this time that the majority of the battle with the self takes place.
-Marshall Beck
-Nothing in this fucking world is given away free, if you want something great or worthwhile you must go and fucking get it, bottom line.
-Marshall Beck
-The world remembers and shows appreciation for it's "shepards" not it's "sheep". It's "shepards" lead and contribute to the expansion of mankind unlike those that do exactly what they are told all of the time, causing only relaying of old ideals as well as a lack of progress and development.
-Marshall Beck
-A weak man will mock what the majority do not understand because it gives him a sense of belonging and acceptance to his fellow man. A strong man will debate the minority topic within his own mind and draw his own conclusion with little care for the mass opinion.-
-Marshall Beck
-If you want to be a pussy drink cheerleader piss (light beers). Real men drink the dark and flavorful stuff. Ales, brews, and the hard shit are all acceptable in my opinion, which is the right opinion.
-Marshall Beck
-Smoke bloody vagina for Satan! GRAHAHAAA!!-
-Marshall Beck
Marshall "fucking" Beck and his bands are sponsored by or endorsed by the following companies. If you are a company and you wish for him or his bands to endorse or sponsor you as well, get in contact through this profile and he will accept your endorsement if you are worthy. Thanks.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/25/2005
Band Website: this is it.. for now...
Band Members: Marshall Beck with other musical artists like:

Marshall Beck has appeared with and or recorded with members or former members of: Vehemence, Dying Fetus, Abigail Williams, Motograter, Society1, The Alien Blakk, to name a few...

Influences: All Types of Metal and Hard Rock... as well as Beer, Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Ales, and excessive amounts of Jager.....

Marshall has appeared on the following albums:

The Soon To Be Released!!

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Sounds Like: Marshall Beck's Music
Record Label: Synister Empire Records
Type of Label: Indie