Sgt. Pepper profile picture

Sgt. Pepper


About Me

Protector of Pepperland, a cheerful music-loving paradise located "80,000 leagues under the sea". I am a musician and bandleader, the power of my band has inspired a big YES to sprout near our bandstand, not to mention a towering LOVE and all sorts of bright and cheerful decorations.

Pepperland fell under a surprise attack by the music-hating Blue Meanies who sealed my Band inside a music-proof bubble, then turned the Pepperlanders into statues and drained the country itself of colour.

In the end we defeated this terrible threat by joining together in one huge cosmic mind orgasm. There was a great musical revolution, and for a while, we took on da' man baby!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Billy Shears, Lord Mayor, Young Fred, Mr. Kite, Rita, Lucy in the Sky, Musical Revolutionaries

Our Mission- Defeat the Blue Meanies:

After the first great battle, The Blue Meanies, completely lost control of their resources, and were forced to retreat from the reviving Pepperland, but we offered our friendship to them. The Chief Blue Meanie had a change of heart and agreed to join us, and an enormous party ensued, with everyone living happily ever after, as the world became one.

Now once again, musical mediocrity has set back in, with schlock soup and commercial carnivores, attacking the universal Pepperland airwaves. We MUST DESTROY this threat by creating and/or supporting as much good music as possible, filled with our divine love, unhindered by the parasitic music industry zombie brain-damaged drudgery.

Violence of any kind will not be tolerated, however if you were to 'fart in the general direction' of Britney Spears or the latest American Idol, I might be inclined to look the other way. You may choose to use what is know as a tush-horn. It is like a shoe horn, but keeps your tushy checks open, so when you fart at nasty pop artists, it cannot be heard. This is quite different from a butt-trumpet, which we have also, but is actually intended to make sounds. Also please take care as to not blow your air too hard, as these shallow musicians seem to be made out of cardboard, for we do not wish to harm them.


Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Karl Marx, H.G. Wells, Sri Paramahansa Yagananda, Stuart Sutcliff, Max Miller, "The Petty Girl", Marlon Brando, Tom Mix, Oscar Wilde, Tyrone Power, Larry Bell, Dr. David Livingstone, Johnny Weismuller, Stephen Crane, Issy Bonn, George Bernard Shaw, H.C. Westermann, Albert Stubbins, Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Lewis Carroll, T.E. Lawrence, Sri Yukteswar Giri, Aleister Crowley, Mae West, Lenny Bruce, Karlheinz Stockhausen, W.C. Fields, Carl Gustav Jung, Edgar Allen Poe, Fred Astaire, Richard Merkin, The Varga Girl, Huntz Hall, Simon Rodia, Bob Dylan, Aubrey Beardsley, Sir Robert Peel, Aldous Huxley, Dylan Thomas, Terry Southern, Dion, Tony Curtis, Wallace Berman, Tommy Handley, Marilyn Monroe, William Burroughs, Sri Mahavatara Babaji, Richard Lindner, Sonny Liston, Albert Einstein, Bobby Breen, Marlene Dietrich, Diana Dorrs, Shirley Temple