Iguan White And His One Man Band profile picture

Iguan White And His One Man Band

Raw And Nude Integrity

About Me

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Após um longo e tenebroso descanso....
Iguan White desperta e resolve sair do armário..
Suas canções fervorosas e unicas também resolvem sair.
Aos poucos as criações vão surgindo e os refrões diretos
e certeiros tomam seu caminho....
Após lançados os primeiros Ep´s. Iguan trabalha no seu disco de estréia.
Iguan também trabalha com Ruraleste (Alternative Country)
e Thee Violet Scale (Garage Rock Duo). ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------
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Coming Soon Iguan White - Volume One Album
In the land of the black stone.. Iguan White with your charisma leaves the
closet and he notices that can solve many problems alone .
With that it begins your solitary works in 2007,
Your album is still in production.
Iguan White has other music works . Them are:
Ruraleste (Alternative Country) and Thee Violet Scale (Garage Duo).
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Iguan White And His One Man Band - A Morte Veste Cinza - Video

My Interests


Member Since: 8/11/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/iguanwhite
Band Members: Iguan White:Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Harmonica.(All together and in the same time.)
Shot at 2007-08-15
Shot at 2007-08-11
Sounds Like:
Shot at 2007-08-19
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None