In the Can profile picture

In the Can

Hope All Your Gates Are Good. Cut and paste this one...

About Me

"In the Can" on BBS Talk Radio Saturdays from 2-3pm is the new voice of Indie films. This unique program gives Filmmakers a platform to market and generate a "Buzz" for their projects. The show airs "Live" every Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:00pm online. The shows are upbeat and entertaining, interviews are conducted to get answers to those FAQ’s about how Indies are shot from the people that shoot them.


My Interests About MB - Link under Companies Below! Welcome to the Largest Growing Library of FREE Original Monologues! Monologues are written and published daily by The Monologue Blogger.In Addition to being a Monologue Content Provider, The MB is growing other areas of FREE content on the site, such as the following:* MB Articles - Articles written about Acting Technique. * MB Workshop - An online actors workshop taught by The MB. * MB Spotlight - (coming soon) Features Actors performing Monologue Video Clips. * MB Series - This is entertainment content created and presented by The MB.The Monologue Blogger is not only for actors but for all people who want to share in stories. These monologues are brief glimpses into human lives. Use them to learn, laugh or cry. If you enjoy them, share them.Have a blast, tell your friends and let’s make this an exciting community!All My Best,THE MONOLOGUE BLOGGER

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that has a project in the can (completed). You can plug and promote it on my weekly internet radio show. Also anyone who is looking to advertise or sponsor a segment, feel free to contact me through my website:

In The Can" with Kip Brown airs online "Live" every Saturday from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (PST) on BBS Talk Radio.

Click here to listen to a live clip on BBS Talk Radio


Interview with MB "Setting the Monologue Standard"


350 miles to go,sweating in a pub near Chipping Sodbury


"In the Can" on BBS Talk Radio Saturdays from 2-3pm is the new voice of Indie films. This unique program gives Filmmakers a platform to market and generate a "Buzz" for their projects. The show airs "Live" every Saturday from 2:00pm - 3:00pm online. Just open the following show link: . The shows are upbeat and entertaining, interviews are conducted to get answers to those FAQ's about how Indies are shot from the people that shoot them. Production copies of "In the Can" are provided upon request.Plans are in the works to take "In the Can" to Comcast Cable channel 27. The running time & format will be consistent; 22 minutes of interviews and content with 8 minutes of commercial air time available to sponsors at very competitive rates. The goal is to have all of the sponsors be industry connected. This will provide an unmatched opportunity for anyone to have a direct pipeline to the consumer. Contact me with your questions. I look forward to earning your business.Your Host,Kip Brown"Hope all your gates are good and we'll see you on the red carpet!"
