Films, Short Stories, The Funny Books (yeah I mean Comics), Stuff and Things.
Anyone I already know, and people who I'd like to know better. Hell if you wanna know me at all, gimme a holler. I'm game.
Afghan Whigs, Tom Jones, '60's Soul, '90's Indie Rock, Opera, Show Tunes, Mostly Anything.
Scorsese, Hitchcock, Kenneth Branagh, Kevin Smith, Tarantino, Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan, David Lynch, Walt Disney.
The Wire, Heroes, all Law and Orders (especially Criminal Intent), Scrubs, Tales from the Crypt, Twin Peaks, The Smurfs.
Shakespeare's First Folio, My Incredible Life as The Hulk by Lou Ferrigno, Anything by: Stan Lee, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Clive Barker, Douglas Adams, Frank Miller.
Jim Salicrup, Roscoe Arbuckle, Kenneth Johnson, Kenneth Branagh, H.R. Pufnstuf, Ben Franklin, Ben Grimm, Orson Welles, Dear Ol'Dad.