I am pervy, polyamorous, and gothy.I seem to alternate between Help Desk jobs and artsy-fartsy jobs. If I could get an artsy-fartsy job that actually brought in more than a meager pittance, I think I'd ditch tech support forever.
I am married (as of Jan 1st, 2006), but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate flirting. Heck, I don't even mind outright blatant propositions. Luckily, neither does my darlin'.
..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!I have many hobbies, and many of them seem to be perve-related. I make latex garments, I craft leather and rubber gear, I make rubber floggers, and customized attachments for electrostim units.
My journal is on http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=tenebrax, and I don't anticipate starting another one here, thankyouverymuch. So if you want the juicy stuff, and the pictures of my latex, or strange gothy pictures, well, it's easy enough to add you.
(And the servers? Not quite so bouncy as myspace's seem to be, if ya know what I mean.)