Count n' Baron Promotions is co-owned by Bryan "Count" Stoczkowski & Kevin "Baron" Von Tischer.
Best friends for years, Count & Baron Would constantly discuss the sad state of music they feel has taken a strangle-hold on the music industry, leaving the fans with little quality music to choose from because the bands all sound the same.
After years of discussing this, they decided it was time to do something about it & Count n' Baron Promotions was born.
"There are so many amazing artists out there that are overlooked simply because they don't fit into the current fad that the mainstream music industry sees as being most profitable, and we believe people should know what else is out there."
"Once the new "Fad Genre" is discovered, bands are intentionally put together by many major record labels simply to turn a profit. this takes spots away, and focus off of the truly original and talented artists out there."
"Our Goal - to change all that by spreading the word about truly great bands on the rise."