FEVER profile picture


Tutto il mondo è paese

About Me

I'm savvy, ambitious, warm, opinionated, selectively forgetful, nondescript, likes to play with words, unpredictable, strong-willed, precocious, likes everything simple, loves to travel, a whimsical writer, clumsy at times, wacky, a frustrated saxophone player, interested in other cultures and reliable. I support FEMINISM in general though I don't really fall into any particular feminist group/belief but I am for equity among men and women and in feminizing the society.
I believe I'm an ugly duckling who has yet to transform into a graceful swan. I am a difficult young lady who does what she can to have an inimitable voice in this world. I'm a romantic trapped in a pragmatist's body. Some say I have an old soul with an innate childlike quality. I suppose in that sense as well as with my other qualities, I'm a walking contradiction. I loathe the word PERFECT; there is no such thing for what is deemed to be perfect in this world has been subjectively acknowledged by imperfect beings trying to make sense of things.
I'm also one who'd be telling weird dreams, ushers to play bluff or a round of air hockey, singing random songs out of the blue and loves everything about the 80's.
I've always wanted to create my own webpage but I haven't had the time back then and now with what I've done with my myspace page, I have one.
I believe in equal opportunities for all and that each individual has something to contribute regardless of race, gender or status in life. "You can't change the world but you can make a dent" (From the movie "Death to Smoochy").
You can talk to me if you have YM. My yahoo id is savy_angel .

Quote for the Month:
"The 'Third World' is a term I don't like very much because we're all one world - Audrey Hepburn
I support GCAP - Global Call To Action Against Poverty

Be in the know. Be part of the IN CROWD. SUPPORT HUMANITY. To know more information on how you can help, visit the following websites:
Millenium Campaign of the UN
Control Arms
Good Tree
World On Fire
The Lili Claire Foundation
The design for my web page would not be possible without the help of: www.surfourspace.net (Pre-made) and www.htmate2.com

My Interests

U.N.~ FEMINISM~ Audrey Hepburn~ Tennis~ Photography~ Music~ Cats~ Foreign languages~ Dancing~ Beaches~ INTERNATIONAL POLITICS~ Saxophones~ Wall-climbing~ MUN~ Traveling~ Art galleries~ European and Vintage Cars~ Discussing about life's complexities~ Paintings~ Tigger~ Playing bluff~ Reading~ Star (fish, shape and constellations, lol!)~ FRIENDS~ Art Attack!~ Malling~ Debating~ Shopping~ Surfing the net~ TV/movie buff~ Baking~ Soul-searching~ Poetry~ Different cultures~ Chocolates~ Music~ Meeting new people~ Browsing through the dictionary (Dork!) and Hanging out with my friends.

I'd like to meet:

Due to the growing number of people on my friends list, I've decided to downsize it unfortunately. I'm sorry for doing this but I'm tired of adding up people who wouldn't even bother to message me once in awhile. I do try to really respond/communicate with those whom I've been in touch with since I started to join Myspace so it would be nice if most of you would do the same.

I'm not here to win a popularity contest to see who has the most number of friends. Every Myspace account is unique in its purpose. The purpose of my account is not to have a collection of faces without any importance (though it may seem like it does). It's making a connection. Even if I would like to add up everyone who'd care enough to be on my friends list, I simply cannot as it would defeat the purpose of my page.

The only exceptions to this are "Bands" , "Groups" or "Artists" that I would like to support/join and those that I've added manually.
If you really want to add me up, please have the courtesy to send a message first. It's the least you can do if you want to establish some sort of connection with another person on a networking site. I promise to respond politely if you do the same. What's the point of having a Myspace account if you're not going to converse with anyone, let alone be civil about it?
Merci! (Images are taken from the net. No copyright infringement intended.)

Nina: The Philippine's Soul Siren I love her voice. I haven't had the chance to see her perform live, unlike my ex-boyfriend who had the privilege of performing with her (He played the violin in his former university's orchestra), but I will soon!

Matthew Perry! I'm strangely attracted to him and he's like sixteen years older than I am! Hehe, but that's only my deep admiration for him as an actor. Mr. Perry is just one of those few people who inspire me still though I'm here and he's there =)
I think he deserves the recognition he gets from his peers nowadays. Such a talented, bright and witty guy with a really big heart ^_~ I support you all the way, Matty!!!

Since I am terribly fascinated with Audrey Hepburn, it's no wonder why I like Donita Rose. She's a splitting image of Audrey, and could very well pass off as a twin! I saw her once when I was in Singapore for a christmas vacation in one of the local malls there, eating at the food court with her mom (or manager). I didn't get the chance to talk to her as I didn't want to interrupt them while they were eating but she really seemed down to earth as she didn't even care if she was eating at a counter table without any chairs. She's a great role model which is why I would definitely love to meet her someday. Adam Sandler
He is such a funny guy. His talent is not only centered in acting and the ability to make people laugh but he's also a great musician as well, which was manifested in "The Wedding Singer" and "50 First Dates". How could you not love the song "Grow old with you"? I just love people who can make me laugh. His movies brigthens up my day.
Their music is haunting. Their songs brings any soul into a sanctuary of rebirth. Amy Lee is amazing.

Robin Williams
I grew up watching his films and each one has shown different ranges of his acting abilities. His wacky antics and heartfelt character roles all contribute to a more sensible reason why I continue to appreciate and respect him because in every one of his works, he shows sincerity.
I also want to meet Ms. Yuu Watase (sensei!).

I actually have seen this amazing woman in the flesh when she came here in the Philippines for the Anime Expo convention held last November of 2000 (Hey, you might've seen me somewhere there in Megamall, hehe!) when FY was a hot commodity and I was one of the lucky ones who got her autograph on one of her FY manga artworks that I owned (She was so sweet. She signed my name on it and even had a bit of a problem writing it hehe!). So meeting her in person again and conversing with her wouldn't be so bad. She's just so amazing.
Just like Quan Bao Ya [or Kwon Boa]. Mostly known as BoA [Beat of Angel]. Korea's pride. The internationally acclaimed Korean pop singer.

I don't even understand Korean yet when I saw her music video "Atlantis Princess" airing on Arirang, I got hooked! Really, she's one talented young lady, and she's a year younger than I am! So much accomplishment at such a young age. Astig! They're both up there, with all the other great women that I admire.
M.Y.M.P (Make Your Momma Proud)
Juris and Chin create beautiful music together. I had the opportunity to see them perform live at a college function though at a distance. I would love it if I could really see them perform at a closer range.
Tori Amos
This woman is extraordinary and it shows through her music.
I also would like to have a chat with the gorgeous Natalie Portman. She does exhibit the same kind of charm and grace that Audrey Hepburn had so maybe that's one big factor why I like her as an actress.

Alicia Keys
She has such expressive eyes and a powerful voice to go with it. Seeing her perform live when she came here last October 2004 was a dream come true. Her music just reaches out to your soul and you're left with this feeling of familiarity. I hope to run into her again someday.

They've been around for decades yet their music still continues to be appreciated by people all around the world. It's amazing how much they've achieved through the years yet still find time to educate people on things that really matter. I hope Bono stays in that track.
If I could be in the same gathering as Stephen King and William Goldman, whom I adore as much as their incredible talent in writing, I would be in a state of ecstasy

Lastly, the one I definitely want to meet is...

H.E. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa


80's music, Evanescence, Early 90's, Jewel, All Saints, Latin music, Coldplay, Stonefree, Joss Stone, South Border, Avril Lavigne, Itchyworms, Jars of Clay, U2, Barbie Almalbis, The Corrs, Jazz and R&B, Hale, Twentieth Century Funk, Spongecola, Sarah Mclachlan, Freestyle, Classicals, Imago, John Mayer, Black Eyed Peas, Kitchie Nadal, Linkin Park, Sugarfree, The Beatles, Nina, Sting, Bamboo, Aaliyah, Cueshe, Wilson Phillips, Pussycat Dolls, Maroon 5, Jason Mraz, Rivermaya, Tori Amos, Orange and Lemons, Alicia Keys, Usher, Kyla, Musicals, Parokya ni Edgar, Destiny's Child, Mishka Adams, Eraserheads, M.Y.M.P, Random oldies, BoA, Side A and a bit of rock and techno

Basically I'll listen to any kind of music just as long as it isn't painful to the ears. I love music!

Featured Artist/Band of the Month:

Dicta License

Album: Paghilom Featuring the songs "Complex", "Ang Ating Araw", "Sugat", "Over the Edge" and "Complex"

My Music Pick for this Month:
Their entrancing single, "Complex"
To visit their Official Myspace music page
, click here


I love movies (Every genre imaginable, especially 80's movies, comedies, art films and horror movies) so I can't put all of them but I'd like to mention that I LOVE Amelie :) I also think KILL BILL rocks!!!
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is my pick of the week for the latest flicks around the metropolitan area. Go and see it, lol! (Images are from allposters.com)

Featured Movie of the Month:

The Professional


Others: News++ Veronica Mars++ Will and Grace++ Oprah++ One Tree Hill++ The O.C.++ Queer Eye for the Straight Guy/Girl++ Whose line is it anyway?++ Kid's Say the Darnest Things++ The Wonder Years++ Perfect Strangers++ Fushigi Yuugi++ Non-Stop++ Fawlty Towers++ Home Improvement++ Ally Mcbeal++ Macgyver++ DW-TV++ Discovery Channel++ Ayashi no Ceres++ On-Air++ Art Attack!++ National Geographic++ Murder She Wrote++ Meteor Garden++ X-files++ C.S.I and Alias


International Law by Isagani Cruz, The Woman who had Two Navels, El Filibusterismo, The Neverending Story, Noli me Tangere, Florante at Laura, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, The Hours, Ibong Mandaragit, The Great Political Theories (Volume 1 and 2), A Walk to Remember, Ibong Adarna, The Last Unicorn, Vita Brevis by Jostein Gaarder, The Princess Bride, The Sherlock Holmes collection, Different Seasons by Stephen King, The Philippines: A Past Revisted by Renato Constantino, Pride and Prejudice, The Complete Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Alchemist, Mrs. Dalloway, Momo, Books by Lewis Carroll and Roald Dahl, Audrey Hepburn biographies, The Catcher in the Rye and so many more.
What can I say, I'm a book-worm ^_~

Featured Book of the Month:

The Five People You Meet in Heaven Author: Mitch Albom


FEMINIST GROUPS ALL AROUND THE WORLD (Hail to the EMPOWERMENT of WOMEN!)*** Sir Patrick De Castro (Our Asian Civilization professor in the International Studies Department. AMAZING!)*** Kofi Annan*** Sir RADJ (My Philippine History/Nationalism Professor)*** The *genuine* Filipino heroes who knew what the Katipunan stood for but was rather subdued by the more powerful and educated (ehem!) historical figures that we know as of today*** Michael Ende (The best!)*** J.D. Salinger (So great!)*** Yuu Watase (She can literally transcend human emotions through art!)*** Martin Luther King Jr.*** Stephen King*** Audrey Hepburn (The Fairest lady of all time)*** Edgar Allan Poe (A great artist!)*** Ninoy Aquino*** William Goldman*** Artists/Musicians who died trying to make this world a beautiful place through their unique creations but was misunderstood and not appreciated*** Princess Diana*** Mother Teresa*** The social workers and nuns who help the less fortunate unconditionally and all those who vouch for Peace!

My Blog

The Law is reason, free from passion...

While contemplating on this quote by Aristotle, I began to examine my life in the way I viewed my writing. This will probably make sense if I could benefit from it but I am at a loss fo...
Posted by FEVER on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:25:00 PST

Breaking-up is hard to do...

I just broke up with my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend now. It was a good break-up as we decided to remain friends. We needed some time apart to grow. The lyrics that I'll be posting is the same song pl...
Posted by FEVER on Sun, 28 May 2006 12:15:00 PST

Birthday Post

I was a bit bored so I went through one of my friends' profiles and checked out these survey/quizzes relating to my personality (partially). Since it's my birthday today, I'll clue you in on the gen...
Posted by FEVER on Tue, 09 May 2006 01:18:00 PST

Los Angeles - Where else?

I can't believe I've only got a week left before I leave L.A. I so want to visit more places here yet I can't seem to squeeze them in. I promised someone that I'll meet them when I get here but I...
Posted by FEVER on Sun, 07 May 2006 12:16:00 PST

I'm off to SF and then L.A.

Hey! I just want to inform you lovely people that I'll be going to San Francisco tomorrow for the MUN and I will be staying there until the 25th. I'll be in L.A. until May 14 so if you would like...
Posted by FEVER on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:45:00 PST

Ms. Precious Lara Quigaman's winning answer is unverified

Here's a copy of the forwarded e-mail sent to me a few weeks ago regarding this controversial matter:   "Mabuhay! Representing the democratic and freedom loving people of the pearl of the...
Posted by FEVER on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:14:00 PST

Nina: The Philippine's Soul Siren

I LOVE her! I've probably said this several times on certain blog posts here relating to her but I just can't seem to stop admiring her. I bought her cd (Nina Live!) a couple of weeks ago and eve...
Posted by FEVER on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:50:00 PST

Update on my list of friends

NOTE:I've reached the 48th page and I'll be continuing this until I've retained those people that I've established a connection with. I apologize if I have removed you from my list. This is ...
Posted by FEVER on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 10:31:00 PST

Love moves in mysterious ways...

I love this song right now. I've heard it a couple of times on the radio and have seen it too many times on MTV and MYX but I just can't seem to get enough of it. There's something to Nina's voice tha...
Posted by FEVER on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The haunting rendition of Mr. Christian Bautista....

Isn't Christian Bautista the bomb? Hah, I'm laughing at myself for I haven't used this expression in a long time! Okay, putting aside my teenage ways (and that includes how adorable I think he is!), I...
Posted by FEVER on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST