Gee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Diligent Mushy Indie Lass fragile real positive

im a tearjerky, wishful thinker, im fragile.. im Complicated lass! not everyone may understand the way i am.. some may hate me while others will love me.. you can never find a perfect person in me, what makes me human is my imperfection, though im not perfect but at least im real..
As a friend, you can't always see me around but in my heart the friendship will always stay.. distance never seperate hearts that really care!!
I have a strong belief in KARMA "what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down."
im into music a lot.. I play guitar.. Im an aspiring musician
Aside music, im also fond of tech'y things.. i like surfing 'd net and chatting..
turn ons: a guy who's into music.. guys with cute behinds.. someone who can carry an intellectual or good conversations!
turn offs: so much pretending.. gossips!
i love people who... can accept me as i am.. and trustworthy!!
i hate people who.. minds everything i do or say(eventhough i dont need it!)just DO your thing! and people who pretend they like me when they really don't!!!
i admire people who... are straight forward.. and artistic..
personal weakness: Im a high-tempered, If i get mad at somebody I can really hold a grudge! Nostalgia and Fear of Heights
wildest dream: driving a Formula one(F1) or Formula three(F3)
proudest moment: everytime i sing and play my guitar and feel the music in me!
im 'extra sweet' to the people i love..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a guy hu luvs me can't actually state d reason y he does, he only knws I'm d only thing dat matters nxt 2his family! a guy hu luvs me worries a lot wen he can't hear a word from me even after he juz dropped me home, only coz he cares! a guy hu luvs me apologizes nonstop even if he knows I'm wrong, he just wants me 2be hapi! a guy hu luvs me knows wuz d best for both of us, let go eventhough it hurts! yet still hope 4a future w/me!!!

Movies: close...
...lord of the ring...
...WhAtEvEr It TaKeS...
...SuGaR n' SpIcE...
...CiTy oF AnGeLs...
...The TwIns eFFecT...
...IrOn WiLL...
...ErIn BroKovIcH...
...My BesTFriEnDs WeDDinG...
...JoSiE aNd ThE PuSsY CaT...
...RuNaWaY BriDe...
...FenG sHui...


...AmEriCan IdoL...
...DaWsOn's CrEeK...
...d mISuDveNtUreS oF MaVeRicK aNd ArIeL...
...BeVerLy HiLLs 90210...
...SeX aNd tHe CiTy...
...ThE BaCheLor...
...ScArieSt pLaCes On EaRTh...
...7th HeaVen...
...Buffy ThE VamPiRe SlaYeR...
...Any ReaLiTy ShOws...
...ThE oSBouRnEs...


...AnNe FrAnk's DiArY...
...cHicKeN SouP FoR ThE SouL...
...ReaDeR's DiGesT...
...RoMeO AnD JuLieT By sHaKesPeaRe...
...anY LoVe sToRy...
...PhiLliPiNeS GhosT sToRy...
...FasHiOm MaGaZiNe...
...CanDy MaGaZiNe... ...CoSmoPoLitAn MaGaZinE...


...mY MoM...
...mY FriEnDs...