Playing guitar is my best hobby...pero minsan mas gusto kung makinig ng music... Alternatives and acoustic musics... yun... pag nasa labas naman ako ng bahay... kung wala ako sa school maybe nasa mall or kahit saan...
Hi GuYs!!! ADD me AnD I WiLL Be YoUr NeW FrIeNd.... I wAnT tO sAy To ALL oF yOu ThAt YoU ArE All WeLcOmE HeRe...... BaStA Ba YoU HaVe ThE GuTs To AdD mE Ok Na Ok!! Hey!! Testimony NaMaN KaYo... hOpe To mEeT yOu All.... :D
Acoustic, Alternatives R&B.... Add text here...
cimg src="" border=0 Harry Potter, Princess Diary, The Sound Of Music, and any anime basta maganda...
Pocket Books, Star magazines, Time Magazine
-----It's Me Of Course..... -----