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Wise Words of Cheeseman


About Me

This world is run by a few BLOOD LINES. Your goverments answer to only them, so your goverments can't act in your intrest. They act in the intrest of their masters, the Blood Lines. Religoin is at the bottom of the pile. Religion is all about control of the mases. There have been more than twelve Jesus figures since records began, the latest being Muhammad(peace be upon him) of the Muslim faith. Each Jesus figure has the same character traits, being born of a virgin mother and on December 25. Most have a mother whose name begins with the letter 'M'. They nearly all disappear through their young childhood and come back preaching round their 30's. They are all persecuted and then crucified. All died and were resurected three (3) days later. Three Kings always appear in the story. This is not an earthly story, it's an astrological story. Early man knew about the movement of the stars. On December 22 the sun disappears for three nights, the north star is in the night sky. To the right is Orions belt, the three stars that make the centre are called the 'Three kings.' On the third morning the sun (son) rises or is resurected.December 22 to Janurary 20 falls in Capricorn which is represented by the letter 'M'. The similarities go on. I think you err in thinking that the Bible is God's word. He did not write it, man did, and then the original good words were translated dozens of different times to stir fear into people... to gain control over them. Way back then the churches controlled countries, not politicians or corporations, and as you well know, the churches fought wars, and killed, and maimed, and defamed... but you trust their interpretation of "God's" word? England has a German queen and a scottish prime minister. The freemasons are connected to the germans and come under the scottish rite, co-incidence, I'll leave that up to you. The queen is married to a greek prince whose family also have ties to Germany. They are the Greek branch of the German dynasty. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is the real family name of Queen Elizabeth the Second. The Windsor family changed their German name at the time of the Great War(WW1). Queen Victoria was actually born in Saxe-Coburg,Germany. Her husband could not speak english only german. It was her cousins the British were fighting. It is thought by some, that Aldolf Hitler was a illigitimate child of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, through the Rothchilds family. Saxe-Coburg is a region of north Germany, Windsor is a region of greater London, England. (Their not very immaginative are they.) Staff at the COLLEGE of ARMS in LONDON have revealed that every legitimate king or queen MUST have JESUS in their ancestry.Since 1789 there have been 50 presidents of the USA, only two [2] have NOT been related to the British royal family, these are Lincoln and JF Kennedy. Since 1789 only two [2] USA presidents have been assasinated these are Lincoln and JF Kennedy. Co-incidence, i'll leave that up to you. The current president GW Bush is a Blood cousin of prince Charles. Look at a photo of them to see family resemblance.Since 1945 America has gone to war over 50 times, 30 of which were against democracies, killing hundreds of thousands innocent people. No country in the world can pursue it's own direction unless it falls in line with US policies. Support has come from the British royal family and the British goverment. The US goverment and the British goverment are often involved in human rights violations in the name of 'Homeland Security.' Who are the real terrorists. I'll leave that up to you.The United States of America and the US [as seen on the lapels of the army, navy and airforce and the police.] are NOT countries, they are companies. Registered companies at that. The land on which these companies opperate is called Virgina and belongs to the Queen of England. Each year the companies the USA and US pay a percentage of their taxes as rent to the British Royal family."; .. " ,

My Interests


Member Since: 8/7/2007
Band Website: infowars.com
Band Members: The WIDE AWAKE CREW.
Influences: JIMI HENDRIX. ANGEL FARRINGDON. ZEITGEIST the Movie. The Next Room and Born Free DAVID ICKE. ALEX JONES. (infowars.com) The Punk movement and all you people that can't be fooled.This video is by Born Free & The Nextroom. Big up yourselves. Tree of Life Sm

Add to My Profile | More Videos Jay Z, Nas and Kanye are illuminati puppets.....Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols)
Sounds Like: Bush brought down the Towers.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

week 19

Red sky in the morning, sailors warning. Cheese at night, sailors delight
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:07:00 PST


Hark the herald angel sings, unless you give him some cheese, then he rocks the night away.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:09:00 PST

week 17

Shakespear said, 'To be or not too be, that is the question.' I said, 'Have some cheese and you won't need an answer.'
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST

week 16

To-day is the the first day of the rest of your life, so you might as well celebrate with some cheese.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 08:32:00 PST

week 15

the early spliff gets the buzz.   Don't count your cheese before it's grown.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:57:00 PST

week 14

you alway's hurt the one you love, that's why you set fire to your cheese!!!!!
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:44:00 PST

week 13

To err is human, too really fuck up you need a big bag of cheese.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 08:50:00 PST

weel 12

Don't count your cheese before it's ready. A little cheese everyday helps you stand-up and sway.  
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:11:00 PST

week 10/11

Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do to-day, unless your new stash of cheese is ready, then next week looks good.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:27:00 PST

week 9

If at first you don't suceed, have some cheese and try again, then if it still doesn't work it won't matter as much.
Posted by Wise Words of Cheeseman on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:27:00 PST