BIG FUCKING TREES YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW... Adventure, Music, MODERN ART - Tattoos, Dance, Theater, Photography, Cinematography, Drawing, Funky Fashion - Hats!! Scarves, & Jackets.. DESIGN - Print Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Colors, SPIRITUALITY - Irony, Nature, Full Moons, The Stars, The Ocean, The Snow, Mountains, Green Grass, Trees, Hawaii, Lightning, Thunderstorms, Beautiful Places, Beaches, Big Waves, Sunsets, Eastern Philosophy, TRAVEL - Japanese, French, Spanish, SINGING - Playing Guitar, Literature, Writing, Poetry, Doggies, Big Cats, Porches, Karman Ghias, Jeeps, Bartending, Metaphysics, Geography, Geology, Meteorology, CULTURE - Cultural Era's, Full-Body Massages, Love, Altered Mind-States, Truth, Japanese Calligraphy & Ink Paintings, Latin Roots in Language, Pop-sub-Cultures, Ancient Hawaiian -n- Polynesian Culture, Big Words that mean very little - Pragmatic Paradigms?, Raw Cookie -n- Brownie Dough, Raw Pancake Batter, any Raw Dough for that matter, Sauce - I LOVE SAUCE, Teriaki Sauce, Mae Ploy Hot Sauce, Black Bean Sauce, Curry, Asian Food, Spicy Food (not Indian food)... Old Cars, Sex Toys, QUALITY OVER QUANTITY, Conspiracy Theories, Driving Fast, Real Life (FUCKREALITYSHOWS!!), Anti-Corporatism, Independence, Freedom... VISUALIZE WHIRLED PEAS
I don't know who I want to meet. You never know what random gem you may find out there. The world is full of possibilities...
J'adore la musique!! It's the heart and soul of humanity... I love pretty much everything, except really awful crappy whacked-ass shit... the kind of stuff that's just not real music in any way shape or form... especially over-commercialized mass-produced puppet bands and other crappy stuff of the sort... I dabble in all genres. Good music is good music, no matter what kind it is - Although tastes vary among us, there is no denying quality musicianship. I like music that speaks to you... stuff that gets under your skin and makes you feel or think something... stuff that takes you to another world, wherever that may be... I LOVE acoustic guitar. The more RAW the sound, the more I like it... even when you add synthetics, if it sounds raw, I still love it. It's just gotta be from the core, if it's to be considered music :) Then of course I'm into some music just for nostalgia's sake... Anyway, I pretty much like it all... You know, just another music junkie.
I love drama, horror, vampire & gangster flicks, and Disney-style animation films. Vampires are sexy & slick, and Mobsters live by their own rules - they are both evil & live in a semi-surreal dimension, which is why they rule. Drama is great because it seeks to reveal the truths of life and usually evokes strong emotions that can cause internal reflection which can sometimes be life-changing. These movies pretty much top my list for now: Interview with a Vampire, Goodfellas, Casino, The Color Purple, The Last Emperor, A Dream for An Insomniac, Lost Boys, Kill Bill, Trainspotting, Four Rooms, Star Wars, The Muppets, Cider House Rules, The Descent, Shawn of the Dead, Pulse, Flyboys
KILL YOUR TELEVISION... okay, I lied, cause I got caught watching "That 70's Show" and Conan O'Brien is my hero (He MUST be on DRUGS) - he's one of those crazy geniuses!!! Love Jay Leno & Jimmy Kimmel. Hate Carson Daily... Love Saturday Night Live, Smallville, Friends, Sex and the City, Law & Order, Nova, PBS, Discovery, Nat Geo, etc.. Also love DW-TV news (German/European news channel - soooo much better than American world news).
The Heart of A Woman: Maya Angelou - Tutankhamen Prophecies~The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons: Maurice Coterrel - Brain Droppings: George Carlin - The Handy Physics Answer Book - A Cosmic Book on the Mechanics of Creation: Itzhak Bentov - Eyes of the Heart~Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization: Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Anam Cara~Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World: John O'Donohue - A Hawaiian Nation I: Man Gods & Nature - Mythology~ Timeless Tales of Gods and Heros: Edith Hamilton - Pathologies of Power~ Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor: Paul Farmer - the Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges - Leaves of Grass: Walt Whitman
My Dad Rocks!!! - Simply because he seriously straight up rocks, and also because of his continual love, support, and guidance in anything and everything I ever do. I have more than a few friends that are heroes to me. They constantly surprise me and teach me by showing me the feats that they accomplish in their lives and their personalities that shine so very bright... G.Love - For playing the blues in the funkiest style ever heard and for singing crazy sweet lyrics that make me smile :) Anyone who ever went for broke living out their dreams and living it up right... LIVELY UP YOURSELF!!!