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House of Musique

The Life and death of Billy da kid.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorThis page is dedicated to music, musicians, artist, etc. Music has always been a large part of my life. It shaped and molded me. Not necessarily the best thing for me but it did make me who I am. I have experienced much in life and at a very early age. I grew up very quickly and some how music always been a part of it. Im surprised I did not grow up to be a musician myself. I know it is very tough for musicians to get their music noticed by potential fans because I have grown up around many musicians. Music makes life beautiful and joyful. It fits into our life and helps us understand what we may be thinking. It may make us feel comfortable when we are happy, sad, angry, broken hearted, in love, or just plain mellowed out. Its our best friend. It's our second mind. Be careful though, what you hear can shape your mind into the mind of the musicians your listening to. Music is powerful as much as authors who use their "mighty pens" to shape this world around us. So make sure that the music you listen to agrees with your views.The kind of music history I grew up with: Well, I grew up hearing music from the 70's so I like some 70's. Its fun to dance to. But its definitely not me. 80's were great. Post punk era and experimental musicians developed new wave or post modern music. Great mixes of music developed and new trends and type of music would form. I view it as the time of music revolution but it was better known for the second british invasion. MTV launched into our life and gave visuals to our music. Cold war brought fear and all we wanted was our MTV. Anyone remember Video One?!!! 90's started out really really sad. I stopped listening to the radio all together until almost the mid 90's. Grunge had really taken a stronghold of music and so had hip hop/rap. I didnt care for either one. Ska carried its own weight and rave was the rave of the 90's. Swing music made us all learn how to dance and the kids in black with overcoats (goths) emerged out of the closets. We had many many parties at this period. Life was good and bad at the same time. Many relationships so more music had meanings then ever. 70's music boomed and died at the same time. This was the time I also got into rock-a-billy music and the Puerto Ricans taught me how to dance salsa/meringue when I was living in New York. Lets not forget the popularity of candy punk. All of sudden popular cheerleaders were claiming to be punk with their bright outlandish pink outfits and outrageous hair do's and colorings. Oh, also, those boy bands!! LOL. What a joke. The new Millennium brought new era in music too. Emo emerged out of the punk/goth scene. Rap got white rappers (Dejavu on Milli Vanilli and Vanilla Ice). Hip hop was now claiming jazz as its origination. Radio stations were losing much ratings so they tried all sorts of tricks out of their hats to get support. We lost KROCK and KNDD changed their morning hosts. Ska, 70's, 80's, Candy punk, Swing, rave and others lost it's glitter. We were lost without an identity. Now I see Indie music emerging with good music and really really sad music (i.e. Hawthorne Heights?) Whats up with all these bands that likes to shout and scream and then pitch into a mellow sad song?!! How lame. Dont get me wrong, I like loud music with strong vocals and some screaming but these ones are so so inappropriate. As I think of more music history I will post them.My list of music genre that I consider for linking (friending):*Ska *Reggae *Alternative *Indie *Emo *New Wave/Post Modern/British Rock *Rock-a-billy *Jungle/Drum-n-base *Punk/Candy Punk and such.....So, again, this page is dedicated to all you musicians out there. Come abuse this page and talk about your music. Let the world know you are out there and here to stay. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- Cette page est consacre la musique, aux musiciens, l'artiste, la musique etc. a toujours t une grande partie de ma vie. Elle m'a form et a moul. Pas ncessairement la meilleure chose pour moi mais elle m'a fait qui je suis. J'ai prouv beaucoup dans la vie et un ge trs jeune. J'ai grandi trs rapidement et certains comment musique toujours te une partie de elle. Im m'a tonn ne s'est pas dvelopp jusqu' soit un musicien moi-mme. Je sais qu'elle est trs dure pour que les musiciens obtiennent leur musique note par les ventilateurs potentiels parce que j'ai grandi autour de beaucoup de musiciens. La musique rend la vie belle et joyeuse. Elle s'adapte dans notre vie et nous aide comprendre ce que nous pouvons penser. Elle peut rendre nous la sensation confortable quand nous sommes heureux, triste, fch, cass hearted, dans l'amour, ou juste la plaine s'est adoucie dehors. Son notre meilleur ami. C'est notre deuxime esprit. Faire attention cependant, ce que vous entendez pouvez former votre esprit dans l'esprit des musiciens votre couter. La musique est puissante autant que les auteurs qui emploient leurs stylos puissants pour former ce monde autour de nous. S'assurer ainsi que la musique que vous coutez est conforme vos vues. Le genre d'histoire de musique que j'ai grandie avec : Bien, j'ai accru la musique de entendre vers le haut des annes 70 ainsi j'aime les quelques annes 70. Son amusement danser . Mais son certainement pas je. les annes 80 taient grandes. Signaler l're punk et les musiciens exprimentaux ont dvelopp la nouvelle vague ou signalent la musique moderne. Les grands mlanges de la musique se sont dvelopps et les nouveaux tendances et type de musique formeraient. Je la regarde comme priode de rvolution de musique mais il tait meilleur connu pour la deuxime invasion britannique. MTV a lanc dans notre vie et a donn des visuels en notre musique. La guerre froide apporte la crainte et toutes que nous avons voulues tait notre MTV. N'importe qui se rappellent la vido une ? ! ! ! les annes 90 ont commenc dehors vraiment vraiment triste. J'ai cess d'couter toute la radio ensemble jusque presque au milieu des annes 90. La grunge avait vraiment pris un bastion de la musique et ainsi a eu l'houblon de hanche/coup sec et dur. Soin du didnt I pour l'un ou l'autre un. Ska a port son propre poids et l'loge tait l'loge des annes 90. La musique d'oscillation nous a incits tous apprendre comment danser et les enfants dans le noir avec des pardessus (goths) ont merg hors des cabinets. Nous avons eu beaucoup de beaucoup de parties cette priode. La vie tait bonne et le mauvais en mme temps. Beaucoup de rapports ainsi plus de musique ont eu des significations puis jamais. la musique des annes 70 a grond et est morte en mme temps. C'tait le temps o je suis galement entr dans la musique de roche-un-billy et le Puerto Ricans m'a enseign comment danser le salsa/meringue quand j'habitais New York. Laisse ne pas oublier la popularit du punk de sucrerie. Tous les cheerleaders populaires soudains prtendaient tre punks avec leurs quipements roses exotiques lumineux et les cheveux indignes ont fait et des colorations. Ah, aussi, ces bandes de garon ! ! LOL. Quelle plaisanterie. Le nouveau millnium a apport la nouvelle re dans la musique aussi. Emo a merg hors de la scne punk/goth. Le coup sec et dur a obtenu les frappeurs blancs (Dejavu sur Milli Vanilli et glace la vanille). L'houblon de hanche rclamait maintenant le jazz en tant que ses origines. Les stations par radio taient perdre beaucoup des estimations ainsi elles ont essay toutes les sortes de tours hors de leurs chapeaux pour obtenir l'appui. Nous avons perdu KROCK et KNDD a chang leurs centres serveurs de matin. Ska, annes 70, annes 80, punk de sucrerie, oscillation, loge et d'autres l'ont perdu est scintillement. Nous avons t perdus sans identit. Maintenant je vois la musique d'Indie merger avec la bonne musique et la musique vraiment vraiment triste (c.--d. les tailles de Hawthorne ?) Ce qui est vers le haut avec toutes ces bandes qui des gots crier et crier et puis lancer dans une chanson triste mre ? ! ! Comment rendre boiteux. Ne pas m'obtenir le mal, j'aime la musique forte avec des vocals forts et certains criant mais ce ceux sont tellement si inadquats. Comme je pense plus d'histoire de musique je les signalerai. Ma liste de genre de musique que je considre pour lier (friending) : *Ska *Reggae *Alternative *Indie *Emo Vague de *New/rock brittanique moderne/de poteau *Rock-a-billy *Jungle/Drum-n-base Punk de *Punk/Candy et tels ..... Ainsi, encore, cette page est consacre tous vous des musiciens dehors l. Venez l'abus cette page et parlez de votre musique. Laisser le monde vous connatre sont dehors l et rester ici.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- Esta pgina se dedica a la msica, a los msicos, al artista, a la msica del etc. ha sido siempre una parte grande de mi vida. Me form y molde. No no necesariamente la mejor cosa para m pero ella me hizo que soy. He experimentado mucho en vida y en una edad muy temprana. Crec para arriba muy rpidamente y algunos cmo msica siempre sida una parte de ella. Im me sorprendi no creci hasta sea msico mismo. S que es muy resistente para que los msicos consigan su msica notada por los ventiladores potenciales porque he crecido para arriba alrededor de muchos msicos. La msica hace vida hermosa y alegre. Cabe en nuestra vida y nos ayuda a entender lo que podemos pensar. Puede hacer nos la sensacin cmoda cuando somos felices, triste, enojado, roto hearted, en amor, o apenas el llano mellowed hacia fuera. Su nuestro mejor amigo. Es nuestra segunda mente. Tener cuidado sin embargo, qu oyes puedes formar tu mente en la mente de los msicos el tu escuchar. La msica es de gran alcance tanto como los autores que utilizan sus “plumas poderosas” para formar este mundo alrededor de nosotros. Cerciorarte de tan que la msica que escuchas convenga con tus opiniones. La clase de historia de la msica que crec para arriba con: Bien, crec msica para arriba el or a partir de los aos 70 as que tengo gusto de los algunos aos 70. Su diversin a bailar a. Pero su definitivamente no yo. los aos 80 eran grandes. Fijar la era del punky y los msicos experimentales desarrollaron la onda nueva o fijan msica moderna. Las grandes mezclas de la msica se convirtieron y las nuevos tendencias y tipo de msica formaran. La veo como la poca de la revolucin de la msica pero era mejor sabido para la segunda invasin britnica. MTV lanzado en nuestra vida y dio representaciones visuales a nuestra msica. La guerra fra trada miedo y todo lo que deseamos era nuestro MTV. Cualquier persona recuerda el vdeo uno?!!! los aos 90 comenzaron hacia fuera realmente realmente triste. Par el escuchar la radio toda junto hasta casi los aos 90 mediados de. Grunge realmente haba tomado una plaza fuerte de la msica y as que tena el salto de la cadera/rap. Cuidado del didnt I para cualquiera uno. Ska llev su propio peso y el delirio era el delirio de los aos 90. La msica del oscilacin hizo que todos aprendemos cmo bailar y los cabritos en negro con los sobretodos (goths) emergieron fuera de los armarios. Tenamos muchos muchos partidos en este perodo. La vida era buena y malo al mismo tiempo. Muchas relaciones as que ms msica tenan significados entonces siempre. la msica de los aos 70 creci y muri al mismo tiempo. ste era el tiempo que tambin consegu en msica del roca-uno-billy y el Puerto Ricans me ense cmo bailar salsa/el merengue cuando viva en Nueva York. Deja para no olvidarse del renombre del punky del caramelo. Todos los cheerleaders populares repentinos demandaban ser punky con sus equipos rosados extraos brillantes y el pelo indignante hizo y los colorantes. Oh, tambin, esas vendas del muchacho!! LOL. Qu broma. El nuevo milenio trajo nueva era en msica tambin. Emo emergi fuera de la escena del punky/del goth. El Rap consigui los rappers blancos (Dejavu en Milli Vanilli y el hielo de vainilla). El salto de la cadera ahora demandaba jazz como sus creaciones. Las estaciones de radio eran el perder mucho los grados as que intentaron todas las clases de trucos fuera de sus sombreros para conseguir la ayuda. Perdimos KROCK y KNDD cambi sus anfitriones de la maana. Ska, los aos 70, los aos 80, el punky del caramelo, el oscilacin, el delirio y otros lo perdieron es brillo. Nos perdieron sin una identidad. Ahora veo la msica de Indie el emerger con la buena msica y la msica realmente realmente triste (es decir las alturas de Hawthorne?) Cul es para arriba con todas estas vendas que los gustos a gritar y a gritar y despus a echar en una cancin triste suave?!! Cmo hacer cojo. No conseguirme el mal, tengo gusto de msica ruidosa con vocals fuertes y algunos que grita pero stos unos son tan tan inadecuados. Como pienso en ms historia de la msica los fijar. Mi lista del gnero de la msica que considero para ligarse (el friending): onda *Alternative del *New del *Emo del *Indie de los *Reggae del *Ska/punky y tal de la roca moderna/britnica *Rock-a-billy *Jungle/Drum-n-base *Punk/Candy del poste ..... As pues, otra vez, esta pgina se dedica a todos t los msicos hacia fuera all. Viene el abuso esta pgina y habla de tu msica. Dejar el mundo conocerte estn hacia fuera all y aqu permanecer.------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Questa pagina dedicata a musica, ai musicisti, all'artista, alla musica ecc. sempre stata una grande parte della mia vita. Lo ha modellato e modellato. Non necessariamente la cosa migliore per me ma esso lo ha fatto che I Am. Ho sperimentato molto nella vita e ad un'et molto giovane. Mi sono sviluppato molto rapidamente in su ed alcuni come musica sempre stata una parte di esso. Im lo ha sorprendo non si sviluppato fino a un musicista io stesso. So che molto dura affinch i musicisti ottenga la loro musica notata dai ventilatori potenziali perch mi sono sviluppato in su intorno a molti musicisti. La musica rende la vita bella ed allegra. Inserisce nella nostra vita e li aiuta a capire che cosa possiamo pensare. Pu rendere noi il tatto comodo quando siamo felici, triste, arrabbiato, rotto hearted, nell'amore, o appena la pianura mellowed fuori. Il relativo nostro amico migliore. la nostra seconda mente. Fare attenzione comunque, che cosa vi sentite potete modellare la vostra mente nella mente dei musicisti vostro ascoltare. La musica potente tanto quanto gli autori che usano le loro “penne mighty„ per modellare questo mondo intorno noi. Cos assicurar che la musica che ascoltate accosente con i vostri punti di vista. Il genere di storia che di musica mi sono sviluppato in su con: Bene, ho sviluppato la musica in su sentirmi dagli anni 70 in modo da gradisco determinati anni 70. Il relativo divertimento da ballare a. Ma relativo definitivamente non me. gli anni 80 erano grandi. Inviare l'era del punk ed i musicisti sperimentali hanno sviluppato la nuova onda o inviano la musica moderna. Le miscele grandi di musica si sono sviluppate e le nuovi tendenze e tipo di musica formerebbero. La osservo come il periodo del giro di musica ma era migliore conosciuto per la seconda invasione britannica. MTV ha lanciato nella nostra vita ed ha dato le rappresentazioni alla nostra musica. La guerra fredda portata il timore e tutto che desiderassimo era il nostro MTV. Chiunque si ricorda del video uno?!!! gli anni 90 hanno iniziato fuori realmente realmente triste. Ho smesso di ascoltare la radio tutta insieme fino quasi ai met di anni 90. Grunge realmente aveva preso uno stronghold di musica ed in modo da ha avuto il luppolo dell'anca/colpo secco. Cura del didnt I per uno una. Ska ha avuto il relativo proprio peso ed il rave era il rave degli anni 90. La musica dell'oscillazione li ha incitati tutti ad imparare come ballare ed i capretti nel nero con i soprabiti (goths) sono emerso dagli armadi. Abbiamo avuti molti molti partiti a questo periodo. La vita era buona e Male allo stesso tempo. Molti rapporti in modo da pi musica hanno avuti mai significati allora. la musica degli anni 70 ha cresciuto e morto allo stesso tempo. Ci era il tempo che inoltre sono entrato in musica del roccia-un-billy e il Puerto Ricans mi ha insegnato come ballare il salsa/meringa quando stavo vivendo a New York. Lascia per non dimenticare la popolarit del punk della caramella. Tutti i cheerleaders popolari improvvisi stavano sostenendo essere punk con le loro attrezzature dentellare outlandish luminose ed i capelli outrageous hanno fatto e colorings. L'OH, anche, quelle fasce del ragazzo!! LOL. Ch scherzo. Il nuovo millennio ha portato la nuova era nella musica anche. Emo emerso dalla scena di punk/goth. Il colpo secco ha ottenuto i rappers bianchi (Dejavu su Milli Vanilli e sul gelato alla vaniglia). Il luppolo dell'anca ora stava esigendo il jazz come relative origini. Le stazioni radiofoniche erano perdere molto valutazioni in modo da hanno provato tutte le specie dei trucchi dai loro cappelli per ottenere il supporto. Abbiamo perso KROCK e KNDD ha cambiato i loro ospiti di mattina. Ska, gli anni 70, gli anni 80, il punk della caramella, l'oscillazione, il rave ed altri lo hanno perso scintillio. Siamo stati persi senza un'identit. Ora vedo la musica di Indie emergere con la buona musica e la musica realmente realmente triste (cio altezze del Hawthorne?) Che cosa in su con tutte queste fasce che simili da gridare e gridare ed allora lanciare in una canzone triste mellow?!! Come storpiare. Non ottenermi il torto, gradisco la musica forte con i vocals forti ed alcuno che grido ma questi un sono cos cos inadeguati. Come penso a pi storia di musica li invier. La mia lista del genere di musica che considero per il collegamento (friending): onda *Alternative del *New di *Emo del *Indie di *Reggae di *Ska/roccia moderna/britannica *Rock-a-billy *Jungle/Drum-n-base *Punk/Candy Punk e tale dell'alberino ..... Cos, ancora, questa pagina dedicata a tutti voi musicisti fuori l. Viene l'abuso questa pagina e parla della vostra musica. Lasciare il mondo conoscerlo sono fuori l e qui rimanere.--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Diese Seite wird Musik, Musikern, Knstler, etc. Musik ist gewesen immer ein groes Teil meines Lebens eingeweiht. Sie formte und formte mich. Nicht notwendigerweise bildete die beste Sache fr mich aber sie mich, der I Am. Ich habe viel im Leben und an einem sehr frhen Alter erfahren. Ich wuchs sehr schnell und einige wie ein Teil von ihm die immer gewesene Musik auf. Im berraschten mich wuchsen nicht bis zu sind ein Musiker selbst. Ich wei, da es sehr haltbar ist, damit Musiker ihre Musik beachtet durch mgliche Ventilatoren erhalten, weil ich um viele Musiker aufgewachsen bin. Musik bildet das Leben schn und froh. Sie pat in unser Leben und hilft uns, zu verstehen, was wir denken knnen. Sie kann uns Gefhl bequem bilden, wenn wir glcklich sind, traurig, verrgert, gebrochen hearted, in der Liebe, oder gerade Ebene milderte heraus. Sein unser bester Freund. Es ist unser zweiter Verstand. Zu zwar achtgeben, was du kannst deinen Verstand in den Verstand der Musiker formen dein Hren hrst. Musik ist leistungsfhige soviel wie Autoren, die ihre „mchtigen Federn“ benutzen, um diese Welt um uns zu formen. So berprfen, ob die Musik, die du zu hrst, mit deinen Ansichten bereinstimmt. Die Art der Musikgeschichte, die ich mit aufwuchs: Gut wuchs ich oben hren Musik von den siebziger Jahren, also mag ich bestimmte siebziger Jahre. Sein Spa, zum zu zu tanzen. Aber sein definitiv nicht ich. achtziger Jahre waren gro. Punkra bekanntgeben und experimentelle Musiker entwickelten neue Welle oder geben moderne Musik bekannt. Groe Mischungen von Musik entwickelten sich und neue Tendenzen und Art von Musik wrden sich bilden. Ich sehe sie als die Zeit der Musikrevolution an, aber es war bekannt fr die zweite britische Invasion besseres. MTV stie in unser Leben aus und gab Sichtbarmachungen zu unserer Musik. Der kalte Krieg, der Furcht und alle geholt wurde, die, wir wnschten, war unser MTV. Jedermann erinnern sich an Bildschirm einen?!!! neunziger Jahre begannen heraus wirklich wirklich trauriges. Ich stoppte, Radio allen zusammen zu hren bis fast die mittleren neunziger Jahre. Grunge hatte wirklich eine Festung von Musik genommen und also Hftehopfen/Pochen hatte. Didnt I Obacht fr irgendein eine. Ska trug sein eigenes Gewicht und Rave war der Rave der neunziger Jahre. Schwingenmusik lie uns alle erlernen, wie man tanzt und die Zicklein im Schwarzen mit Mnteln (goths) tauchten aus den Wandschrnken heraus auf. Wir hatten viele viele Parteien an dieser Periode. Das Leben war gut und Schlechtes gleichzeitig. Viele Verhltnisse also mehr Musik hatten Bedeutungen dann berhaupt. siebziger Jahre Musik drhnte und starb gleichzeitig. Dieses war die Zeit, die ich auch in Felsen-einBillymusik erhielt und das Puerto Ricans brachte mir bei, wie man salsa/Meringe tanzt, als ich in New York wohnte. Lt die Popularitt des Sigkeit-Punks nicht vergessen. Alle pltzliche populre Cheerleadern behaupteten, Punk mit ihren hellen sonderbaren rosafarbenen Ausstattungen zu sein und unverschmtes Haar taten und Farbtene. OH- auch jene Junge Bnder!! LOL. Ein was fr Witz. Das neue Jahrtausend holte neue ra in der Musik auch. Emo tauchte aus der Punk-/gothszene heraus auf. Pochen erhielt weie rappers (Dejavu auf Milli Vanilli und Vanilleeis). Hftehopfen behauptete jetzt Jazz als seine Entstehungen. Radiostationen waren das Verlieren viel Bewertungen, also versuchten sie alle Art von Tricks aus ihren Hten heraus, um Untersttzung zu erhalten. Wir verloren KROCK und KNDD nderte ihre Morgenwirte. Ska, siebziger Jahre, achtziger Jahre, Sigkeit-Punk, Schwingen, Rave und andere verloren es ist Funkeln. Wir waren ohne eine Identitt verloren. Jetzt sehe ich Indie Musik, mit guter Musik und wirklich wirklich trauriger Musik (d.h. Hawthorne Hhen?) aufzutauchen Was oben mit allen diesen Bndern die die Gleichen ist, zum in ein ausgereiftes trauriges Lied zu schreien und zu schreien und dann zu werfen?!! Wie lhmen. Mir Unrecht nicht erhalten, mag ich laute Musik mit starken vocals und einigem schreiend, aber diese eine sind so so nicht angebracht. Wie ich an mehr Musikgeschichte denke, gebe ich sie bekannt. Meine Liste des Musikgenren, die ich fr die Verbindung (Friending) betrachte: *Ska *Reggae *Alternative *Indie *Emo *New Welle/Punk und so des Pfosten-modernen/britischen Felsens *Rock-a-billy *Jungle/Drum-n-base *Punk/Candy ..... So wieder wird diese Seite allen du Musiker heraus dort eingeweiht. Kommen Mibrauch diese Seite und sprechen ber deine Musik. Die Welt dich kennen sind heraus dort und hier bleiben lassen.

My Interests

Interests: Yes, I pay alot of it plus late fees.

I'd like to meet:

A cute blonde chick......... with straight beaks, clean feathers (not ruffled), and one that does not chirp too loud. Is that too much to ask for? Did you think I was talking about a girl? ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------I I thought people ought to know, I am not on here to meet people. Just friending people I already know and bands with a myspace account that I like. I dont like to friend people just for the number or just because your a hot chick and need guys to covet you. I only got into myspace because of the fact musicians are using it to promote their music. This is also a non-religious or political page. So please, no music or comments that are religious or political whether it's Christian music or Jamaican religious/political nature. This site is created to promote independent artist and small venue bands as they struggle to grow and get more audience. This site is also created to promote other forms of talented artists, in forms of photography, fine art and graphic/CG/Animators. Please do not be offended If I do not friend you or your bands website. Your music may just not be the kind of music/genre/etc. that I promote. I am attempting to be very particular but there are some room for growth for starting out artists. If you are attempting to get friended, please indicate by a message who you are, how I know you and/or maybe a courtesy request. Thanks!----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------UPDATE! I have decided to go more public with this site so others, besides the artists, can comment on the artists they want to support. Musicians/artists are encouraged to endorse their music on this pages comment section. I will update this page soon as I get time. Thanks for the support and I encourage you to tell others about this site. Enjoy the music linked already and tell me if you want me to link a band you really like thats not on here yet. ---------------------------------------------------And PLEASE, be courteous and respectful to this site and the artists promoted. This is a clean, responsible site so no rated R or NC17 or X pictures, words, comments, jokes, videos, animations, etc. (This includes any suggestions of drugs, smoking, crime, satanism, self-harm and other conducts not condusive to minors. Thank you, again.) :)---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----UPDATE FOR REQUESTS: The requests list has grown quite large and my time to process them has shrunk. Please be patient. Leaving me an email will speed up the process too. Let me know your music style and please read the criteria listed above. Non musicians, please indicate so I will automatically add you. Anybody using this site strictly to advertise/spam a product or some sort of dating website will be taken off friends list.


Alternative, emo, punk, post modern, ska, reggae, rock-a-billy, new wave (the good british kind), some swing/jazz, jungle/drum & bass, etc. I am very deeply involved in music because it has had a big influence on my life since I was a wee little lad. KROQ in S. Cali had the greattest influence on me and so did my older sister. Rodney on the rocks was my favorite DJ! Now I listen to KNDD The End 107.7, KEXP and sometimes Funky monkey, all in Seattle area.



TV kills the mind. Trying watching it while standing and see if it can still keep you hypnotised. You know, when you didnt realise that five hours just passed by and you cant even remember what you just got done watching. Hmm... not good.


Books? Why when we got DVD's, CD's, MP3's, etc? J/K, but I am becoming more Aliterate (not illiterate).


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Add to My Profile | More VideosDepeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again

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Add to My Profile | More Videos------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Ani Difranco - 32 Flavors Lyrics---------------------------squint your eyes and look closer I'm not between you and your ambition I am a poster girl with no poster I am thirty-two flavors and then some and I'm beyond your peripheral vision so you might want to turn your head cause someday you're going to get hungry and eat most of the words you just saidboth my parents taught me about good will and I have done well by their names just the kindness I've lavished on strangers is more than I can explain still there's many who've turned out their porch lights just so I would think they were not home and hid in the dark of their windows til I'd passed and left them aloneand god help you if you are an ugly girl course too pretty is also your doom cause everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room and god help you if you are a pheonix and you dare to rise up from the ash a thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy while you are just flying backI'm not trying to give my life meaning by demeaning you and I would like to state for the record I did everything that I could do I'm not saying that I'm a saint I just don't want to live that way no, I will never be a saint but I will always saysquint your eyes and look closer I'm not between you and your ambition I am a poster girl with no poster I am thirty-two flavors and then some And I'm beyond your peripheral vision So you might want to turn your head Cause someday you might find you're starving and eating all of the words you said

My Blog

The Blakes @ the Crocodile cafe

So Friday night... what to do. what to do? Suppose to go salsa dancing...........Nah, Lets go to a punk rock show!!!!!No punk rock show but the Blakes were playing!!! So was Jose Gonzales!But the Blak...
Posted by House of Musique on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:05:00 PST

Keane show

So me and four other friends went to see Keane. Mind ya that I knew very little about them but the people I went with were hardcore fans. The first band that played (Cant remember the name) put on a p...
Posted by House of Musique on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:50:00 PST

Record store - Buying & selling

Last week I went to EM (Everday Music) on Broadway. I turned in over 150 vinyl records and only got $15 bucks for them. I wasn't happy about that. Granted that the LP's were free (inherited from John ...
Posted by House of Musique on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST


I will be going to see Keane at the Paramount(?) on January 29th, Tuesday. If anyone wants to join me, come by and see if you can spot me out and say HELLO! It's nice to see so many readers. I will ha...
Posted by House of Musique on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:33:00 PST

Ghostland Observatory

Ghostland Observatory is gonna play in Seattle! OCTOBER 19 at the Crocodile Cafe. Early and Late shows. I cant ever seem to get into that place because they are always sold out. I better buy tickets ...
Posted by House of Musique on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 06:35:00 PST


Im finally going to get myself off to a show again! I work too much and this is a treat. I discovered COLD WAR KIDS on KEXP last month and Ive loved them since. I hope their show will be impressive. I...
Posted by House of Musique on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 02:03:00 PST

Eisleys Show

This is my short report on my experience seeing and hearing the Eisleys for the first time live. I first heard their music on myspace so I knew very little about them. I loved their music they had po...
Posted by House of Musique on Sun, 07 May 2006 02:42:00 PST


Im excited to see Sia this Friday night!!! I hope they got tickets available. Im always trying to buy them late. Plus, the Crocodile Cafe isnt a very big place. Maybe I will just stand outside and lis...
Posted by House of Musique on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 01:06:00 PST

Endeavors show January 20, 2006. New album release!!!

Since Daniel is forgetting to post the information about his show tomorrow, I will write a blog about it. Yes, Endeavors are having a show tomorrow night at the Redmond firehouse. I believe around 8 p...
Posted by House of Musique on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:29:00 PST

New Music

I cant believe the kind of response I am getting with the topic of local music nationwide. I have been too busy in the last few years to pay attention to the music and now I realise there are many tal...
Posted by House of Musique on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 05:56:00 PST