Motorcycles, harleys, customs, fabrication, bike rallies, sweet smart girls, traveling together, loving each other, business partnerships, skilled owners
I'm looking for the perfect gypsy girl that will work hard and play hard as we build this dream of ours to start a custom bike fabrication business/shop then travel the rallies selling and working it into something that will support us will be included...and so will the business partnership...ownership is a good thing!
Blues, classic rock, jazz, will listen to most stuff but don't like the current trends in screaming crappo
comedies first, action next, westerns after those.....whatever we want to see is fine with long as we all love it together
speed tv, bike building shows, pbs, discovery, the learning channel
not many...mostly bike mags..for ideas
Animations provided by
the legends of nascar, legendary racers from the early years of bike racing, some of the current batch of custom bike builders that adhere to the (old school) style....we will miss you Indian Larry, Johnny Chop, Gary Woodford