Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi profile picture

Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Greetings! Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace where one can be as free as one wants under the ever-watching eye of 'Big Brother' and all of his Little Brothers.
I have recently revamped my site here. New information. New Videos. New Pictures. A bit of a new look. Enjoy.
This site has been designed to get information out not just to family and friends, but also to the masses. There are also some other niceties; light humor, short stories, videos, and pictures including ones of my life in Taiwan.
Feel free to repost anything I have on the site. If you repost anything I have written personally, please include my information and name so proper credit is given. As I will do if I use anything from your site.
I welcome any comments and suggestions. I also welcome any additional information on any of the subject matter herein. I only ask that you read with an open mind and research for yourself what has been posted. I also ask that if you would like to debate, argue, disagree or what have you, please back up your statements with sourced facts. Peace and Love to you all...
Here is a 200 year old quote that is quite valid now:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that, among these, are LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the government; and, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the PEOPLE to alter or to ABOLISH it."
Just found this video (sept 18) actors quoting
From: GOD, GUNS, & GUTS.. keep America FREE!!!
Date: Sep 17, 2007 9:04 PM
These words from the Declaration of Independence are instructive at this moment. Because not only whenever any form of government, but whenever any government official becomes destructive of the founding purposes, that official or those officials must be held accountable.
That being said...
I like to keep busy here in Taichung, Taiwan. Lots of music/art projects happening. Hit me up if you want to be a part of one. I am from Boston, but I have lived in Taiwan for over 12 years. I operate a small English school
and I am also in a couple bands:
(and just recently .... thanks Maako!)
Our original music spans and fuses the genres. Reggae, hiphop, metal, rockNroll and even a sprinkle of punk and country. Our live shows are indeed lively and fun.
Our name says it all. And though we are all about spreading the peace and love and making the masses aware of events in the world, if the bullies push us, we push back.
We are in the studio right now and should have our first CD out within the next two months... stay tuned!
[email protected]
Our music is dangerously original, eclectic, haunting and fresh. Musicians from around the Island have performed with us giving what we do a very special sound and feel. Check out our site.
For bookings of either band or general BS please get in touch with me here or at the websites listed above.
We do all kinds of events and festivals. Weddings, pubs, special events, birthdays ETC. Liven up your event with live music.
The song you hear on this site is by 'Native Space' and is actually from a live show we had December 2006 at an art event. Go to if you want to add a song... Enjoy...
I also write for the Music/Art section of the The Taichung Voice (AmRusTic) send your inquiries and submissions to any of the websites or emails I have listed here.
My Emails are:
[email protected] (general)
[email protected] (TCVoice/English classes)
[email protected] (music, bookings, event planning)
Peace and Love, Fight The Power....
Below is some very interesting information about hemp. A plant the humans have been using for thousands of years to make textiles, medicine, food, fuel, and of course we know its soothing mental effects. Please take a gander at the plethora of information I have reposted or written here at my site (including my blog).
There is also some disturbing and fact based information concerning 911. They say that Nero burned Rome to the ground and blamed it on the Christians. History repeats itself as Bush and Cohorts are slowly and methodically burning the U.S. to the ground and blaming it on not just the Muslims, but perhaps even true Patriots... I welcome any comment and well thought out rebuttal.
How Did Human Remains
End Up Miles From Flight 93's Crash Site?
Flight 93's debris pattern is not consistent with a crash, but with a shoot-down.

The "Pod People" And The Plane
That Crashed Into the Pentagon
Woman Waving From
WTC 1 Impact Area
The official story is that the fires ignited by the jet fuel in the 757s that impacted the WTC were hot enough to melt steel. First off, kerosene does not burn that hot, second, the huge orange flashes seen on impact were the jet fuel burning OUTSIDE the building and finally, as these photographs prove, the impact points were cool enough for people to stand in the openings and look out.
There was no raging inferno.

Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapses straight down. For the building to collapse in this fashion, all of the load bearing supports would have had to fail at exactly the same time.
The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire requires the fire be equally distributed throughout the entire floor of the building, providing equal heat for an equal amount of time, so that all the load bearings members would fail at the exact same moment.
Do you find this plausible?
Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?

Given that no steel-framed building had ever collapsed from fire prior to 9-11, just how did Giuliani get an advanced warning?
Shaped Charges and the
World Trade Center Collapses
The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

The BBC reported WTC7 as having collapsed.... before it actually did collapse. The building was still visible standing behind the news reader informing the world of the collapse.
Can you say "scripted"? Because there was no reason for anyone to expect WTC-7 to collapse as no steel-framed building had ever collapsed from fire before, or since 9-11, and WTC-7, which contained numerous government offices, was built to be more resistant to fire damage than other buildings.
So the only reason that BBC jumped the gun is that they knew it was being demolished.

Bush Caught in a Lie
About the 9/11 WTC Attacks
The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark
EXCELLENT information regarding Hemp, Cannibus, Weed...
The Cannabinoid System has been around for over 600 million years. Before the Dinosaurs. The Cannabinoid System is continuously evolutioning and has been retained by all new species. Food and feeding is at the heart of the Cannabinoid System.
1. Cannabinoids are in every living animal on the planet above Hydra and Mollusks, with the exception of insects. Bodies are homeostatically maintained by the Cannabinoid System.
2. Mothers give their babies a booster shot of cannabinoids in mothers milk to give them the munchies because they have to learn to eat. (they've been fed thru the umbilical cord and did not have to know how to eat.)
3. Mice lacking the CB1 receptors don't like any changes. If they are moved to another part of the cage they act upset and when they are put back to the original spot in the cage they relax, but if then put into another part of the cage they get upset again. Comment: I wonder if people, especially drug warriors, had their CB1 receptors blocked then they would resist change and the ones of us that have unblocked CB1 receptors enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids are a lot more relaxed and not paranoid about or over change. Interesting thought. It turns out that that thought is absolutely correct. Many people' brains are not capable of a good connection to the CB1 CB2 receptors.
4. All new species utilize cannabinoids.
5. By being alive and breathing air our bodies produce "free radicals". Cannabinoids help to reverse this action.
6. Cannabinoids do kill brain cells, but the brain cells they kill are called "Glioma" or Cancer of the brain(Tumor). All other brain cells are protected and healed by cannabinoids. (Glioma cells cannot tolerate the action of cannabinoids)
7. Cannabinoids protect against sunburn and skin cancer because of the CB1 receptors in our skin.
8. Cannabinoids slow down the aging process. Mice that their brains respond to cannabinoids live longer and mice that have brains that block the CB1 receptors die younger.
9. Activity in the evolutionary advanced areas of the brain is increased in cannabinoids receptors and promotes higher consciousness levels.
10. Cannabinoids are even found in the white blood cells (CB2 receptors). The CB2 receptors are found predominantly on immunological cells and regulate the shift in the immune system to the anti-inflammatory mode.
11. Cannabinoids protect the heart against Arythmia.
12. The way it works on pain is there is specific nerves that deal with pain. They are called vanilloid-Receptors. Anandamide(sanscript word for "Blissful Amide"), the bodies internally produced marijuana binds with the nerve endings, reducing pain. Anandamides are produced internally by our bodies in response to a whole variety of conditions. As an example, Aspirin prevents the breakdown of Anandamide, the internally produced marijuana to activate & start working at easing pain. How many old lady's say they "WOULD NEVER" use marijuana & are actually using the equivalent of marijuana that their bodies produce as a natural activity, & don't even realize it. And how many politicians and citizens of the US do this also & aren't even aware they are condemning something that their bodies make naturally. Anecdotal evidence is valid because when a person smokes marijuana & it relieves their pain, then they smoke it again & it relieves their pain again it becomes a fact known only to that person, but nonetheless true.
13. In the case of most autoimmune diseases, the bodies immune cells produces free radicals & is destroying it's own body as a foreign object. Cannabis pushes the immune system into anti inflammatory mode & helps slow the progression of that disease, thereby slowing down the aging process.
14. Seizures are controlled by marijuana not only THC, but non-psychoactive cannabidiol.(CBD) The exact mechanism is not known, however HEMP is high in CBD's & can cancel out the psychoactive high of THC & at the same time benefits the user or smoker. Cannabinoids control everything in our bodies including our minds.
15. There are many other things that Cannabinoids do in the body, besides attaching to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, the main cannabinoid receptors in the higher part of our brain. Cannabinoids affect our skin and other parts of our bodies.
16. Pharmaceutical companies are working at sythesizing different cannabinoid components and different types of strains of marijuana. If they can succeed, then there will be more choices for you and I to choose from and we will be able to use what works best for our particular bodies.
17. The natural course for mankind, because of the location of our CB1 CB2 the brains main receptors, is to be more stoned.
18. Drug warriors are not doing what they are doing to us because they are intentionally evil, but because they are more primitive(obtuse comes to mind). They look at the world with fear and hostility not cooperativity and understanding.
19. According to a brain function study of 150 depressed people Cannabis protects the brain against healthy cell death and it also protects Neurons.
20. Cannabinoids dilate our brochial tubes and help asthsma sufferers to breath both in and out. Because of the balance that is maintained in our bodies for good health there are instances where it works backwards, where death is possible, if too much is smoked. This goes back to the effects of cannabinoids on individuals and if it doesn't work for you, you should not use it. There was some old studies that were done back in 1977 where "AEROSOLIZED THC" was used on patients. This is not what the government tells us when they say it's not medicine, but we are all familiar with the 7 government patients that are supplied marijuana to be used as medicine and we know the government is lying.
21. Natural pain eradication by cannabinol used by our receptors.
22. Cannabinoids control how we view the future. If you're loaded with bad experiences you're going to be fearful of the future. Lots of smoking of cannabinoids makes you want to be in the future. Lack of change vs embracing the future and changes. Conservative people might die prematurely, stressed, uptight and fearful (genocide). Open minded people and mice are able to change, whereas; people with defective receptors and knock-out mice (mice that have had their receptors removed) will keep going to the platform after it has been removed. They will be fearful of change.
23. Cannabinoids prevent and treat certain types of Cancer. Glioma (Brain Cancer) along with pheochromocytoma, skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, Lymphoma and Leukemia. Cannabinoids may prevent or cure cancer. Cannabinoids have a way of killing the bad cells and protecting the good ones.
24. Cannabis gives relief to Liver Disease & constant uncontrollable itching. Also, lack of sleep and depression and has been doing so for 600 million years.
25. THC in low doses relieves anxiety, while huge doses promote anxiety. (It's too strong like Marinol) Smoking marijuana relieves anxiety. Marijuana promotes sleeping better and normal persons when they are deprived of marijuana would have difficulty sleeping. (One other thing I'd like to add: When ingested, delta 9 THC, on the first pass thru the liver, changes into delta 11 THC. Five times as psychoactive and much longer lasting. I don't know how many people understand that. Ralph)
26. Cannabis protects nerve cells from dying thus protects against Altzheimers Disease.
27. Our bodies make up marijuana like compounds to make us hungry. (gives us the munchies) Then turn off those compounds & we don't have the munchies anymore when it has had enough food. The cannabinoid system first appeared 600 million years ago. Food & feeding is at the heart of evolution & the development of new species.
28. Head injuries cause the body to produce Endo-cannabinoids to protect itself as well as protecting the body against Nerve Gas. Marijuana turns on the bodies Protective Mode, because when you're hungry the body makes Cannabinoids to turn on your hunger. Cannabinoids turn on the expression of a Particular Gene (at the same time it prevents the expression of other Genes). How the Marijuana Receptors change the Integral Bio-Chemistry. Some of the Molecules that are involved or been studied in a Model Organism. There is a worm that people study alot. They have very simple Nervous Systems so you can define what exactly is going on. It turns out this one Particular Molecule regulates what is known as a Transcription Factor (It turns on the Expression of Genes.) It turns out that when you turn on the Expression of this Particular Gene of the Worm Model it actually promotes Mimicking a condition that actually Promotes Longevity of these worms. This Parallels what we've seen in mice. Because Marijuana exhibits Free Radicals so people who've been using Cannabis, Long Term, tend to Live Longer & Look Younger. Marijuana Promotes your Health by affecting your Nerve Cells, by Balancing your Immune System, by Reducing Fat Deposition in your Cardio-Vascular System. It looks as if it helps Burn the Synthesis of things like Cholesterol.
29. New research shows that the argument over outlawing cannabis because it "Causes Cancer" is no longer valid. There are Nicotine Receptors in your throat. There are no Cannabinoid Receptors in your throat. Cells have a Bio-chemical Program known as "APOPTOSIS". This Bio-chemical Program is activated when cells too damaged to repair themselves commit suicide. There is a Bio-chemical Pathway that controls that. Nicotine activates a path that protects the cells from dying. Smoking anything puts Carcinogens into your Air Passage-ways and Cardio-Vascular system. Cells that get damaged by smoke die and that's what you want to happen. Cells to die before they become Cancer Cells.
30. Cannabinoids modulate pain peripherally. In our bodies there are special kinds of pain receptors, known as Vanaloid receptors & they are sensitive to things like heat & excessive pressure & they are responsible for pain. It turns out that a natural regulator of that that down-regulates pain. The endocannabinoid known as Anandamide, the blissful amide, when you combine Sanskrit for ananda & amide for the chemical type. It's clearly known that cannabis can regulate pain, that's been done in numerous studies, but recently , as we learn more about the molecular mechanisms of pain & cannabinoid action what we have now learned is that there is a lot of crosstalk between the cannabinoid system & the morphine, the opioid system. The name of an article that just came out is called Chronic morphine modulates the contents of the endocannabinoid tuorachidonalglycerol in the rat brain. So, tuorachidonalglycerol is another endocannabinoid. We feel pain thru the sensory nerves that are telling us that we're in a painful situation & on the other hand we feel it within our minds because certain areas of our brain subsequently get tickled. What we are seeing now is that the cannabinoid system works both peripherally & centrally & what we are gonna talk about here is this new work that links the cannabinoids more with the opioids in that opioids & cannabinoids are among the most widely consumed drugs of abuse in humans & phenomena of cross-tolerations or mutual potentiation demonstrated between these two drugs. Some of the recent work on pain has come out of England as a result of work done by G.W. Pharmaceuticals which is a company that specializes in producing cannabis plants. They've developed different strains that have different ratios of the cannabinoids & those different plants have different properties. In the past I've mentioned Bi-Polar disorder. Some people who are Bi-Polar & are depressive find Sativa's are good to help elevate them & if they're in an elevated mood & in a manic state they have to be brought down alittle & the Indica's seem to be better for that & likewise they're different ratio's of these cannabinoids that are thought to benefit for example pain, more than others, that are thought to benefit auto-immune diseases. This is being worked out, but what I'd like to go into now is that some of the new links that seem to be occurring in this particular study that I just mentioned, what they are finding is that chronic administration of Opioids is in fact down-regulating the tuorachidonalglycerol which as mentioned, is one of the endo-cannabinoids. Interestingly the Anandamide level seem to be remaining the same, but this other one, tuorachidonalglycerol seems to be down-regulated. In knock-out mice, these are mice where a particular gene is missing, it turns out that you can eliminate alot of the withdrawal systems associated with opium if you have knocked out the receptors. When people go thru withdrawal, they get terribly nauseous & feel horribly sick, well, what we do know cannabinoids control nausea. That's why it's being used by people who are receiving Chemo-therapy or disorders where they are chronically nauseous. Cannabinoids can be very effective for that. So what we are seeing is that morphine turns down the Endogenous cannabinoid Arachidonic acid & that seems to be involved in some of the addictive behavior & this is kind of interesting because we know that cannabinoids themselves other than very twisted circumstances do not show addictive behavior. On the one hand we have the cannabinoid potentiating the morphine, in that people who need morphine for pain can often use 50% of what they normally use by including cannabinoids & on the other hand, we're seeing that the cannabinoid receptor system is involved in addiction & I mentioned a long time ago, that cannabinoids can be beneficial for some people in their attempt to withdraw & now we're seeing support for that in that chronic morphine administration is turning off one of the cannabinoids that's in turn, turning on some of the withdrawal systems.
31. Cannabinoids represent a general class of chemicals, not just cannabis & THC in plants, but rather also cannabinoids that are produced in our bodies. These happen to be Lipid compounds that result from burning & making fats. The thing that is so unique about this system represents how it works so broadly for various health reasons. That is that every single system in our bodies & by system I mean our nervous system or digestive system or reproductive system or immunological system or endocrine system, you name it & the cannabinoids are involved in maintaining what's known as homostasis balance. We need to have the right amount of these components of this system which includes the compounds like THC which is better known as Lygan. They bind to specific receptors & then they are broken down by another enzyme that breaks down these things. So, we have a whole network of bio-chemistry that's influencing everything in our bodies. The question that arises is that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. The system, the cannabinoid system influencing everything in our bodies & the question is what are the nature of the wholes? What are the greater pictures that emerge out of this cannabinoid systems activity. So we see, for example, regulating reproductive system, digestive system, immune system & when they are all working together in a way that is concertedly modulated by the cannabinoid system what can we expect to see, & I would suggest that what's represented by the influences of cannabinoids & cannabis on our mind, in that it opens up our minds to new ways of thinking, it free's us from being stuck in a single track of thinking & that's exactly the kind of thought processes that are required as we move into the future which is generally composed of the unknown. What the cannabinoid system is doing is giving us a way to peacefully & lovingly adapt to change & be open to change. We see in these mice that we can knock-out the cannabinoid system that they are afraid of change. The implications of this are really profound if in fact we have people that are shifted one way or the other in terms of their ability to modulate & accept change that is of profound importance because we see people that are afraid to look forward, happily embracing the future. There are health ramifications for all of this. The cannabinoid system can help us with cardio-vascular disease where it reduces infarctsize with auto-immune diseases where it helps ameliorate & prevent the development of a whole variety of auto-immune diseases including things like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, crones disease & it's also involved with, as a natural regulator of our pain. So we have this holistic medicine that's influencing so many things & I forgot to mention that it regulates our memories & mental pains & in fact, regulates alot of life/death decisions in our cells, nerve cells in particular, which is why it's so beneficial for neurological disorders often associated with the aging, such as Alzheimer's disease. What we're seeing is a holistic medicine & again it has to be used appropriately, too little is no good, & we may be making enough. Individuals may be making enough, but there could be many many people who are not making enough or their system is not active enough who will be able to benefit from the use of cannabis & other cannabinoids. To regulate all of the things we've mentioned that it regulates. So, we've got a holistic health program. To find the balance that's required for our optimum health is something that's totally built into the cannabinoid system. Therefore, it should be readily available to use wisely.
Dr. Robert J. Melamede Ph.D. Chairman of the Biology Department of the University of Colorado:
Conducting Scientific research on Cannabinoids
I just wanted to make a quick note here. Below in the 'who I'd like to meet' section, I have included a list of some of the Amerikan men and women who have died as a result of the Iraq Invasion. These men and women died because of those who want to control the Oil in the Middle East and by default wipe out Islam or at least make it a non threat. And like my brother, who spent almost 2 years in Iraq as an MP (and thank the gods that he is not on this list), and me (four years in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C. and four years in the Massachusetts National Guard) these Military personnel are Pawns in the game of Life that the Powers That Be play (with our lives). They must keep the People docile and ignorant in order to propagate their selfish agenda.
Sun Zi in the 'Art of War' wrote that there are two ways to control the masses, 'keep them in line' and not meddle in governmental affairs. And that is to:
Keep them entertained (i.e. hypnotic brain numbing TV),
fed (hungry people may start trouble)
and ignorant (again TV helps keep the masses from knowing what is really going on) and
Keep them living in a state of perpetual and constant fear (i.e. manufactured terrorists out to get YOU).
How do they do this you ask? A number of ways, many of their methods being small and indiscreet; but very effective.
*They put fluoride in the water. And tell the people it is for their own good... to 'protect' their teeth. Personally, I would rather protect my own teeth and would like to have control over what protects MY teeth. I use baking soda and water. I have more fluoride info here, but google the effects (and dangers) fluoride has on humans. What is more concerning is that they are able to put anything into the water supply. Who is to stop anyone from further poisoning the water supply (aside from the fluoride)?
*They began a public education system in the 1950s that has slowly and methodically reduced the numbers of intelligent free thinking people in Amerika. In the 50s, the U.S. was number one in the world for academic test scores and intellectual achievement. Now it's in the low twenties and losing ground every year.
*They have used television to keep the masses busy with brain numbing bullshit. TV has also been used to propagate the subliminal messages (thought control) that the 'powers that be' wish the masses to adhere to.
* And much more! Browse this site for related information and learn more...
They are secretly (and yes blatantly) involved in every facet of our lives. The Military people listed here have died NOT defending American Freedoms but to ensure that the Amerikan Government and the Powers That Be have total control on the masses and lined their own pockets.
We have provided this list, but there is also another list unavailable to the masses. It is the list of NON-Amerikans who have died in Iraq; the innocents and their military. This is not a war movie on TV. This is real. Wake up.

My Interests

FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

My interests: Music. Writing. Making short films. Physical Fitness. Truth Seeking. Fighting for Freedom. Life.

RE: Jordan Maxwell Exposes The Illuminati
this is good, watch the video...
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: bobby Date: Sep 28, 2007 1:40 PM

Jordan Maxwell
is a speaker in the fields of astrology, theology, religion, secret societies, the occult, and UFOlogy since 1959. He has produced numerous video lectures and documentaries on these subjects and has appeared on many radio talk shows (like Coast to Coast AM[1]) and at such conventions/forums as the Bay Area UFO Expo[2][3], Conspiracy Con[4][5], and The Granada Forum[6], and The Republic Forum[7].

Maxwell believes all religions not only parallel but are, in fact, ultimately based on Sun worship and astrology (such as the Ark of the Covenant being a carryover from the Egyptian "Ark of the Contract").[7]

One of Maxwell's core tenets is his belief in the power of words. Maxwell believes that "We as humans are word-controlled." He uses this concept, coupled with his belief that most languages have the same root, to associate words with similar phonemes to related meanings. amp;q=jordan+maxwell&total=553&start=0&num=10&am p;so=0&type=search&plindex=0

----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Leo/FightNWO-JUST SAY NO TO FASCISM IN AMERICA!! Date: Sep 23, 2007 6:43 AM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Blaine
Date: Sep 22, 2007 8:45 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ? Georgilla ?e Guerrilla ?
Date: Sep 22, 2007 11:39 PM

Spread it, Share it, Post it, Blog it, Print it, Walk it, Mail it.

Let's Destroy this myth NOW!

? Georgilla ?e Guerrilla ? Knows the Cure for Cancer

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------


1. Click the "Reply to Poster" button at the bottom of this post.
2. Copy all the html code, create a new bulletin, paste the code in there.
3. Be nice, give credit to the sender(s) and the author when re-posting.
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------

This is it, cure for cancer time. Are you excited?

I know this amazing woman in Los Angeles who had cancer by the age of 21. Her parents owned a pizza parlor and she ate pizza, soda and bread all the time. High intake of milk, meat, processed salt, processed white flour, and processed sugars are top cancer causes. She changed her diet and now she's in peak health and almost 40. Cancer and tumors present in the body indicates a suppressed immune system mostly due to diet and toxins in your environment.

The A.M.A. represents cancer as this incurable beast when in reality it's much more controllable than we have been led to believe. For instance, the American Cancer Society does not recommend that you avoid eating such things as nitrates, a common food additive found in most meat that is known to be cancer causing. Our food is loaded with things that cause cancer and deprived of the cancer preventing vitamins. It seems like there is constantly people raising money for cancer research. Where does it all go? I had a woman call me on accident and I decided to talk to her. She was calling for a number of where to donate her hair to cancer patients. Her hair would go to a chemo patient. See, now, chemo is totally unnecessary in a majority of cases and damages the body so that it can't recover. People have good intentions that get thrown into a pool of bad science and it ends up doing no real good.

So they just keep raising money and say “We’re working on it, we’re getting close”. Truth of the matter is the last thing modern medicine cured was Polio…in the 50’s. They are not trying to cure you. They are trying to make money. Who makes more money than drug companies? They are at the top of the Fortune 500s. It makes no sense if they were trying to make you well. Drug companies are the bane of the American people, sucking us dry. They have found anti-depressants and other prescription drugs in tap water and streams. We are forever altering nature by our actions. We must stop the madness and go natural and sustainable. Pre-industrial revolution.

.:The Gorilla:.
? Georgilla ?e Guerrilla ?

The Answer to Cancer
Has Been Known for Many Years!

Vitamin B17 was the subject of great controversy over 20 years ago when some of the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components of certain raw fruit seeds make it 100% impossible to develop cancer and will kill existing cancer in most cases.

The pharmaceutical companies pounced on this claim immediately and demanded that FDA studies be conducted. The results of these studies are found on this site and in a book called "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin. To order the book call 877-479-3466.

Vitamin B17, also know as Laetrile and Amygdalin is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot seeds. The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35 years ago.

It was even more strongly claimed that when one eats about 7 apricot seeds per day they can never develop cancer, just as one can never get scurvy if they have an orange every day, or pellagra if they have some B vitamins every day.

The pharmaceuticals companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you can't get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried ones which have all the important enzymes killed off.

Pharmaceutical companies only conduct studies on patented chemicals they invent so that at the end of their study, if the drug gets approved, they have sole rights on its sale. (They make back tons more than the mere 250 million that they invested) They never do studies on foods that can't be patented and that can be sold by any supermarket.

The information on this site is not just for preventing cancer, it is for those that have cancer now and are on chemo or radiation at this moment, as well as for those who have cancer but haven't started any conventional methods yet.

Most of the people that already have cancer clusters in their body, who eat the apricot seeds and/or take the vitamin b17 in tablet form show near to complete tumor regression. Although cancer patients may get rid of their cancer, they also have the problem of the organ damage that the cancer has caused.

This is another issue where other herbs and remedies are necessary for proper organ regeneration. Of course when a person's body is completely eaten up by cancer, the apricot seeds and its extract (laetrile and vitamin b17) would only prolong their life many times longer than chemotherapy and might not completely save them.

However in many cases high levels of the injectable laetrile will help a great deal with the pain.

The information that you're about to read will guide you in how you can guarantee a nearly cancer free life or help your body get rid of cancer if you have it.

Cancer Cures

Are Abundant in nature. These cures are, of course, outside the control of mainstream medicine and they are all labeled "quackery" by the National Cancer Institute and most Western doctors. Such cures include Amazon herbs (like graviola), licorice root, oxygen therapy, sunlight therapy, the injection of phytochemicals from spirulina directly in cancer tumors, the use of fucoidan supplements (which are extracted from sea vegetables), antineoplastins (pioneered by Dr. Burzynski), phytochemicals found in apricot pits (laetrile) and a long list of other natural therapies that both prevent and reverse cancer in many forms.

Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)

Vitamin B17 appears in abundance in untamed nature. Because B17 is bitter to the taste, in man's attempt to improve tastes and flavors for his own pleasure, he has eliminated bitter substances like B17 by selection and cross-breeding. It can be stated as a general rule that many of the foods that have been domesticated still contain the vitamin B17 in that part not eaten by modem man, such as the seeds in apricots. Listed below is an evaluation of some of the more common foods. Keep in mind that these are averages only and that specimens vary widely depending on variety, locale, soil, and climate.

Fruits Range*
blackberry, domestic low
blackberry, wild high
boysenberry med.
choke cherry high
wild crabapple high
market cranberry low
Swedish (lignon) cranberry high
currant med.
elderberry med. to high
gooseberry med.
huckleberry med.
loganberry med.
mulberry med.
quince med.
raspberry med.

Seeds Range*
apple seeds high
apricot seed high
buckwheat med.
cherry seed high
flax med.
millet med.
nectarine seed high
peach seed high
pear seeds high
plum seed high
prune seed high
squash seeds med.

Beans Range*
black low
black-eyed peas low
fava high
garbanzo low to med.
green pea low
kidney low to med.
lentils med.
lima, U.S. low
lima, Burma med.
mung med. to high
shell low

Nuts (all raw) Range*
bitter almond high
cashew low
macadamia med. to high

Sprouts Range*
alfalfa med.
bamboo high
fava med.
garbanzo med.
mung med.

Leaves Range*
alfalfa high
beet tops low
eucalyptus high
spinach low
water cress low

Tubers Range*
cassava high
sweetpotato low
yams low

Range* 1000 mg ( milligrams ) = 1 gram

High — above 500 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food.

Medium — above 100 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food.

Low — below 100 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food.

The Myth of Sunscreen

This one is big. This is their game. They lie to you and then sell you something expensive that you have to use frequently. It again comes down to proper nutrition and natural remedies as it always does. If you don't have an aloe plant I'd recommend you get one. They grow well and easy.

I just read about how sun screens give you cancer by blocking Vitamin D absorption through the skin and because they contain toxic ingredients like parabens and PG. This all soaks into your skin and leaves petroleum and toxic residues in whatever water you are in. Sun screens are a drug. They have "active ingredients" labeled as they do a drug. Those ingredients soak right in causing cell damage and cancer.

Then I open People Magazine and they are selling 70 SPF lotion. 70 SPF.........Way more than you need. Marketed in a magazine that millions of woman read. The companies who carry these ads should be held equally responsible. They are lying, false advertising and that is illegal in this country. But we all know that corporations are allowed to break the law while the FTC and FDA routinely sue people who recommend cheap effective cures.

It's amazing that this is so wrong. A country (not sure which one) just funded a major study into Vitamin D. Vitamin D prevents cancer. If you do a study of people with cancer you will find they have Vit. D deficiencies. This explains a bit about the American Cancer Society and how they have no interest in preventing cancer, only treating it in expensive ways. We never had sunscreen before 50 years ago. Did they run from tree to tree avoiding the sun? Of course not. The sun is very vital to health. Also sunlight hitting your eyes is very healthy. Try not to always block the sun with glasses.

A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 243507

This movie cracks the nut wide open. One in 3 women get cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 2 men get cancer in their lifetime these days. Tons of things have changed in the past century so it's hard to pin it down. But what it comes down to is this. Nature equips nature for cancer. You fight off cancer all the time. Your pancreas does it for you. Thank your pancreas. *applause* Nature gave you a back up in vitamin B17. When dogs and cats are sick they go outside and eat grass. They seek grass rich in B17. They can smell it out. Animals in nature don't get cancer. Caribou don't get cancer. The native Americans that eat the Caribou don't get cancer. 100% no cancer and they eat salmon and caribou almost exclusively. It's the nitrilocide compounds in the grasses they eat. Same stuff in apple seeds an apricot seeds. B17. B17. B17.

Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime amp;q=hoxsey&hl=en

This documentary concerns Harry M. Hoxsey, the former coal miner whose family's herbal recipe has brought about claims of a cancer cure. All starting in 1924 with his first clinic, he expanded to 17 states by the mid 1950s, along the way constantly battling organized medicine that labeled him a charlatan. Hoxsey's supporters point out he was the victim of arrests, or "quackdowns" spearheaded by the proponents of established medical practices. Interviews of patients satisfied with the results of the controversial treatment are balanced with physicians from the FDA and the AMA. A clinic in Tijuana, Mexico claims an 80% success rate, while opponents are naturally skeptical. What is apparent is that cancer continues to be one of humankind's more dreaded diseases, and that political and economic forces dominate research and development.

G. Edward Griffin - The Science and Politics of Cancer

"With No Treatment, you are statistically better than using western orthodox treatments" amp;q=vitamin+b17&hl=en

A 2005 speech given by G. Edward Griffin on Laetrile, Amygdalin, Vitamin B17 as cancer therapy. If you are new to this topic, then you might want to watch " G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 "

Jason Vale Cured cancer 3 times with Apple and Apricot Seeds 0830725&hl=en

Jason Vale, Champion arm wrestler has fought and cured cancer 3 times through eating raw apple and apricot seeds that contain a little known vitamin B17. The Big Pharmaceutical giants don't want people to know this little fact so they have encouraged the FDA to ban the sale of raw apricot or Vitamin B17 ~ Amygdalin Laetrile as it is also known. You can however order the seeds online from other countries. Search the web... there are endless testimonials of persons that have sent various cancers into complete remission because of these little seeds. God Bless you... there is always a way to LIFE in his Kingdom!

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This article gives a good low-down on the politics of cancer "research". The Cancer Industry has a perfect crime set up. They have invented an "incurable disease" that only they can treat their expensive ways that inevitably kill most people. Meanwhile they know it's curable and rake in billions every year to research it more and more and more. It is circular logic. The cancer cures are towards the bottom. They have done statistics on patients that receive conventional treatments and patients that underwent no treatment. You were statistically better off with NO TREATMENT.

New science proves that cancer is reversible, but organized medicine insists that cancer cannot be cured

by Mike Adams
Originally published August 3 2004

Fascinating new research is showing that cancer is reversible. A cloning experiment conducted on cancer cells showed that those very same cells can revert to healthy cells and result in the creation of a healthy organism, free of cancer. This is ground-breaking new research on cancer because it shows that malignancy is not the inevitable fate of cancer cells.

There's more to this than you might suspect. The official position on cancer by the National Cancer Institute and organized medicine has long been that cancer is not reversible -- once a person has cancer, they can never be cured. In fact, the word "cure" has typically been grounds for a lawsuit by the FDA (or certainly the oppression or regulation of any therapy making such a claim). It's a convenient position by organized medicine, because as long as they can get people to believe the idea that cancer cannot be cured, they can outlaw all anti-cancer therapies based on the idea that since there is no such thing as a cure, anything claiming to offer a cure must be quackery.

It's circular reasoning, of course, based on a faulty premise that has now been proven false by this new scientific research. Cancer cells can revert to healthy cells, and healthy organisms can be produced from malignant cancer cells.

You probably won't hear much about this in the popular press or from the National Cancer Institute. This scientific finding is incompatible with the commonly held beliefs of those in charge of cancer research and cancer propaganda. And, as is common in modern medicine, any scientific evidence that is incompatible with their current beliefs is simply tossed aside and ignored. See, modern medicine isn't really about the search for scientific truth; it's about the search for selective truth -- any sort of truth that agrees with their current belief systems and supports their financial interests. In that sense, modern medicine is more like a religion. It is based on a series of dogmatic beliefs that don't hold water under scientific scrutiny. The hard science says that cancer cells can revert to healthy cells, but the industry says cancer cannot be reversed.

This is not new information for naturopathic physicians, Chinese medical practitioners, and holistic nutritionists -- we've known for a long time that cancer is reversible. In fact, cancer is one of the diseases that is the easiest to reverse. And because this website does not sell any products whatsoever, under free speech guidelines, I can tell you the truth about cancer, and state without qualification that there are many cures for cancer that are both well proven and readily available to those suffering from this chronic disease.

Cancer Cures

These cures are, of course, outside the control of mainstream medicine and they are all labeled "quackery" by the National Cancer Institute and most Western doctors. Such cures include Amazon herbs (like graviola), licorice root, oxygen therapy, sunlight therapy, the injection of phytochemicals from spirulina directly in cancer tumors, the use of fucoidan supplements (which are extracted from sea vegetables), antineoplastins (pioneered by Dr. Burzynski), phytochemicals found in apricot pits (laetrile) and a long list of other natural therapies that both prevent and reverse cancer in many forms.

The bottom line is that science is now proving that cancer is reversible, thereby verifying something that the natural healing community has both known and practiced for literally thousands of years. In time, perhaps western medicine will pull its head out of the dark ages and come to recognize that the human body is a remarkable healer. It can conquer cancer and other chronic diseases if simply given the chance and the proper nutrients. The cure for cancer exists right now, today, and it is available to those who are willing to recognize it.

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Cancer is the perfect racket

You create this image of a disease that isn't really accurate. Then you get people to fear it by not informing them how to cure these ailments and letting them die and treating them with horrible methods to make think people think it's impossible to cure because those chemicals and techniques also poison you and make it much worse. Then you take in more money each year to "look for the cure". The last thing they cured was Polio. There is no money in curing disease. They figured that out. Take health in YOU OWN HANDS.
I'll give you a cure for cancer, *bam* Eating the inner core of an Apricot seed or Apple seed. Now how many millions of dollars did that take me to figure out? I'm not saying that organizations that raise money are wrong or bad, but it's a rat race. They could spend their money and energy in other more productive ways.

(There's some poor quality sound in 2 places).

NBC News clip: "Most effective treatment for AIDS and cancer in History. Federal Jury found, Cedars Sinai Medical Center and UCLA have lost the Vaccines intentionally and awarded Dr. Sam Chachoua $10-million dollars.

The Illusion Of Disease
By Mike Adams

There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to label a set of symptoms as a disease. For example, I recently spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said this: "Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile bones." The poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to counteract this "disease."

Yet the language is all backward. Osteoporosis is not a disease that causes weak bones. Osteoporosis is the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak bones happened first, and then the diagnosis followed.

Another drug company defines osteoporosis as "the disease that causes bones to become thinner." Again, the cause and effect are reversed. And that's how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: First you "get" the disease, then you are "diagnosed" just in time to take an expensive new drug for the rest of your life.

But it's all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It's just a name for a pattern of symptoms that indicate you've let your bones get fragile. And to treat it, western doctors will give you prescriptions for drugs that claim to make your bones less brittle.

We should really call it Brittle Bones Disease, and describe the treatment in plain language - exercise, vitamin D, mineral supplements with calcium and strontium, natural sunlight, and the avoidance of substances like soft drinks, white flour, and added sugars, which strip away bone mass.

Diabetes is another condition given a complex name that puts its solution out of reach of the average patient. Type 2 diabetes isn't technically a disease. It's just a natural metabolic side effect of consuming refined carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in regular physical exercise.

The name "diabetes" is meaningless to the average person. It should be called Excessive Sugar Disease. If it were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather apparent.

Cancer is another disease named after its symptom. To this day, most doctors and patients still believe that cancer is a physical thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a cancer pattern that is expressed by the body.

When a person "has cancer," what they really have is a sluggish or suppressed immune system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Suppressed Immune System Disorder.

If cancer were actually called that, it would seem ridiculous to try to cure it by cutting out tumors and destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. These are the two most popular treatments for cancer, and they do nothing to support the patient's immune system or prevent future occurrences. That's exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors end up with yet more cancer down the road.

The cure for cancer already exists, and it's found in every human body. Your body kills cancer cells as a routine daily task, and it has done it thousands of times in your lifetime.

All we have to do is stop poisoning our bodies with cancer-causing chemicals and start feeding ourselves the materials our bodies need to beat chronic disease. Instead of searching for new technological cures, our money and time would be better spent making people aware of the existing cures and prevention strategies available right now.

Here's another example: high cholesterol. Conventional medicine says that high cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the treatment is drugs (statin drugs) that inhibit the liver's production of cholesterol. Upon taking these drugs, the high cholesterol (the "disease") is regulated.

But the fatal flaw in this approach is once again evident: The symptom is not the cause of the disease. There is another cause, one that is routinely ignored by conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients. The root cause of high cholesterol is primarily dietary. A person who eats foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will inevitably produce more bad cholesterol. It's simple cause and effect, not some bizarre behavior by the liver.

"There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don't want to make health sound attainable to the average person."


If the disease were accurately named, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease. That would make more sense to people. And the obvious solution to the disease would be to choose foods that aren't so fatty. Of course, that may be a bit of an oversimplification, since you have to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name would give patients a better idea of what's actually going on.

Outside the United States , the names of diseases in other languages (such as Chinese) more accurately describe their actual causes. In western medicine, however, the name of the disease obscures the root cause. That makes all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they really are.

That's a shame, because the treatments and cures for virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be described in plain language. Preventing and reversing these diseases only requires language that describes things like making different food choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific toxins, supplementing your diet, and so on.

There is a degree of arrogance in the language of western medicine, and this arrogance propagates the separation between doctors and their patients. Separation never results in healing. In order to create healing, we must bring together healers and patients by using plain language that real people understand and that real people can act upon.

There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don't want to make health sound attainable to the average person. Making the language of disease complicated keeps it out of reach of the public.

But health is attainable by every single person. It isn't rocket science. It's not complex. And it doesn't require a prescription. Health is easy, it is straightforward, and it is direct. And, for the most part, it is available free of charge if you invoke the healing power of sunlight, pure water, stress reduction, exercise, and healthy food choices.

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Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers

It is already used for other illnesses and has been proven safe but I don't think this has gone through human trials though. Very promising. We are getting close to really understanding the mechanism of cancer and not just saying "Yeah, we're getting close" to finding a cure. There are many cures fr cancer, you only need look or ask me :-)


DCA-Dichloroacetate Cancer Cure - Watch more free videos

DCA from Wikipedia

Apoptosis from Wikipedia

Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers
Andy Coghlan, New Scientist
January 20, 2007

It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their “immortality”. The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.
It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.
Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.
DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.
Until now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis’s experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died (Cancer Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.10.020).
Michelakis suggests that the switch to glycolysis as an energy source occurs when cells in the middle of an abnormal but benign lump don’t get enough oxygen for their mitochondria to work properly (see diagram). In order to survive, they switch off their mitochondria and start producing energy through glycolysis.
Crucially, though, mitochondria do another job in cells: they activate apoptosis, the process by which abnormal cells self-destruct. When cells switch mitochondria off, they become “immortal”, outliving other cells in the tumour and so becoming dominant. Once reawakened by DCA, mitochondria reactivate apoptosis and order the abnormal cells to die.
“The results are intriguing because they point to a critical role that mitochondria play:
they impart a unique trait to cancer cells that can be exploited for cancer therapy,” says Dario Altieri, director of the University of Massachusetts Cancer Center in Worcester.
The phenomenon might also explain how secondary cancers form. Glycolysis generates lactic acid, which can break down the collagen matrix holding cells together. This means abnormal cells can be released and float to other parts of the body, where they seed new tumours.
DCA can cause pain, numbness and gait disturbances in some patients, but this may be a price worth paying if it turns out to be effective against all cancers. The next step is to run clinical trials of DCA in people with cancer. These may have to be funded by charities, universities and governments: pharmaceutical companies are unlikely to pay because they can’t make money on unpatented medicines. The pay-off is that if DCA does work, it will be easy to manufacture and dirt cheap.
Paul Clarke, a cancer cell biologist at the University of Dundee in the UK, says the findings challenge the current assumption that mutations, not metabolism, spark off cancers. “The question is: which comes first?” he says.

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Chemo drugs 'destroy brain cells'

Chemotherapy can cause severe side effects

Drugs used to destroy cancer cells may actually be more harmful to healthy cells in the brain, research suggests.
A team from New York's University of Rochester found several types of key brain cell were highly vulnerable to the drugs.
They say it might help explain side effects such as seizures and memory loss associated with chemotherapy - collectively dubbed 'chemo brain'.
The research is published in the Journal of Biology.

This is the first study that puts chemo brain on a sound scientific footing

Dr Mark Noble
University of Rochester

Drug therapy for cancer can prompt a wide range of neurological side effects, even the onset of dementia.
But they were thought not to be directly linked to the drug treatment itself.
Instead, some doctors have put them down to the patient's vulnerable psychological state.

The latest study found that dose levels typically used when treating patients killed 40% to 80% of cancer cells - but 70% to 100% of human brain cells grown in the lab, and caused serious damage to brain cells when given to mice. Several types of healthy brain cell continued to die for at least six weeks after exposure.

Common drugs tested
Lead researcher Dr Mark Noble said: "This is the first study that puts chemo brain on a sound scientific footing, in terms of neurobiology and cellular

The Rochester team carried out tests with three drugs used to treat a wide range of cancers: carmustine, cisplatin and cytosine arabinoside. All three drugs were toxic to several types of brain cell whose job is to repair other cells in the brain - even at very low concentrations. They also killed off oligodenrocyte cells, which play a key role in the transmission of messages around the nervous system.

The researchers suggest damage to cells in the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning, is most likely to explain chemo brain symptoms. Professor John Toy, Cancer Research UK¿s medical director, said: "The doses of therapy needed to treat cancer while leaving the body's healthy cells as unharmed as possible is a fine balance judged by experienced specialists.

*---Translation: “We have to carefully measure the poison we’re giving you so that you don’t die. We’re good at it because if you die, we stop getting money”
"They aim to maximize benefits and minimize damage. Unfortunately side-effects can include toxicity to the brain.

*---Brain Toxicity seems unimportant to this “Cancer Specialist”. The body is not Berlin in 1943, you can’t just kill indiscriminately. These are the same people that loved putting leeches on us to drain the humors. This is one of their new ideas.
"This research in mice may hopefully suggest new ways of researching how this toxicity might be overcome.

*---Instead of realizing that Chemo is not the way, they want to spend more money, the name of the game, on “research” instead of looking upon successes all over the world in Alternative cancer research.
"It is important to remember, however, that all presently available cancer treatments have gone through extensive clinical trials to ensure that their benefits outweigh unwanted effects.

*---This is the assumption of every Western doctor. “The research says this”. How long have these drugs been around? How about long term studies? The drug regulation bureaus in this country are atrocious. Aspirin is on the market now having never been approved. Oh guess what, it dissolves your stomach lining, but Bayer aspirin is still allowed to suggest taking it everyday.
"No patient should stop their treatment because of this research."

*---And then we come to the point. After the research to confirms the Chemo drugs carpet bomb the cells in your body and do heavy damage to the brain we get the AMA claptrap “YOU SHALL NOT SEEK ALTERNATIVES”. This is the standard in America. STAND IN LINE. TAKE THIS PILL.

Congressman compares Bush to Hitler

Add West covina for 9/11 truth

----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Leo/FightNWO-JUST SAY NO TO FASCISM IN AMERICA!! Date: Sep 19, 2007 4:51 PM.. Bulletin Message ----------------- From: bobby Date: Sep 26, 2007 5:28 PM &q=michael+tsarion&total=224&start=0&num=10& amp;so=0&type=search&plindex=2

I'd like to meet:

The fascist dictator of the United States... without his bodyguards.

McDonalds will kill you faster than Al Queda! The REAL Threat to Americans - It's Not Terrorism...
Thanks to All for Sharing

THIS IS JUST A PORTION OF THE U.S. soldiers KILLED in the Iraq War!

Jay Thomas Aubin, 36, Marine Major, Mar 21, 2003 Ryan Anthony Beaupre, 30, Marine Captain, Mar 21, 2003 Therrel Shane Childers, 30, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Mar 21, 2003 Jose Antonio Gutierrez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 21, 2003 Brian Matthew Kennedy, 25, Marine Corporal, Mar 21, 2003 Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, 29, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 21, 2003 Brandon Scott Tobler, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, Mar 22, 2003 Eric James Orlowski, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 22, 2003 Thomas Mullen Adams, 27, Navy Lieutenant, Mar 22, 2003 Jamaal Rashard Addison, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 Edward John Anguiano, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 George Edward Buggs, 31, Army Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Robert John Dowdy, 38, Army Master Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18, Army Private, Mar 23, 2003 Howard Johnson II, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 James Michael Kiehl, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 Johnny Villareal Mata, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Mar 23, 2003 Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 Christopher Scott Seifert, 27, Army Captain, Mar 23, 2003 Brandon Ulysses Sloan, 19, Army Private, Mar 23, 2003 Donald Ralph Walters, 33, Army Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Michael Edward Bitz, 31, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Brian Rory Buesing, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Tamario Demetrice Burkett, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 Kemaphoom "Ahn" Chanawongse, 22, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Donald John Cline Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 David Keith Fribley, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Jose Angel Garibay, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Jonathan Lee Gifford, 30, Marine Private, Mar 23, 2003 Jorge Alonso Gonzalez, 20, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Nicolas Michael Hodson, 22, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Nolen Ryan Hutchings, 19, Marine Private, Mar 23, 2003 Phillip Andrew Jordan, 42, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Patrick Ray Nixon, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Frederick Eben Pokorney Jr., 31, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Mar 23, 2003 Brendon Curtis Reiss, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Randal Kent Rosacker, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Thomas Jonathan Slocum, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Michael Jason Williams, 31, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Gregory Paul Sanders, 19, Army Specialist, Mar 24, 2003 Thomas Alan Blair, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 24, 2003 Evan Tyler James, 20, Marine Corporal, Mar 24, 2003 Bradley Steven Korthaus, 28, Marine Sergeant, Mar 24, 2003 Gregory Lewis Stone, 40, Air National Guard Major, Mar 25, 2003 Michael Vann Johnson Jr., 25, Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Cl., Mar 25, 2003 Kevin Gerard Nave, 36, Marine Major, Mar 26, 2003 Francisco Abraham Martinez-Flores, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 27, 2003 Donald Charles May Jr., 31, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 27, 2003 Joseph Menusa, 33, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Mar 27, 2003 Patrick Terence O'Day, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Robert Marcus Rodriguez, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Jesus Alberto Suarez del Solar, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Roderic Antoine Solomon, 32, Army Sergeant, Mar 28, 2003 Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, 26, Marine Sergeant, Mar 28, 2003 Michael Russell Creighton-Weldon, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2003 Michael Edward Curtin, 23, Army Corporal, Mar 29, 2003 Diego Fernando Rincon, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2003 Eugene Williams, 24, Army Sergeant, Mar 29, 2003 James Wilford Cawley, 41, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 29, 2003 William Wayne White, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 29, 2003 Aaron Joseph Contreras, 31, Marine Captain, Mar 30, 2003 Michael Vernon Lalush, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 30, 2003 Brian Daniel McGinnis, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 30, 2003 Brandon Jacob Rowe, 20, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2003 William Andrew Jeffries, 39, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 31, 2003 Jacob Lee Butler, 24, Army Sergeant, Apr 01, 2003 Joseph Basil Maglione III, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 01, 2003 James Francis Adamouski, 29, Army Captain, Apr 02, 2003 Matthew George Boule, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 02, 2003 George Andrew Fernandez, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Apr 02, 2003 Erik Anders Halvorsen, 40, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW4), Apr 02, 2003 Scott Jamar, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 02, 2003 Michael Francis Pedersen, 26, Army Sergeant, Apr 02, 2003 Eric Allen Smith, 41, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), Apr 02, 2003 Brian Edward Anderson, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 02, 2003 Christian Daniel Gurtner, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 02, 2003 Nathan Dennis White, 30, Navy Lieutenant, Apr 02, 2003 Wilbert Davis, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Edward Jason Korn, 31, Army Captain, Apr 03, 2003 Nino Dugue Livaudais, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Ryan Patrick Long, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 03, 2003 Donald Samuel Oaks Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Apr 03, 2003 Randall Scott Rehn, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 03, 2003 Russell Brian Rippetoe, 27, Army Captain, Apr 03, 2003 Todd James Robbins, 33, Army Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Chad Eric Bales, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 03, 2003 Mark Asher Evnin, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 03, 2003 Erik Hernandez Silva, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 03, 2003 Tristan Neil Aitken, 31, Army Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Wilfred Davyrussell Bellard, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 04, 2003 Daniel Francis Cunningham Jr., 33, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2003 Devon Demilo Jones, 19, Army Private, Apr 04, 2003 Paul Ray Smith, 33, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 04, 2003 Travis Allen Ford, 30, Marine Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Bernard George Gooden, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 04, 2003 Brian Michael McPhillips, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 04, 2003 Duane Roy Rios, 25, Marine Sergeant, Apr 04, 2003 Benjamin Wilson Sammis, 29, Marine Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Stevon Alexander Booker, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 05, 2003 Larry Kenyatta Brown, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 05, 2003 Edward Smith, 38, Marine 1st Sergeant, Apr 05, 2003 Gregory Paul Huxley Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2003 Kelley Stephen Prewitt, 24, Army Private, Apr 06, 2003 Eric Bruce Das, 30, Air Force Captain, Apr 07, 2003 William Randolph Watkins III, 37, Air Force Major, Apr 07, 2003 Lincoln Daniel Hollinsaid, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 07, 2003 Jeffrey Joseph Kaylor, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Apr 07, 2003 Anthony Scott Miller, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 07, 2003 George Arthur Mitchell Jr., 35, Army Specialist, Apr 07, 2003 Andrew Julian Aviles, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 07, 2003 Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 07, 2003 Scott Douglas Sather, 29, Air Force Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2003 Henry Levon Brown, 22, Army Corporal, Apr 08, 2003 John Winston Marshall, 50, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003 Jason Michael Meyer, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003 Robert Anthony Stever, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2003 Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003 Terry Wayne Hemingway, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 10, 2003 Jeffrey Edward Bohr Jr., 39, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Apr 10, 2003 Riayan Augusto Tejeda, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 11, 2003 Jesus Angel Gonzalez, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 12, 2003 David Edward Owens Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2003 Gil Mercado, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 13, 2003 Joseph Acevedo, 46, Navy Commander, Apr 13, 2003 John Eli Brown, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 14, 2003 Thomas Arthur Foley III, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2003 Joseph Patrick Mayek, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 14, 2003 Richard Allen Goward, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 14, 2003 Armando Ariel Gonzalez, 25, Marine Corporal, Apr 14, 2003 Jason David Mileo, 20, Marine Corporal, Apr 14, 2003 John Travis Rivero, 23, Army Corporal, Apr 17, 2003 Roy Russell Buckley, 24, Army Reserve Specialist, Apr 22, 2003 Andrew Todd Arnold, 30, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 22, 2003 Robert William Channell Jr., 36, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 22, 2003 Alan Dinh Lam, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 22, 2003 Troy David Jenkins, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 24, 2003 Osbaldo Orozco, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, Apr 25, 2003 Narson Bertil Sullivan, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 25, 2003 Joe Jesus Garza, 43, Army 1st Sergeant, Apr 28, 2003 Jesse Alan Givens, 34, Army Private 1st Class, May 01, 2003 Sean C. Reynolds, 25, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2003 Jason L. Deibler, 20, Army Private, May 04, 2003 Marlin T. Rockhold, 23, Army Private 1st Class, May 08, 2003 Richard P. Carl, 26, Army Corporal, May 09, 2003 Hans N. Gukeisen, 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003 Brian K. Van Dusen, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003 Cedric E. Bruns, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 09, 2003 Matthew R. Smith, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, May 10, 2003 Jakub Henryk Kowalik, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 12, 2003 Jose F. Gonzalez Rodriguez, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 12, 2003 Patrick Lee Griffin Jr., 31, Air Force Staff Sergeant, May 13, 2003 Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, May 13, 2003 David T. Nutt, 22, Army Specialist, May 14, 2003 William L. Payne, 46, Army Master Sergeant, May 16, 2003 Rasheed Sahib, 22, Army Specialist, May 18, 2003 Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, 28, Marine Corporal, May 18, 2003 Dominic Rocco Baragona, 42, Army Lieutenant Colonel, May 19, 2003 Andrew David LaMont, 31, Marine Captain, May 19, 2003 Jason William Moore, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 19, 2003 Timothy Louis Ryan, 30, Marine 1st Lieutenant, May 19, 2003 Kirk Allen Straseskie, 23, Marine Sergeant, May 19, 2003 Aaron Dean White, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 19, 2003 Nathaniel A. Caldwell, 27, Army Specialist, May 21, 2003 David Evans Jr., 18, Army Private, May 25, 2003 Keman L. Mitchell, 24, Army Sergeant, May 26, 2003 Kenneth A. Nalley, 19, Army Private, May 26, 2003 Brett J. Petriken, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, May 26, 2003 Matthew E. Schram, 36, Army Major, May 26, 2003 Jeremiah D. Smith, 25, Army Private 1st Class, May 26, 2003 Thomas F. Broomhead, 34, Army Sergeant, May 27, 2003 Michael B. Quinn, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, May 27, 2003 Kenneth R. Bradley, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, May 28, 2003 Jose A. Perez III, 22, Army Specialist, May 28, 2003 Michael T. Gleason, 25, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Kyle A. Griffin, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Zachariah W. Long, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Jonathan W. Lambert, 28, Marine Sergeant, Jun 01, 2003 Atanasio Haro Marin Jr., 27, Army Sergeant, Jun 03, 2003 Branden F. Oberleitner, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 05, 2003 Travis L. Burkhardt, 26, Army Sergeant, Jun 06, 2003 Doyle W. Bollinger Jr., 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jun 06, 2003 David Sisung, 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jun 06, 2003 Jesse M. Halling, 19, Army Private, Jun 07, 2003 Michael E. Dooley, 23, Army Sergeant, Jun 08, 2003 Gavin L. Neighbor, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 10, 2003 John K. Klinesmith Jr., 25, Army Specialist, Jun 12, 2003 Andrew R. Pokorny, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 13, 2003 Ryan R. Cox, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 15, 2003 Shawn D. Pahnke, 25, Army Private, Jun 16, 2003 Joseph D. Suell, 24, Army Specialist, Jun 16, 2003 Robert L. Frantz, 19, Army Private, Jun 17, 2003 Michael L. Tosto, 24, Army Sergeant, Jun 17, 2003 Michael R. Deuel, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 18, 2003 William T. Latham, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 18, 2003 Paul T. Nakamura, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 19, 2003 Orenthial Javon Smith, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 22, 2003 Cedric Lamont Lennon, 32, Army Specialist, Jun 24, 2003 Andrew F. Chris, 25, Army Specialist, Jun 25, 2003 Kevin C. Ott, 27, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 25, 2003 Gladimir Philippe, 32, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jun 25, 2003 Gregory E. MacDonald, 29, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 25, 2003 Corey A. Hubbell, 20, Army Specialist, Jun 26, 2003 Richard P. Orengo, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 26, 2003 Joshua McIntosh, 22, Navy Hospitalman, Jun 26, 2003 Tomas Sotelo Jr., 20, Army Corporal, Jun 27, 2003 Timothy M. Conneway, 22, Army Sergeant, Jun 28, 2003 Christopher D. Coffin, 51, Army Reserve 1st Sergeant, Jul 01, 2003 Travis J. Bradachnall, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 02, 2003 Edward J. Herrgott, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 03, 2003 Corey L. Small, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 03, 2003 James Curtis Coons, 35, Army Master Sergeant, Jul 04, 2003 David B. Parson, 30, Army Sergeant, Jul 06, 2003 Jeffrey M. Wershow, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 06, 2003 Chad L. Keith, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 07, 2003 Barry Sanford Sr., 46, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 07, 2003 Robert L. McKinley, 23, Army Private, Jul 08, 2003 Craig A. Boling, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 08, 2003 Melissa Valles, 26, Army Sergeant, Jul 09, 2003 Roger Dale Rowe, 54, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 09, 2003 Dan H. Gabrielson, 39, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 09, 2003 Jason Tetrault, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 09, 2003 Christian C. Schultz, 20, Army Specialist, Jul 11, 2003 Joshua M. Neusche, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Jul 12, 2003 Jaror C. Puello-Coronado, 36, Army Sergeant, Jul 13, 2003 Paul J. Cassidy, 36, Army Reserve Captain, Jul 13, 2003 Michael T. Crockett, 27, Army Sergeant, Jul 14, 2003 Cory Ryan Geurin, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 15, 2003 Ramon Reyes Torres, 29, Army Reserve Specialist, Jul 16, 2003 Mason Douglas Whetstone, 30, Army Sergeant, Jul 17, 2003 David J. Moreno, 26, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jul 17, 2003 Joel L. Bertoldie, 20, Army Specialist, Jul 18, 2003 Jonathan D. Rozier, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jul 19, 2003 David A. Scott, 51, Air Force Master Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Justin W. Garvey, 23, Army Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Jason D. Jordan, 24, Army Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Christopher R. Willoughby, 29, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 20, 2003 Mark Anthony Bibby, 25, Army Reserve Corporal, Jul 21, 2003 Jon P. Fettig, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 22, 2003 Joshua T. Byers, 29, Army Captain, Jul 23, 2003 Brett T. Christian, 27, Army Specialist, Jul 23, 2003 Evan Asa Ashcraft, 24, Army Corporal, Jul 24, 2003 Raheen Tyson Heighter, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 24, 2003 Hector R. Perez, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 24, 2003 Juan M. Serrano, 31, Army Sergeant, Jul 24, 2003 Jonathan P. Barnes, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 26, 2003 Daniel K. Methvin, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 26, 2003 Wilfredo Perez Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jul 26, 2003 Jonathan M. Cheatham, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Jul 26, 2003 Heath A. McMillin, 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 27, 2003 Nathaniel Hart Jr., 29, Army Sergeant, Jul 28, 2003 William J. Maher III, 35, Army Specialist, Jul 28, 2003 Leif E. Nott, 24, Army Captain, Jul 30, 2003 Michael J. Deutsch, 21, Army Private, Jul 31, 2003 James I. Lambert III, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 31, 2003 Justin W. Hebert, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2003 Farao K. Letufuga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 05, 2003 David L. Loyd, 44, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 05, 2003 Zeferino E. Colunga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 06, 2003 Kyle C. Gilbert, 20, Army Private, Aug 06, 2003 Brian R. Hellerman, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003 Leonard D. Simmons, 33, Army Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003 Duane E. Longstreth, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2003 Matthew D. Bush, 20, Army Private, Aug 08, 2003 Brandon Ramsey, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 08, 2003 Levi B. Kinchen, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 09, 2003 Floyd G. Knighten Jr., 55, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 09, 2003 David S. Perry, 36, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 10, 2003 Timmy R. Brown Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003 Daniel R. Parker, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003 Taft V. Williams, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003 Richard S. Eaton Jr., 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003 Steven W. White, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 13, 2003 David M. Kirchhoff, 31, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 14, 2003 Craig S. Ivory, 26, Army Specialist, Aug 17, 2003 Eric R. Hull, 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 18, 2003 Bobby C. Franklin, 38, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 20, 2003 Kenneth W. Harris Jr., 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 20, 2003 Michael S. Adams, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2003 Kylan A. Jones-Huffman, 31, Naval Reserve Lieutenant, Aug 21, 2003 Vorn J. Mack, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 23, 2003 Stephen M. Scott, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 23, 2003 Ronald D. Allen Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Aug 25, 2003 Pablo Manzano, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 25, 2003 Darryl T. Dent, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 26, 2003 Rafael L. Navea, 34, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2003 Gregory A. Belanger, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Aug 27, 2003 Anthony L. Sherman, 43, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Aug 27, 2003 Mark A. Lawton, 41, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 29, 2003 Sean K. Cataudella, 28, Army Sergeant, Aug 30, 2003 Charles Todd Caldwell, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Joseph Camara, 40, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Cameron B. Sarno, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Christopher A. Sisson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 02, 2003 Bruce E. Brown, 32, Air Force Technical Sergeant, Sep 04, 2003 Jarrett B. Thompson, 27, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 07, 2003 Ryan G. Carlock, 25, Army Specialist, Sep 09, 2003 Joseph E. Robsky Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 10, 2003 Henry Ybarra III, 32, Army Sergeant, Sep 11, 2003 William M. Bennett, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 12, 2003 Kevin N. Morehead, 33, Army Master Sergeant, Sep 12, 2003 Trevor A. Blumberg, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 14, 2003 Kevin C. Kimmerly, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 15, 2003 Alyssa R. Peterson, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 15, 2003 Foster Pinkston, 47, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 16, 2003 Richard Arriaga, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 18, 2003 Brian R. Faunce, 28, Army Captain, Sep 18, 2003 Anthony O. Thompson, 26, Army Sergeant, Sep 18, 2003 James C Wright, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 18, 2003 Lunsford B. Brown II, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 20, 2003 Frederick L. Miller Jr., 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 20, 2003 David Travis Friedrich, 26, Army Reserve Sergeant, Sep 20, 2003 Paul J. Sturino, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 22, 2003 Michael Andrade, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 24, 2003 Kyle G. Thomas, 23, Army Specialist, Sep 25, 2003 Robert L. Lucero, 34, Army National Guard Captain, Sep 25, 2003 Robert E. Rooney, 43, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 25, 2003 Andrew Joseph Baddick, 26, Army Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Christopher E. Cutchall, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Darrin K. Potter, 24, Army Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Dustin K. McGaugh, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 30, 2003 James D. Blankenbecler, 40, Army Command Sergeant, Oct 01, 2003 Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 01, 2003 Simeon Hunte, 23, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003 Tamarra J. Ramos, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003 James H. Pirtle, 27, Army Specialist, Oct 03, 2003 Charles M. Sims, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 03, 2003 Spencer Timothy Karol, 20, Army Specialist, Oct 06, 2003 Kerry D. Scott, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 06, 2003 Richard Torres, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 06, 2003 Joseph C. Norquist, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 09, 2003 Sean A. Silva, 23, Army Private, Oct 09, 2003 Christopher W. Swisher, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 09, 2003 James E. Powell, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 12, 2003 Jose Casanova, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003 Benjamin L. Freeman, 19, Army Private, Oct 13, 2003 Douglas J. Weismantle, 28, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003 Donald L. Wheeler, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003 Stephen E. Wyatt, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003 Joseph P. Bellavia, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 16, 2003 Sean R. Grilley, 24, Army Corporal, Oct 16, 2003 Kim S. Orlando, 43, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 16, 2003 Michael L. Williams, 46, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 17, 2003 David R. Bernstein, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Oct 18, 2003 John D. Hart, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 18, 2003 Paul J. Johnson, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 20, 2003 Paul J. Bueche, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Oct 21, 2003 John P. Johnson, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 22, 2003 Jason M. Ward, 25, Army Private, Oct 22, 2003 John R. Teal, 31, Army Captain, Oct 23, 2003 Artimus D. Brassfield, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003 Michael S. Hancock, 29, Army Sergeant, Oct 24, 2003 Jose L. Mora, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003 Jakia Sheree Cannon, 20, Navy Seaman, Oct 25, 2003 Steven Acosta, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003 Rachel K. Bosveld, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003 Charles H. Buehring, 40, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 26, 2003 Joseph R. Guerrera, 20, Army Private, Oct 26, 2003 Jamie L. Huggins, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 26, 2003 Jonathan I. Falaniko, 20, Army Private, Oct 27, 2003 Aubrey D. Bell, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 27, 2003 Michael Paul Barrera, 26, Army Sergeant, Oct 28, 2003 Isaac Campoy, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 28, 2003 Algernon Adams, 36, Army National Guard Private, Oct 28, 2003 Todd J. Bryant, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 31, 2003 Joshua C. Hurley, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 01, 2003 Maurice J. Johnson, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 01, 2003 Daniel A. Bader, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Ernest G. Bucklew, 33, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Benjamin J. Colgan, 30, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003 Steven Daniel Conover, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Anthony D. Dagostino, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003 Darius T. Jennings, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Karina S. Lau, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003 Keelan L. Moss, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Brian H. Penisten, 28, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Ross A. Pennanen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Joel Perez, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Frances M. Vega, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Paul A. Velasquez, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Joe Nathan Wilson, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Brian D. Slavenas, 30, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003 Bruce A. Smith, 41, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 02, 2003 Rayshawn S. Johnson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 03, 2003 Robert T. Benson, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 04, 2003 Francisco Martinez, 28, Army Sergeant, Nov 04, 2003 Jose A. Rivera, 34, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 05, 2003 James R. Wolf, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 06, 2003 James A. Chance III, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 06, 2003 Paul F. Fisher, 39, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 06, 2003 Cornell W. Gilmore I, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 07, 2003 Kyran E. Kennedy, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), Nov 07, 2003 Morgan DeShawn Kennon, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Paul M. Neff II, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Scott C. Rose, 30, Army Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Benedict J. Smith, 29, Army Captain, Nov 07, 2003 Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW5), Nov 07, 2003 Gary L. Collins, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Kurt R. Frosheiser, 22, Army Private, Nov 08, 2003 Linda C. Jimenez, 39, Army Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Mark D. Vasquez, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Nicholas A. Tomko, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Nov 09, 2003 Genaro Acosta, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003 Marlon P. Jackson, 25, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003 Nathan J. Bailey, 46, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 12, 2003 Robert A. Wise, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 12, 2003 Jacob S. Fletcher, 28, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 13, 2003 Joseph Minucci II, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 13, 2003 Irving Medina, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 14, 2003 Michael D. Acklin II, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Ryan T. Baker, 24, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 William D. Dusenbery, 30, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Richard W. Hafer, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Warren S. Hansen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Sheldon R. Hawk Eagle, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Timothy L. Hayslett, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Damian L. Heidelberg, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Erik C. Kesterson, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 15, 2003 Pierre E. Piche, 29, Army Captain, Nov 15, 2003 John W. Russell, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Scott A. Saboe, 33, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 15, 2003 John R. Sullivan, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Eugene A. Uhl III, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Joey D. Whitener, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Jeremy L. Wolfe, 27, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Nov 15, 2003 Kelly Bolor, 37, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Alexander S. Coulter, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 17, 2003 Nathan S. Dalley, 27, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003 Dale A. Panchot, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 17, 2003 James A. Shull, 32, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003 Joseph L. Lister, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 20, 2003 Scott Matthew Tyrrell, 21, Army Private, Nov 20, 2003 George A. Wood, 33, Army Captain, Nov 20, 2003 Gary B. Coleman, 24, Army Corporal, Nov 21, 2003 Damian S. Bushart, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 22, 2003 Robert D. Roberts, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 22, 2003 Eddie E. Menyweather, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 23, 2003 Christopher G. Nason, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 23, 2003 Rel A. Ravago IV, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 23, 2003 Jerry L. Wilson, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 23, 2003 Darrell L. Smith, 28, Army National Guard Corporal, Nov 23, 2003 David J. Goldberg, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Nov 26, 2003 Thomas J. Sweet II, 23, Army Specialist, Nov 27, 2003 Ariel Rico, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 28, 2003 Stephen A. Bertolino, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 29, 2003 Aaron J. Sissel, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 29, 2003 Uday Singh, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 01, 2003 Clarence E. Boone, 50, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Dec 02, 2003 Ryan C. Young, 21, Army Sergeant, Dec 02, 2003 Raphael S. Davis, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 02, 2003 Arron R. Clark, 20, Army Specialist, Dec 05, 2003 Ray J. Hutchinson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 07, 2003 Joseph M. Blickenstaff, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003 Steven H. Bridges, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 08, 2003 Christopher Jude Rivera Wesley, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003 Jason G. Wright, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 08, 2003 Richard A. Burdick, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003 Jerrick M. Petty, 25, Army Private 1st Class, ..odd M. Bates, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 10, 2003 Aaron T. Reese, 31, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003 Marshall L. Edgerton, 27, Army Specialist, Dec 11, 2003 Jarrod W. Black, 26, Army Sergeant, Dec 12, 2003 Jeffrey F. Braun, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 12, 2003 Rian C. Ferguson, 22, Army Specialist, Dec 14, 2003 Kimberly A. Voelz, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 14, 2003 Kenneth C. Souslin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 15, 2003 Nathan W. Nakis, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 15, 2003 Christopher J. Holland, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 17, 2003 Glenn R. Allison, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 18, 2003 Charles E. Bush Jr., 43, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Dec 19, 2003 Stuart W. Moore, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 22, 2003 Edward M. Saltz, 27, Army Reserve 1st Lieutenant, Dec 22, 2003 Benjamin W. Biskie, 27, Army Sergeant, Dec 24, 2003 Eric F. Cooke, 43, Army Command Sergeant Major, Dec 24, 2003 Christopher F. Soelzer, 26, Army Captain, Dec 24, 2003 Christopher J. Splinter, 43, Army Major, Dec 24, 2003 Michael E. Yashinski, 24, Army Sergeant, ..homas W. Christensen, 42, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003 Stephen C. Hattamer, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003 Charles G. Haight, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 26, 2003 Michael G. Mihalakis, 18, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 26, 2003 Michael J. Sutter, 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 26, 2003 Ernesto M. Blanco, 28, Army Captain, Dec 28, 2003 Rey D. Cuervo, 24, Army Private, Dec 28, 2003 Curt E. Jordan Jr., 25, Army Sergeant, Dec 28, 2003 Justin W. Pollard, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 30, 2003 Solomon C. "Kelly" Bangayan, 24, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004 Dennis A. Corral, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 02, 2004 Kimberly N. Hampton, 27, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004 Eric Thomas Paliwoda, 28, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004 Marc S. Seiden, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004 Luke P. Frist, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Jan 05, 2004 Jesse D. Mizener, 24, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 07, 2004 Craig Davis, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004 Michael A. Diraimondo, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Christopher A. Golby, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Gregory B. Hicks, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 08, 2004 Philip A. Johnson Jr., 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Nathaniel H. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Ian D. Manuel, 23, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Jeffrey C. Walker, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004 Aaron A. Weaver, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Ricky L. Crockett, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 12, 2004 Keicia M. Hines, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 13, 2004 Roland L. Castro, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 16, 2004 Cody J. Orr, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2004 Larry E. Polley Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Jan 17, 2004 Edmond Lee Randle Jr., 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 17, 2004 Kelly L. Hornbeck, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Jan 18, 2004 Gabriel T. Palacios, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 21, 2004 James D. Parker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 21, 2004 Michael T. Blaise, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004 Brian D. Hazelgrove, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004 Jason K. Chappell, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004 Randy S. Rosenberg, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 William R. Sturges Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004 Kenneth W. Hendrickson, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 Keith L. Smette, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 Christopher Bunda, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 25, 2004 Ervin Dervishi, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 25, 2004 Patrick D. Dorff, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 25, 2004 Adam G. Mooney, 28, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jan 25, 2004 Matthew J. August, 28, Army Captain, Jan 27, 2004 James T. Hoffman, 41, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 27, 2004 Luke S. James, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jan 27, 2004 Lester O. Kinney II, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Travis A. Moothart, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Cory R. Mracek, 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Sean G. Landrus, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 29, 2004 Luis A. Moreno, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 29, 2004 Juan C. Cabralbanuelos, 25, Army Corporal, Jan 31, 2004 Holly J. McGeogh, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 31, 2004 Eliu A. Miersandoval, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 31, 2004 Armando Soriano, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 01, 2004 Roger C. Turner Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 01, 2004 Seth J. Dvorin, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 03, 2004 Joshua L. Knowles, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 05, 2004 Richard P. Ramey, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 08, 2004 Thomas D. Robbins, 27, Army Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004 Elijah Tai Wah Wong, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004 Jude C. Mariano, 39, Air Force Master Sergeant, Feb 10, 2004 William C. Ramirez, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 11, 2004 Patrick S. Tainsh, 33, Army Sergeant, Feb 11, 2004 Eric U. Ramirez, 31, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 12, 2004 Bryan N. Spry, 19, Army Private, Feb 14, 2004 Michael M. Merila, 23, Army Specialist, Feb 16, 2004 Christopher M. Taylor, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 16, 2004 Nichole M. Frye, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Feb 16, 2004 Jeffrey C. Graham, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 19, 2004 Roger G. Ling, 20, Army Specialist, Feb 19, 2004 Henry A. Bacon, 45, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Feb 20, 2004 Matthew C. Laskowski, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004 Stephen M. Wells, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004 Michael R. Woodliff, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 02, 2004 Michael J. Gray, 32, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Mar 05, 2004 Gussie M. Jones, 41, Army Captain, Mar 07, 2004 Matthew G. Milczark, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 08, 2004 Edward W. Brabazon, 20, Army Specialist, Mar 09, 2004 Richard S. Gottfried, 42, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 09, 2004 Fern L. Holland, 33, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Mar 09, 2004 Robert J. Zangas, 44, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Mar 09, 2004 Bert Edward Hoyer, 23, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Mar 10, 2004 Joe L. Dunigan Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 11, 2004 Christopher K. Hill, 26, Army Specialist, Mar 11, 2004 Joel K. Brattain, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 13, 2004 Clint D. Ferrin, 31, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 13, 2004 Jason C. Ford, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 13, 2004 John F. "Hans" Kurth, 31, Army Captain, Mar 13, 2004 Daniel J. Londono, 22, Army Sergeant, Mar 13, 2004 Jocelyn "Joce" L. Carrasquillo, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 14, 2004 William J. Normandy, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 14, 2004 Michael R. Adams, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Mar 16, 2004 Thomas R. Thigpen Sr., 52, Army National Guard Master Sergeant, Mar 16, 2004 Tracy L. Laramore, 30, Army Specialist, Mar 17, 2004 Ivory L. Phipps, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 17, 2004 Ernest Harold Sutphin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Doron Chan, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Mar 18, 2004 Andrew D. Brownfield, 24, Marine Corporal, Mar 18, 2004 Ricky A. Morris Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Brandon C. Smith, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Jason C. Ludlam, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 19, 2004 Clint Richard "Bones" Matthews, 31, Army Specialist, Mar 19, 2004 David M. Vicente, 25, Marine Corporal, Mar 19, 2004 Matthew J. Sandri, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 20, 2004 Mark D. Taylor, 41, Army Major, Mar 20, 2004 Michael W. Vega, 41, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Mar 20, 2004 Christopher E. Hudson, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 21, 2004 Dustin L. Kreider, 19, Army Private, Mar 21, 2004 Bruce Miller Jr., 23, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 22, 2004 Andrew S. Dang, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 22, 2004 Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 24, 2004 Adam D. Froehlich, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 25, 2004 Jeffrey C. Burgess, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 25, 2004 James A. Casper, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 25, 2004 Leroy Sandoval Jr., 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 26, 2004 Timothy Toney, 37, Marine Master Sergeant, Mar 27, 2004 Sean M. Schneider, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2004 Jeremiah J. Holmes, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 29, 2004 Richard L. Ferguson, 45, Army Master Sergeant, Mar 30, 2004 William J. Wiscowiche, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 30, 2004 Brandon L. Davis, 20, Army Private, Mar 31, 2004 Doyle M. Hufstedler, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, Mar 31, 2004 Michael G. Karr Jr., 23, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2004 Sean R. Mitchell, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2004 Cleston C. Raney, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 31, 2004 Dustin M. Sekula, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 01, 2004 William R. Strange, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 02, 2004 Geoffrey S. Morris, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 03, 2004 John D. Amos II, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 04, 2004 Robert R. Arsiaga, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Ahmed Akil "Mel" Cason, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Yihiyh L. Chen, 31, Army Sergeant, Apr 04, 2004 Israel Garza, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Stephen D. "Dusty" Hiller, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Forest Joseph Jostes, 22, Army Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Michael W. Mitchell, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 04, 2004 Philip G. Rogers, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Casey Sheehan, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Aric J. Barr, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Tyler R. Fey, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Scott Quentin Larson Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Apr 05, 2004 David M. McKeever, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 05, 2004 Shane Lee Goldman, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Deryk L. Hallal, 24, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Moises A. Langhorst, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Christopher Ramos, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Matthew K. Serio, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Jesse L. Thiry, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Gerardo Moreno, 23, Army Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Lee Duane Todacheene, 29, Army Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Benjamin R. Carman, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Marcus M. Cherry, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Christopher R. Cobb, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Kyle D. Crowley, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Ryan M. Jerabek, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Travis J. Layfield, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Christopher D. Mabry, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Anthony P. Roberts, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Allan K. Walker, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Fernando A. Mendez-Aceves, 27, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 06, 2004 Tyanna S. Felder, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 07, 2004 Marvin Lee Miller, 38, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 07, 2004 George S. Rentschler, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 07, 2004 William W. Labadie Jr., 45, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 07, 2004 Brent L. Morel, 27, Marine Captain, Apr 07, 2004 John Thomas "J.T." Wroblewski, 25, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Apr 07, 2004 Isaac Michael Nieves, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 08, 2004 Levi T. Angell, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Nicholas J. Dieruf, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Phillip E. Frank, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 William M. Harrell, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2004 Joshua M. Palmer, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 08, 2004 Michael B. Wafford, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Christopher B. Wasser, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Peter G. Enos, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Raymond Edison Jones Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Jonathan Roy Kephart, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Toby W. Mallet, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Don Steven McMahan, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Allen Jeffrey "A.J." Vandayburg, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Felix M. Delgreco, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Michelle M. Witmer, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Gregory R. Goodrich, 37, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Elmer C. Krause, 40, Army Reserve Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Eric A. Ayon, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Matthew E. Matula, 20, Marine Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Chance R. Phelps, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Michael Raymond Speer, 24, Marine Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Elias Torrez III, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Antoine J. Holt, 20, Air Force Airman 1st Class, Apr 10, 2004 Adolf C. Carballo, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 10, 2004 William C. Eckhart, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 10, 2004 Justin W. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 10, 2004 John T. Sims Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 10, 2004 Lawrence S. Colton, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 11, 2004 Wesley C. Fortenberry, 38, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 11, 2004 Michael Boyd Stack, 48, Army Sergeant Major, Apr 11, 2004 Nathan P. Brown, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Apr 11, 2004 Daniel R. Amaya, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 11, 2004 Torrey L. Gray, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 11, 2004 Oscar Jimenez, 34, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 11, 2004 George D. Torres, 23, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 11, 2004 Brad S. Shuder, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2004 Robert Paul Zurheide Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2004 Victor A. Rosaleslomeli, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 13, 2004 Noah L. Boye, 21, Marine Private, Apr 13, 2004 Kevin T. Kolm, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 13, 2004 Christopher Ramirez, 34, Army Sergeant, Apr 14, 2004 Frank K. Rivers Jr., 23, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2004 Richard K. Trevithick, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2004 Jimmy J. Arroyave, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 15, 2004 Brian M. Wood, 21, Army Sergeant, Apr 16, 2004 Marvin A. Camposiles, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Edward W. Carman, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 17, 2004 Jonathan N. Hartman, 27, Army Sergeant, Apr 17, 2004 Clayton Welch Henson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 17, 2004 Michael A. McGlothin, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Robert L. Henderson II, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Apr 17, 2004 Dennis B. Morgan, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Richard J. Gannon II, 31, Marine Captain, Apr 17, 2004 Christopher A. Gibson, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Michael J. Smith Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Ruben Valdez Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Gary F. Van Leuven, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Bradley C. Fox, 34, Army 1st Sergeant, Apr 20, 2004 Leroy Harris-Kelly, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 20, 2004 Christopher D. Gelineau, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 20, 2004 Jason L. Dunham, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 22, 2004 Shawn C. Edwards, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 23, 2004 Stacey C. Brandon, 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Cory W. Brooks, 32, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Arthur L. "Bo" Felder, 36, Army National Guard Captain, Apr 24, 2004 Patrick W. Kordsmeier, 49, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 24, 2004 Billy J. Orton, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Michael J. Pernaselli, 27, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, Apr 24, 2004 Christopher E. Watts, 28, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Apr 24, 2004 Kenneth A. Melton, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 25, 2004 Nathan B. Bruckenthal, 24, Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 25, 2004 Sherwood R. Baker, 30, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 26, 2004 Lawrence A. Roukey, 33, Army Reserve Sergeant, Apr 26, 2004 Aaron C. Austin, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 26, 2004 Abraham D. Penamedina, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 27, 2004 Marquis A. Whitaker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 27, 2004 Jacob R. Herring, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 28, 2004 Kendall Thomas, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 28, 2004 James L. Beckstrand, 27, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Ryan M. Campbell, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Norman Darling, 29, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Jeffrey F. Dayton, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Adam W. Estep, 23, Army Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Jeremy Ricardo Ewing, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Martin W. Kondor, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Esau G. Patterson Jr., 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Ryan E. Reed, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Justin B. Schmidt, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Landis W. Garrison, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Scott M. Vincent, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 30, 2004 Joshua S. Wilfong, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 30, 2004 Christopher M. Dickerson, 33, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 30, 2004 Jason B. Dwelley, 31, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, Apr 30, 2004 Ramon C. Ojeda, 22, Army Specialist, May 01, 2004 Oscar D. Vargas-Medina, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, May 01, 2004 Trevor A. Wine, 22, Army Specialist, May 01, 2004 Joshua S. Ladd, 20, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 01, 2004 Ervin Caradine Jr., 33, Army Specialist, May 02, 2004 Jeremy L. Drexler, 23, Army Private, May 02, 2004 Todd E. Nunes, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, May 02, 2004 John E. Tipton, 32, Army Captain, May 02, 2004 Michael C. Anderson, 36, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Trace W. Dossett, 37, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Ronald A. Ginther, 37, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 3rd Class, May 02, 2004 Robert B. Jenkins, 35, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Scott R. Mchugh, 33, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Christopher J. Kenny, 32, Army 1st Lieutenant, May 03, 2004 Lyndon A. Marcus Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 03, 2004 Erickson H. Petty, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Marvin R. Sprayberry III, 24, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Gregory L. Wahl, 30, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Ronald E. Baum, 38, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Jesse R. Buryj, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 05, 2004 Bradley G. Kritzer, 18, Army Private 1st Class, May 05, 2004 James E. Marshall, 19, Army Specialist, May 05, 2004 Jeffrey G. Green, 20, Marine Corporal, May 05, 2004 Hesley Box Jr., 24, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 06, 2004 Dustin H. Schrage, 20, Marine Corporal, May 06, 2004 Isela Rubalcava, 25, Army Specialist, May 08, 2004 Chase R. Whitman, 21, Army Specialist, May 08, 2004 Philip D. Brown, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, May 08, 2004 James J. Holmes, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, May 08, 2004 Rodney A. Murray, 28, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 09, 2004 Andrew L. Tuazon, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 10, 2004 Kyle A. Brinlee, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, May 11, 2004 Jeffrey R. Shaver, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, May 12, 2004 Jeremiah E. Savage, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 12, 2004 Brian K. Cutter, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 13, 2004 Brandon C. Sturdy, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 13, 2004 Brud J. Cronkrite, 22, Army Sergeant, May 14, 2004 Michael A. Mora, 19, Army Private 1st Class, May 14, 2004 Philip I. Spakosky, 25, Army Specialist, May 14, 2004 Edward C. Barnhill, 50, Army Reserve Command Sergeant Major, May 14, 2004 James William Harlan, 44, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 14, 2004 Pedro I. Espaillat Jr., 20, Air Force Senior Airman, May 15, 2004 Rene Ledesma, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, May 15, 2004 Leonard M. Cowherd Jr., 22, Army 2nd Lieutenant, May 16, 2004 Carl F. Curran, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, May 17, 2004 Mark Joseph Kasecky, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, May 17, 2004 Bob W. Roberts, 30, Marine Lance Corporal, May 17, 2004 Joseph P. Garyantes, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, May 18, 2004 Marcos O. Nolasco, 34, Army Specialist, May 18, 2004 William D. Chaney, 59, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 18, 2004 Michael M. Carey, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, May 18, 2004 Michael C. Campbell, 34, Army Specialist, May 19, 2004 Leslie D. Jackson, 18, Army Private 1st Class, May 20, 2004 Troy "Leon" Miranda, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, May 20, 2004 Rudy Salas, 20, Marine Corporal, May 20, 2004 Jeremy R. Horton, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, May 21, 2004 Andrew J. Zabierek, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, May 21, 2004 Jeremy L. Ridlen, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, May 23, 2004 Jorge A. Molina Bautista, 37, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 23, 2004 Beau R. Beaulieu, 20, Army Specialist, May 24, 2004 Owen D. Witt, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 24, 2004 James P. Lambert, 23, Army Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Richard H. Rosas, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Alan N. Bean Jr., 22, Army National Guard Specialist, May 25, 2004 Kevin F. Sheehan, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 25, 2004 Daniel Paul Unger, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Kyle W. Codner, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, May 26, 2004 Matthew C. Henderson, 25, Marine Corporal, May 26, 2004 Dominique J. Nicolas, 25, Marine Corporal, May 26, 2004 Michael J. Wiesemann, 20, Army Specialist, May 28, 2004 Cody S. Calavan, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 29, 2004 Benjamin R. Gonzalez, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, May 29, 2004 Rafael Reynosasuarez, 28, Marine Lance Corporal, May 29, 2004 Kenneth Michael Ballard, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, May 30, 2004 Bradli N. Coleman, 19, Army Private, May 30, 2004 Aaron C. Elandt, 23, Army Sergeant, May 30, 2004 Charles E. Odums II, 22, Army Specialist, May 30, 2004 Nicholaus E. Zimmer, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 30, 2004 Robert C. Scheetz Jr., 31, Army Captain, May 31, 2004 Dustin L. Sides, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 31, 2004 Markus J. Johnson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 01, 2004 Bumrok Lee, 21, Marine Corporal, Jun 02, 2004 Todd J. Bolding, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 03, 2004 Frank T. Carvill, 51, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 04, 2004 Christopher M. Duffy, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 04, 2004 Justin L. Eyerly, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 04, 2004 Justin W. Linden, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 04, 2004 Erik S. McCrae, 25, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Jun 04, 2004 Ryan E. Doltz, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 05, 2004 Humberto F. Timoteo, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 05, 2004 Melissa J. Hobart, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 06, 2004 Melvin Y. Mora Lopez, 27, Army Reserve Sergeant, Jun 06, 2004 Jamie A. Gray, 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 07, 2004 Jeremy L. Bohlman, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 07, 2004 Humayun S. M. Khan, 27, Army Captain, Jun 08, 2004 Thomas D. Caughman, 20, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Jun 09, 2004 Eric S. McKinley, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 13, 2004 Shawn M. Atkins, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 14, 2004 Paul R. Syverson III, 32, Army Major, Jun 16, 2004 Jeremy M. Dimaranan, 29, Army Reserve Specialist, Jun 16, 2004 Arthur S. (Stacey) Mastrapa, 35, Army Reserve Sergeant, Jun 16, 2004 Jason N. Lynch, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 18, 2004 Thai Vue, 22, Army Specialist, Jun 18, 2004 Sean Horn, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 19, 2004 Marvin Best, 33, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jun 20, 2004 Gregory V. Pennington, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 21, 2004 Pedro Contreras, 27, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Juan Lopez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Deshon E. Otey, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Tommy L. Parker Jr., 21, Marine Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr., 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 22, 2004 Andre D. Tyson, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Jun 22, 2004 Christopher S. Cash, 36, Army National Guard Captain, Jun 24, 2004 Daniel A. Desens, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 24, 2004 Charles A. Kiser, 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jun 24, 2004 Jeremy M. Heines, 25, Army Specialist, Jun 26, 2004 Manuel A. Ceniceros, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 26, 2004 Ernest E. Utt, 38, Army 1st Sergeant, Jun 27, 2004 Patrick R. Adle, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jun 29, 2004 Alan David Sherman, 36, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Jun 29, 2004 John H. Todd III, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jun 29, 2004 Robert L. DuSang, 24, Army Specialist, Jun 30, 2004 Christopher A. Wagener, 24, Army Sergeant, Jul 01, 2004 Kenneth Conde Jr., 23, Marine Sergeant, Jul 01, 2004 Timothy R. Creager, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 01, 2004 Brian D. Smith, 30, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jul 02, 2004 Stephen G. Martin, 39, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jul 02, 2004 James B. Huston Jr., 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 02, 2004 Dallas L. Kerns, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 Michael S. Torres, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 John J. Vangyzen IV, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 Scott Eugene Dougherty, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Justin T. Hunt, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Jeffrey D. Lawrence, 22, Marine Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Rodricka Antwan Youmans, 22, Marine Private 1st Class, Jul 06, 2004 Michael C. Barkey, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 07, 2004 Samuel R. Bowen, 38, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jul 07, 2004 Collier Edwin Barcus, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 08, 2004 Robert E. Colvill Jr., 31, Army Sergeant, Jul 08, 2004 Shawn M. Davies, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 William River Emanuel IV, 19, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Joseph M. Garmback Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Sonny Gene Sampler, 23, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Jeremiah W. Schmunk, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Terry Holmes Ordóñez, 22, Marine Corporal, Jul 10, 2004 Krisna Nachampassak, 27, Marine Sergeant, Jul 10, 2004 Christopher J. Reed, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Jul 10, 2004 Trevor Spink, 36, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jul 10, 2004 Dustin W. Peters, 25, Air Force Staff Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 James G. West, 34, Army Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 Dana N. Wilson, 26, Army Specialist, Jul 11, 2004 Jeremy J. Fischer, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 Linda Ann Tarango-Griess, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 11, 2004 Torry D. Harris, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 13, 2004 Jesse J. Martinez, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 14, 2004 Demetrius Lamont Rice, 24, Army Corporal, Jul 14, 2004 Paul C. Mardis Jr., 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 15, 2004 Bryan P. Kelly, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 16, 2004 Craig S. Frank, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 17, 2004 David A. Hartman, 41, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 17, 2004 Dale Thomas Lloyd, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 19, 2004 Charles C. "C.C." Persing, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 19, 2004 Danny B. Daniels II, 23, Army Specialist, Jul 20, 2004 Michael J. Clark, 29, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jul 20, 2004 Todd J. Godwin, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 20, 2004 Nicholas H. Blodgett, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 21, 2004 Mark E. Engel, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 21, 2004 Torey J. Dantzler, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 22, 2004 Tatjana Reed, 34, Army Sergeant, Jul 22, 2004 Nicholas J. Zangara, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 24, 2004 Vincent M. Sullivan, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 24, 2004 DeForest L. "Dee" Talbert, 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 27, 2004 Ken W. Leisten, 20, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jul 28, 2004 Shawn A. Lane, 33, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Jul 28, 2004 David S. Greene, 39, Marine Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Jul 28, 2004 Joseph F. Herndon II, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 29, 2004 Anthony J. Dixon, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2004 Armando Hernandez, 22, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2004 Justin B. Onwordi, 28, Army Specialist, Aug 02, 2004 Juan Calderon Jr., 26, Marine Sergeant, Aug 02, 2004 Dean P. Pratt, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 02, 2004 Tommy L. Gray, 34, Army Sergeant, Aug 03, 2004 Harry N. Shondee Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 03, 2004 Gregory A. Ratzlaff, 36, Marine Captain, Aug 03, 2004 Elia P. Fontecchio, 30, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Aug 04, 2004 Joseph L. Nice, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 04, 2004 Raymond J. Faulstich Jr., 24, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 05, 2004 Donald R. McCune, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 05, 2004 Yadir G. Reynoso, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 05, 2004 Moses Daniel Rocha, 33, Marine Sergeant, Aug 05, 2004 Joshua I. Bunch, 23, Army Specialist, Aug 06, 2004 Roberto Abad, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 06, 2004 Larry L. Wells, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 06, 2004 David L. Potter, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2004 Rick A. Ulbright, 49, Dept. of the Air Force Civilian, Aug 08, 2004 Jonathan W. Collins, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 08, 2004 Andrew R. Houghton, 25, Army Captain, Aug 09, 2004 John R. Howard, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, Aug 11, 2004 Tavon L. Hubbard, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 11, 2004 Michael Yury Tarlavsky, 30, Army Captain, Aug 12, 2004 Neil Anthony Santoriello, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Aug 13, 2004 Kane M. Funke, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 13, 2004 Nicholas B. Morrison, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 13, 2004 James Michael Goins, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 15, 2004 Brandon R. Sapp, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 Daniel Michael Shepherd, 23, Army Sergeant, Aug 15, 2004 Mark Anthony Zapata, 27, Army Specialist, Aug 15, 2004 Fernando B. Hannon, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 Geoffrey Perez, 24, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 David M. Heath, 30, Army Sergeant, Aug 16, 2004 Brandon T. Titus, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 17, 2004 Caleb J. Powers, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 17, 2004 Jacob D. Martir, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 18, 2004 Henry C. Risner, 26, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 18, 2004 Dustin R. Fitzgerald, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 18, 2004 Richard M. Lord, 24, Marine Sergeant, Aug 18, 2004 Harvey Emmett Parkerson III, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 18, 2004 Brad Preston McCormick, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Aug 19, 2004 Ryan A. Martin, 22, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 20, 2004 Charles L. Wilkins III, 38, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Aug 20, 2004 Kevin A. Cuming, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2004 Nicanor Alvarez, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 21, 2004 Jason Cook, 25, Marine Sergeant, Aug 21, 2004 Seth Huston, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 21, 2004 Edward T. Reeder, 32, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Aug 21, 2004 Nachez Washalanta, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2004 Matthew R. Stovall, 25, Army National Guard 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 22, 2004 Christopher Belchik, 30, Marine Corporal, Aug 22, 2004 Robert C. Thornton Jr., 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 23, 2004 Donald N. Davis, 42, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 24, 2004 Jacob R. Lugo, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 24, 2004 Marco D. Ross, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 25, 2004 Charles L. Neeley, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 25, 2004 Alexander S. Arredondo, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 25, 2004 Barton R. Humlhanz, 23, Marine Corporal, Aug 26, 2004 Nicholas M. Skinner, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 26, 2004 Omead H. Razani, 19, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2004 Luis A. Perez, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Aug 27, 2004 Nickalous N. Aldrich, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 27, 2004 Edgar E. Lopez, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 28, 2004 Carl L. Anderson Jr., 21, Air Force Airman 1st Class, Aug 29, 2004 Aaron N. Holleyman, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 30, 2004 Joseph C. Thibodeaux III, 24, Army Specialist, Sep 01, 2004 Nicholas Perez, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 03, 2004 Alan Rowe, 35, Marine Captain, Sep 03, 2004 Nicholas Wilt, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 03, 2004 Ronald Winchester, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Sep 03, 2004 Eric L. Knott, 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Sep 04, 2004 Ryan Michael McCauley, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 05, 2004 Gary A. Vaillant, 41, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 05, 2004 Charles R. Lamb, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 05, 2004 Shawna M. Morrison, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 05, 2004 John J. Boria, 29, Air Force Captain, Sep 06, 2004 Elvis Bourdon, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 06, 2004 Tomas Garces, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 06, 2004 Devin J. Grella, 21, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Sep 06, 2004 Brandon Michael Read, 21, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 06, 2004 Michael J. Allred, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 David Paul Burridge, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Sep 06, 2004 Derek L. Gardner, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Quinn A. Keith, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Joseph C. McCarthy, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Mick R. Nygardbekowsky, 21, Marine Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Lamont N. Wilson, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Clarence Adams III, 28, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Yoe M. Aneiros, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Chad H. Drake, 23, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Timothy E. Price, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, Sep 07, 2004 James Daniel Faulkner, 23, Army Sergeant, Sep 08, 2004 Michael A. Martinez, 29, Army Specialist, Sep 08, 2004 Jason L. Sparks, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 08, 2004 Lauro G. DeLeon Jr., 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 08, 2004 Edgar P. Daclan Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Sep 10, 2004 David A. Cedergren, 25, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Sep 11, 2004 Jason T. Poindexter, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Sep 12, 2004 Alexander E. Wetherbee, 27, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Sep 12, 2004 Guy Stanley Hagy Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Carl Thomas, 29, Army Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Benjamin W. Isenberg, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 13, 2004 David J. Weisenburg, 26, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Dominic C. Brown, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Michael J. Halal, 22***

May these souls all rest in Peace...

Below is a video by one of my favorite comedians George Carlin. He spits it straight out about who actually controls Amerika. It is a quick video check it out...


----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mad Anthony Date: Sep 3, 2007 2:12 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Colorado Caregivers 4 Medical Marijuana
Date: Sep 3, 2007 9:04 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jack Herer
Date: Sep 3, 2007 12:30 PM

Popeye smoked cannabis

Enjoy Cannabis



Please google (or 'Made In Taiwan' My friends made that movie.
Must Watch Videos: A FREE course on early AmeriKan documents that gave Amerikans their RIGHTS.
Right up until the 60s or so. It was required that Amerikan students read the Contitution and other documents that helped shape The U.S. To know your rights was essential.
Now many students are not even able to tell you what these documents are for.
From a fellow Patriot:
This (series) is like taking a college course on the United States Constitution. You will learn things about our Constitution they did not tell you in high school. In a time when we are vehemently defending our Constitution, our liberty and our rights as human beings, it is important to know and understand its contents. It is broken down into 7 one-hour videos. I recommend that you repost this highly important course for all of your friends, even if you are not a United States citizen. What is happening here in the Unites States will impact the rest of the world. WE ARE ALL ONE. Peace, Love, and Light.
And another Patriot says...
You could save this country and your A$$ by knowing your rights! LEARN IT!
From: US Troops - Real Soldiers Stand up to TYRANNY
Date: Sep 7, 2007 9:46 PM
From: nellaynot

From: Scruffy: Enemy Combatant, Number One Insurgent
Date: Sep 7, 2007 4:17 PM
RE: (soul) re: Constitution class
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Vadershine
Date: Sep 7, 2007 5:07 PM
Hope the videos show up for you this time.....
Vadershine comments:
Watch what you're losing if you don't wake up.........
Peace out-
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Sep 7, 2007 3:00 PM
Many Thanks
Pamela's Protest
The Wave

This is a great series that lays it down!
Let's keep passing this one around, it's a must see!!!

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.
Patrick Henry

If this be treason, make the most of it!
Patrick Henry

Constitution class Part 1
Constitution class Part 2
Constitution class Part 3
Constitution class Part 4
Constitution class Part 5
Constitution class Part 6
Constitution class Part 7
Next are a few pieces of what happened recently at a university in Florida. Though the student did get worked up, he remained polite and simply wanted to know answers regarding the (stolen) Bush/Kerry election and the Skull and Bones society that both Bush and Kerry belong to... They police took him away, but before they left the hall, they tasered him. Was that called for? It is disturbing. Let me know your thoughts...
John Kerry ~ Skull & Bones
Liebchen Protesting 800 FEMA Camps Nationwide

17 Sep 2007 23:20

The Tasering of the Florida Student.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Thanks: § Lori §
Date: Sep 17, 2007 4:13 PM
thanks: Citizen
Date: Sep 17, 2007 10:07 PM


Is For The Sheeple. Read a Book. Governments (esp the Amerikan one) use this medium to control the masses. Too much television can also make one stupid. TV is mass hypnosis. Really. Read 'The Plugged in Drug' (Thanks Mary) for an intro on the dangers of TV.

Know the government has a major influence over what you watch and how you shape your ideas... We The People are being duped.

Fox TV network perpetuates The Bush Regime agenda.

Check out this hip hop video clip called 'Read A Book'


List is too long but for healthy living read:
The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
For the Mind:
Anything by Robert Anton Wilson
Jitterbug Perfume is also a very good read (Tom Robbins)
Below are a few good video clips on stuff that is happening around Amerika. The ironic thing is... no one sees it. The TV watching masses have become so conditioned to mind numbing TV shows, Commercial jingles and mindless movies that they miss what is happening right down the street.

Click here: Aaron Russo Tribute Page te.htm
Included are videos, audio interviews and articles featuring Aaron from over the course of the past year.
Watch America Freedom To Fascism. &q=america+freedom+to+fascism&total=723&start=0& amp;num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1

Click on the banner below and see for yourself, how many 9/11 victims family members,
government officials, University professors & Media professionals who are publicly saying "9/11 was a cover up!"
9/11 Coincidences (Part Ten)--watch this:
watch this:
Bush's response to not acting on bin Laden
Bush-Truly not concerned about bin Laden
watch this:
Bush: bin Laden 'prime suspect'
September 17, 2001 Posted: 8:01 PM EDT (0001 GMT)
Bush pledges to get bin Laden, dead or alive .htm
If any of the links below don't work, simply google the corresponding headline.
Osama bin Laden, among the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives": Why was he never indicted for his alleged role in 9/11?
RELATED ARTICLE: C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden
RELATED ARTICLE: Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots
CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July
RELATED ARTICLE:Bin Ladens allowed out of U.S. after 9-11
Former White House official confirms operation said to be rumor
RELATED ARTICLE:Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize
RELATED ARTICLE:Bin Laden Family Evacuated right after 9/11
Exclusive: CIA Commander: U.S. Let bin Laden Slip Away
Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"
Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man

Terror Storm: Final Cut
Special Edition Re-Mixed + Re-Mastered

Watch the full 2 hr plus film below:
Scroll down & find out how to download the film or purchase a hard copy


Terror Storm: Final Cut
Special Edition Re-Mixed + Re-Mastered

This UPDATED AND EXPANDED edition has more than 17 minutes of explosive new documentation. This final cut of Terrorstorm is the definitive work exposing the history of government-sponsored terrorism.

This re-mastered and re-mixed edition contains:
Shocking uncovered video evidence and new interviews that reveal undeniable proof that governments plan and carry out false-flag events to manipulate the geo-political structure for their advantage.
• New footage from the historic 5th Anniversary 9/11 Truth rally at Ground Zero in New York City.

• Smoking gun evidence that mainstream media was staging news coverage on 9/11—including false-start reports that Building 7 had totally collapsed over an hour before it fell.


Powerful analysis of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s testimony before Congress that VP Cheney was clearly in control of the air defense stand down on 9/11.
• Learn how the mainstream media is covering up the fact that the majority of living 9/11 victims and their families believe September 11 was an inside job.

• New interviews and perspectives on false-flag terror, and much more.


Members can watch this video right now by clicking here to login.
Click here to go to the Infowars shop and order
Terrorstorm: Special Edition on DVD.

The Internet leader in activist media - Prison .
Click here to subscribe!


Be your own hero
This is what I really look like...
Below are some pictures and statements about 911. Think about it. A picture is worth a thousand words, a million words if those words are from the government... But again, don't read or watch anything on this site and automatically think 'BS' unless you have researched it yourself. Play your own Devil's advocate. Weigh out the pros and cons. Be a thinker and look at the situations from all angles including 'the enemy' whomever you deem that to be.
Thank you to:
All my HEROES have FBI Files!!! Date: Sep 11, 2007 3:16 PM






My Blog

Stoned At The Fair By Boston Paul AKA Gypsi

Stoned At the Fair Paul G. Davis "Gypsi" I was 17 when I decided to hitch hike from Boston to California. I don't know... maybe I was trying to find myself. Maybe I was running away from something. ...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:29:00 PST

Live in but don't want to teach English in Taiwan? (For the 24seven magazine) By P.G. Davis

Jobs for Newbies (and Oldies) in Taiwan Paul G. Davis AKA Boston Paul New to Taiwan? Not sure if teaching English is your thing? Breaking into the Taiwanese work force is not easy. There are visas t...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:07:00 PST

Stoned At The Fair A Short Story by Paul G. Davis

Stoned At the Fair Paul G. Davis "Gypsi" I WAS SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD WHEN I decided to hitch hike from Boston to California. I don't know... maybe I was trying to find myself. Maybe...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 07:21:00 PST

Dancing Flame a SHORT STORY by Paul G. Davis

I saw a candle burning in a window on one of my midnight walks.  The roof of the  house sloped down and the corners of the house pointed up, like a temple in China or Japan or one of t...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 07:11:00 PST

The War on Drugs (reprinted) a long read, but informative

The Duplicity of the War on Drugs By Lee Rodgers "The first casualty when war comes is the truth." - Sen. Hiram Johnson - 1917 THE "WAR ON DRUGS" Engaging in polemic against perceived machinations ...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 06:02:00 PST

MARIJUANA/HEMP WAS LEGAL, why was it banned? A long read but very good... Reposted

For the first 162 years of America's existence, marijuana was totally legal and hemp was a common crop. But during the 1930s, the U.S. government and the media began spreading outrageous lies about ma...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 10:05:00 PST

US-Iran Policy Dynamics By Noam Chomsky REPOST

US-Iran Policy Dynamics By Noam Chomsky Thank you to Dandelion Salad By Noam Chomsky 08/22/07 "ICH" IN CRUDE and brutal societies, the Party Line is publicly proclaimed...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 07:59:00 PST

The craziest of all conspiracy theories REPOST

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: bobbyDate: Aug 19, 2007 6:23 PM ..">.. src="
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST


  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: FairiesWearbootsDate: Aug 19, 2007 1:35 PM From: American CitizenDate: Aug 19, 2007 4:55 PMBush's Failure after Failure: 1-) War in Ira...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:06:00 PST

HEALTH: Cleanse Now and Again, Make Minor Diet Changes and BE Healthy!

Cleanse Now And Again, Make Minor Diet Changes and Live Healthy Written By: Paul G. Davis AKA Boston PaulGreetings! This article was written for the Taichung Voice magazine. The Voice was not publishe...
Posted by Boston Paul: A Militant Hippi on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:07:00 PST