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About Me

Read the rest of this stuff, or ask what you want. I will gladly answer.
One thing I should probably post up here is that I am in a band. We call ourselves TheWhirlingDervish . Feel free to indulge yourselves.

"Punk rock isn't something you grow out of. Punk rock is like the Mafia, and once you're made, you're made. Punk rock is an attitude, and the essence of the attitude is 'give us some truth.'" - Joe Strummer

Maybe I would've scored higher, but according to them I would've needed to have shit my pants. It's cool, I respect Hank. :
I AM 59% PUNK ROCK! The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the fuck was I talking about? Take the PUNK ROCK test at Fuali.com
To be seen and spread by all: Loose Change 2nd Edition

My Interests

Playing/writing music, baseball, activisms, reading stuff, writing stuff, science, the art of Robbie Conal, my homies, and the wonderful time I spend with my honey.


...is oh so important.THE WHIRLING DERVISH: Caveat Emptor

Indie rock smoothed out on the noise pop tip with a post-punk appeal to it.

"CAVEAT EMPTOR" is now available on iTunes CLICK HERE!


Hmmm, movies I like. All of this can easily change. For now I'll go The Last Temptation of Christ, Ghost Dog, I remember really liking Tree's Lounge, Empire of the Sun, The Princess Bride, I Heart Huckabees. Y'know, Red Dawn was alot better when I was younger. The Life Aquatic - Bill Murray is definitely now in my top five...if I actually had a top 5.


Discovery, history, science. These should be the cable minus commercial channels. Ahh dern it.


Illusions--Bach, Glue--Welsh, 1984--Orwel, On the Road--Kerouac, ect..


Off the top of my head, I'd say Billy Bragg, Albert Einstein, Joe Strummer, Howard Zinn, and good ol' Woody Guthrie.

My Blog

Like Xian, I too was not surpised.....

This is a better version of this type of test. I probably would've thrown in a something other than just straight socialist, but that's cool. You are a   Social Liberal (68% permissive)...
Posted by Justin on Wed, 17 May 2006 11:22:00 PST

Hate on Myspace, and how to find it!

NAZIS On myspace (how to spot'em) repost from swank How do ya know 'em and whaddaya do when ya find 'em?So you've found nests of lil' pissant nazis on myspace, or the ones who thinly guise themselves...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST