Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler profile picture

Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My given name is Al but my friends call me Namaste*** (pronounced Na-mas-stay). There are clubs for people who are into getting rich, clubs for people who are into traveling the planet and clubs for people who are into changing the world. However there aren't any clubs for people who are into all 3. I decided to start one. That original idea of starting a small club grew into the idea for starting an organization. And that idea grew into the Privateer Nation.

The Privateer Nation ( is the first nation in history to be made up of people who share a common vision and philosophy instead of a common culture, back ground or geographic location. The sole purpose of our nation is to help our people face their fears so they can have FUN getting rich in the professions of their choice, traveling the planet and changing the world. We are able to do this through a peer coaching technology I've been perfecting for the last 3 years. Does it work? First major success story happened in Jan 08 with a young female entrepreneur who owns a socially conscious outsourcing company in Shanghi, China. I helped her go from 0 to $30,000 in revenue in 90 days flat.

Citizenship is open to people by invitation only by the way. You can't buy your way in. Knowing the right person can't get you in. The only way in is to earn it and that is the way it should be (I'm not a big fan of entrepreneurial networks that are made up of random people who bought their way in). If you think you are one of us, we'd love to hear from you, so shoot me and e-mail and we'll take things from there...

***Many times I'm asked what does Namaste mean? Namaste means “I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We Are One, NAMASTE."



I was raised as a Rosicrucian (not a religion but a set of teachings)( so I learned about using the law of attraction/manifesting at 8 years old. The first thing I manifested was a little red radio. When THE SECRET came out I was surprised that it was new info for so many people. Today I'm one of the co-founders of which is about 3 guys and their real life manifesting results recorded in real time.

Started my first business in highschool at 15.

Skydived illegally for the first time at 17.

Went to college in Santa Barbara, CA. Lived in Isla Vista. Dropped out of college at 18 to start my second business and never looked back.

Instead of experiencing the rapid success I expected in my second business I ran up against wall after wall and had to move home just 6 months after dropping out of college. Ouch!

While my peers were still attending college classes I gave away my first college scholarship at 21 years old.

After 5 years of working countless nights and weekends trying every recruiting method under the sun I quit MLM. I was crushed! I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach. If only I'd known the secret to recruiting was prospecting people like me instead of housewives, business guys and blue collar workers who I had nothing in common with.

At 23 I started a non-profit mentorship program for grads from my highschool.

Also when I was 23 I started a hardcore door-to-door sales business where I got paid to sneak into skyscrapers, slip past security and sell to the employees inside . My business partner and I made direct sales history by being the first business-to-business salesmen to sneak into the government contracted, high security HoneyWell Manufacturing Plant in Phoenix AZ and make sales.

For fun when I was 24 I took 3 months off from my business and did a summer with the Southwestern Company/SEEDS ORG selling books door-to-door on the east coast. Spent more money than I made that summer but the life lessons I took away with me have proven to be worth their weight in gold.

My dream had always been to clear my first million by 25. I sacrificed everything for that dream. I dropped out of college because I didn't see any way I could graduate at 22 and clear a million in 3 years. I worked 7 days a week on a regular bases. I spent all my extra money on my businesses so most of the time I could not afford to date. When I turned 25 I did not bother to celebrate my birthday. I was in such a rage I could barely speak. When I could speak I flat out cried. As if that was not bad enough I made the decision that day to walk away from direct sales for good which meant starting entirely over. I was 25. No college degree. I had to get a low paying jack off f'ing job. And I had no idea what I was going to do.

I was 25 when I attended the AVN Awards (Oscars for the Porn Industry) for the first time. Despite Hef's ego driven declaration the sexual revolution is not over. Women still can't have their fun without being labeled.

I was 26 when I got involved with Landmark Education and took the Landmark Forum and then continued on to take the Advanced Course, Self Expression and Leadership Course, Communications Course, Introduction Leaders Program and I coached the SelF Expression and Leadership Program.

I found my LIFE PURPOSE by doing exactly what Jim Rohn said to do in THE ART OF EXCEPTIONAL LIVING (Paulo Coelho who wrote THE ALCHEMIST also says to do the same thing), "The secret to you future success will likely be found in your past." What is the most fun thing for you to do all day? What do you think is fun that everyone else considers to be work? What are you naturally good at? What hobby do you excel at that you should be getting paid to do? If you knew that you were guaranteed success, that you couldn't fail, what would you do with your time all day? I looked at my past and saw that all of my adult life I'd been saying, "I wish there was an entrepreneurial organization for people like me." I also saw that I love helping people make their dreams come true. I'd coach people on how to incorporate their businesses for example which was fun for me but others considered work. My life purpose is to build an entrepreneurial nation by helping entrepreneurs face their fears so they can get rich, travel the planet and change the world.I was 27. I had just launched my entrepreneurial nation after 2 years of prep and research. Just two weeks into launch my business partner walked in and said,"I made a mistake. I can't do this." After realizing it was not his dream we shut everything down. Suddenly I was in an insane amount of debt and I had to make a choice. I could get a real job and give up on the business or I could move home and try to make the business happen on my own. I can't really describe to you what it's like to move home at 27. I wouldn't say suicide is a better option but it would be less painful.

I did BURNING MAN 2005 and was lucky enough to be a guest of the Seattle Space Virgins.

In was 28 when I took off for a multi-month international trip to Southeast ASIA. During that trip I lived on the island of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand and danced the night away at the best FULL-MOON PARTY ever.

I was 29 when I took off the month of December and headed to Goa, INDIA to live on Anjuna Beach and experience the legendary party scene I'd heard so much about.

I was 30 when I went to Nocturnal Wonderland which was my first massive. I'd been to raves before but massives are a totally different experience. The energy rush of being with that many people is beyond words. After Nocturnal I had to have more. I went to the First Annual Electronic Music Festival in Los Angeles. And I did TAO at New Year's which is by far my best New Year's ever.

On Saint Patrick's Day 2008 I launched the Privateer Nation. When I crashed on my dad's couch at 27 I thought it would take me 6 months to make the entrepreneurial nation successful. To my utter disgust and dismay it took 3 years of heart wrenching trial and error to figure everything out. That's 3 years of sleeping on a couch, 3 years of NOT dating, 3 f'ing years of hard lessons so I could get my shot at realizing my dream. As of this writing I've recruited my first krewe (my word for team) and am on my way to building my second. I'm on my way to quitting my part-time job, moving off my dad's couch, getting to build the Privateer Nation full time and leaving for Southeast Asia at the end of the year for a long over due vacation.



Relationship of my dreams in 08. (see I'd Like To Meet for details on the woman I'm looking for)

Find fun roomies in Vegas near strip 08

Electric Daisy Carnival 08, Noctural Wonderland 08, Monster Massive 08, TAO 08


Skydiving (again) 08
Approach high level potential mentors


Launch the Privateer Nation 08 (launched on Saint Patrick's Day 2008)

Build the close knit krewe I've always wanted in Vegas in 2008

Make a full-time income from the Privateer Nation by Halloween 08

Help 100 citizens make progress on their dreams 08

Select 3 Krewe Captains 08

Wealth Dynamics Seminar 08

Kabblah COR 08


Kiara's Wedding in Florida 08 (Done on 2/23/08)

Snowboarding w/ Pat in Nor. Cal. (Done on 3/18/08)

Take off Nov 23 08 to Dec 23 08 and travel internationally with entrepreneurs from the Privateer Nation


100 Loans to 3rd World Entrepreneurs through in 08 (broke 30 loans on 3/3/08)

1 Cleft Lip Operation 08

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Donations 08 Donations

Inspire at least 100 people to begin making a difference in the world or do more than they already are doing 08


Create my own Bodhi Wall & combine it with my "Bucket List." In the movie Point Break the character Bodhi has a wall of pictures of the coolest things he’s done. On my wall I want…


Picture of me Solo SkySurfing

Picture of me Surfing

Picture of me HeliBoarding

Picture of me Scuba Diving

Picture of me Street Racing

Picture of me with 6 pack of abs

Picture of me in Fighting Competition

Picture of me climbing a Major Peak

Picture of me Back Packing

Picture of me catching a Northern Pike in Wisconsin

Picture of me Base Jumping Angel Falls (?)

Picture of me Rock Climbing (?)

Picture of Pat and I at TAO (done 12/31/07)

Picture of Pat and I jumping the same jump that is done in Point Break doing a speed star

Picture of me doing a stand up comedy routine. Now this scares me =)

Picture of me at Mardi Gras

Picture of me meeting Will Smith. This guy has mastered fear.

Picture of me with models at a fashion show in Milan.

Picture of me with the House of Marque krewe celebrating me haved faced all my fears on my fear list.

Picture of me in the ocean diving on a Treasure Wreck holding up at least 1 gold coin that I get to keep as a memento.

Picture of me at Times Square for New Year’s

Picture of me at U2 concert

Picture of me at a Beach Boys concert

Picture of me in the pool at the Playboy Mansion.

Picture of me with my personal success coach.

Picture of me taking an acting class. This is another that scares the heck out of me.

Picture of me at Burning Man (done but want another)

Picture of me meeting Kayne West

Picture of me in my first 3 some. Now that would be one hell of a story =)

Picture of me riding a bull.

Picture of me shooting an AK-47

Picture of me winning at a hand of blackjack on a gambling boat on the Mississippi river

Picture of me meeting Joseph Jaworski

Picture of me with one of the kids I adopt on a Boy Scout backpacking trip

Picture of me ripped at the beach

Picture of me at Clinton Initiative

Picture of Pat & I doing Mardi Gras in 2009

Picture of me on Oprah Show for Privateer Nation

Picture of me on my first private jet ride

Picture of me at 100 years old celebrating life

Pictures of me partying in an extra stretch limo with friends and then in the 21 suite overlooking the strip celebrating my 32nd birthday with a hottie


Picture of me the day I quit my job

Picture of me with employees @ airport so I remember why I work so hard

Picture of me holding my credit report with the highest score possible

Picture of me with my 1st hot personal assistant who also doubles as my personal chef.

Picture of me celebrating 1st year anniversary of Privateer Nation with citizens. This one is extremely close to my heart because in 2002 I wrote on my dream list that more than anything I wanted to find a fun way of making money because at the time I hated the business I was in so much. The Privateer Nation is my realization of what at the time seemed to be an impossible dream.

Speaking in front of 100,000 people

Picture with a President of the USA that I actually respect

Picture of me on the day my first book comes out

Picture of me on the day I get my Submariner

Picture of me with my customized black credit card with unlimited credit.

Picture of me the day I break $100,000 a month in income which has been my dream since I was 18 years old.

Picture of me getting measured by a private tailor as I get complete line of suits custom made.

Picture of me on the day that I get my Diamond

Encrusted Presidential

Picture of me with pinkie ring, matching bracelet & Presidential

Picture of me picking up my Ferrari

Picture of me with my $30,000 + movie star smile

Picture of me in front my dream mansion

Picture of me on the opening day of the Privateer Pub

Pictures of me with each country krewe leader in all 194 countries in the US

Picture of me celebrating the day I achieve financial independence

Picture of me celebrating my first million in a limo driving down Malibu Coast

Picture of me marrying woman of my dreams

Picture of me with the 12 kids I adopt and build a dynasty with

Picture of me completing Peak Potentials Warrior Training

Picture of me completing ILP as an IL for Landmark Education


Picture of me on Haad Rinn Beach in Thailand @ Full Moon Party

Picture of me riding a camel at the Pyramids in Egypt

Picture of me in front of Taja Mahal

Picture of me at Angor Wat

Picture of me and friends at the Love Parade in Germany

Picture of me running with the bulls in Spain

Picture of me at the entrance to the city carved in stone in the Gobi Desert

Picture of me at Macho Picho

Picture of me at Stone Hedge

Picture of me at the top of Mt. Kilamanjaro

Picture of me white water rafting

Picture of me at Big Ben in London

Picture of me at Effiel Tower in Paris

Picture of me landing on the moon

Picture of me on Easter Island

Picture of me clubbing on Ibiza
Picture of me in the Coliseum in Rome

Picture of me rafting down the Amazon

Picture of me diving on a treasure wreck

Picture of me scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef.

Picture of me panning for gold and finding some

Picture of me digging for diamonds and finding a big one

Picture of me with citizens of Privateer Nation in each of 194 countries


Picture of me doing Career Day at MBHS

Picture of me at opening of NFTE programs that I funded

Picture of me the day I break 1 million micro loans to 3rd world entrepreneurs

Picture of me on the day that Entrepreneurial Education is made a HS requirement

Picture of me in front of the Museum of Happiness on opening day.

Picture of me at Dreamers Awards giving away 1st Award

Picture of me at opening for home for runaway kids that I founded that teaches them how to be entrepreneurs

Background from flickr user ..

My Interests

All my interests fall into 5 categories

Have Fun

Face Fears

Get Rich

Travel The Planet.

Change The World



I love "MASSIVES" with tens of thousands of people dancing to the same beat till dawn. The pic below was from TAO 08 which turned out to be my best New Year's ever. That's my bro on the bottom right in the blue shirt and I'm a person or two behind him.

As I just mentioned I LOVE MASSIVES and that caused me and one of my best friends to found a tee-shirt company called HUG ME TEES.COM to promote more hugs in the world and specifically at massives. Check us out at or

I love carving down a mountain. Tricks just don't do it for me. For me it's all about the free riding.

I love Irish bars even though I only go drinking once or twice a month. My favorite one in Vegas is THE NINE FINE IRISHMEN. The New York New York Casino bought the bar in Ireland, took it apart and put it back together inside. Only in Vegas...



The purpose of the Privateer Nation is to help you face your fears (represented by the skull in our logo) so you get rich in the profession of your choice, travel the planet and change the world.

I'm going skydiving again in 08. The fear is gone until the door opens. At that moment I think, "Why do I do this stuff?" And then out the door I go...




I am an XL Life Member. XL is the world's first organization for humanitarian entrepreneurs. Together we are making a massive difference in the world.

Roger Hamilton discovered that there are ONLY 8 PATHS TO WEALTH (see chart below to see paths). By doing your wealth profile you find out which of the 8 paths is YOUR PATH TO WEALTH.

Check this out...
Let's say you go to a seminar and Bill Gates tells how he made his billions & how you can too.

Then you read a book by Warren Buffet and he tells how he made his billions & how you can too.

And then you buy a CD series and Oprah tells you how she made her billions & how you can too.

All 3 are billionaires.

All 3 have proven that their wealth creation strategies work even though in some cases they totally contradict each other.

My question to you is, “Which billionaire's plan do you follow so YOU TOO can become a billionare?

Do you flip a coin? Roll some dice? Call your momma and ask her who's advice you should follow? How?

The answer is that there are only 2 ways to know which Billionaire's advice to follow. The first is PAINFUL. It's called TRIAL AND ERROR. The second is FAST, EASY, QUICK, and CHEAP. You take your wealth profile.

By taking your wealth profile you find out....

Which path to wealth suits your natural character & personality type best?

What are the steps you should take, and what are the rules for your paths particular wealth creation game?

I did my wealth profile and it told me I'm a MECHANIC. A person who is awesome at organizing systems. My first thought was the profile was wacky. However I'd heard so many millionaires praise the profile system that I decided to really research what it was saying. To my complete surprise I realized that every single business I've ever been involved in has been about improving the current system! I never would have guessed! I realized that my happiest moments were when I was working on systems. So today I am working on the Privateer Nation from a systems prospective and have someone else do everything else. And I'm loving it =)




Most people talk about partying on the beaches of the world. I was one of those people until a friend of mine named Lacey said, "If you don't start traveling now you are going to be one of those weird 40 year old guys trying to dance on the beach with 20 somethings..." I left 10 months later. Thanks Lace. And thanks Kiara =)

In 08 I'm going back to Thailand from Nov 23, 2008 to December 23, 2008 with the Privateer Nation.

We are going to fly into Bangkok and head off to famous Khao San Road. After a day or two of enjoying the sites of Bangkok, and partying, we will be heading to Chiang Mai(Northern Thailand) to trek through the jungle on the backs of elephants.
We will follow that up by bouncing over to Cambodia to see the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat. These ruins are said to be some of the most beautiful and spectacular in the world.
We will finish our trip on the island of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand. We will be staying on Haad Rin beach. Haad Rin is beautiful and everything you’d expect on a tropical island is available. Hike, play beach volleyball, swim, party at the beach bars or if you’d like, head over to The Sanctuary, and do a cleanse and fast.

That beach hut above costs a whopping $6 - $10 a night depending on demand. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to join us on the night of the internationally famous full-moon beach party. Thailand's full moon beach parties are world famous. Up to 10,000 travelers show up at Haad Rin beach and party the night and much of the next day away. After everyone has recovered from the full-moon party, we will fly out, and be back in time to celebrate Christmas in the States.




Finally a magazine that represents those of us "who give a damn." Check it out at!

Coexist... now that is an idea whose time has come!!!

KIVA.ORG allows you to give loans (NOT GIFTS BECAUSE THEY PAY YOU THE MONEY BACK) to small business entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries in amounts as little as $25. And $25 might not sound like a lot but it can massive difference. I did my first personal loan to a woman starting a small banana plantation in the South Pacific (100 trees)

Lend someone $25 today so they can make a dream come true. You'll have your money back in as little as 6 months. Check it out...

I live to make a difference for people (it's my passion). One of my dreams is to support a National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Program (N.F.T.E) at Morro Bay High School in California. Until that time comes I donate money to N.F.T.E. so that other kids get the opportunity I want for MBHS.

I also actively support Bono's ONE CAMPAIGN. If you haven't joined already (it's free) please do so now by clicking on the following pic. Why? Doing so will help make poverty history. It will be your good deed for the year.

I support because to stand by and let this happen would be a crime even worse than what is going on there now.


Remember growing up? Can you imagine having to go to school everyday looking like this little girl (see below)? Can you imagine what the other kids would have said? I support because no child should have to endure a life like this litte girl did before her operation...

Clefts are a major problem in developing countries where there are millions of children who are suffering with unrepaired clefts. Most cannot eat or speak properly. Aren’t allowed to attend school or hold a job. And face very difficult lives filled with shame and isolation, pain and heartache.

To make a difference in the life of a child go to and donate $25 towards an operation. As of this writing on 1/8/08 I'm 10% of the way to paying for a complete operation.

I'd like to meet:

People like me... people who want to have fun, build a gigantic F$%K YOU fund, see all the cool places on the planet and create a legacy while they are still alive that makes a massive difference in the world.

A woman that has an intense physical and mental attraction to me and that I also have an equally intense physical and mental attration to her and who is...

Between the ages of 27 and 32

Lives in Las Vegas

Really Extroverted

Waiting to have kids until later

Self-improvement student


Spiritual not judgmental

Eats Healthy & and keeps herself in great shape

Loves clean living spaces so opts out on having pets


Serious about creating wealth

World Traveler

Determined to change the world

And if you are Bi that would be a nice bonus. I'm sure a nice bonus for you would be me being rich. I'm not there yet but I'm on my way =)

Lastly, I want to meet JOSEPH JAWORSKI. He founded the American Leadership Forum which is very similar to the nation I am building. If you know Joseph and can arrange an introduction, I will make it worth your while.


I listen to a lot of electronica (it's the only music that is truly universal).

I'd have to say that U2 is my all time favorite band.

I also like listening to hip hop because every rapper out there is about making it in the big time (and I can REALLY relate to that).

Some favorites... Kayne West, Nelly, 50 Cent, Biggy, Eminem, and Jay Z to James Blunt, U2, Green Day, David Gray, Angeles & Airwaves Buju Banton and Bob Marley.


The Matrix, THE Point Break, Boiler Room, One Sky (buy it at, Pay It Forward, Hustle & Flow, Almost Famous, Into The Wild, Field Of Dreams, Heat, Fight Club, The Family Stone, Snatch, Accepted, SUPER BAD, What the Bleep Do You Know, The Bronx Tale and 21.


I love movies. I'm not a fan of TV(unless we are talking about MTV Cribs or SouthPark). Instead of watching TV I do things like studying the Kabbalah at the Kabbalah Center in Las Vegas. I'm in Kabbalah 2 as of this writing. I've done a lot of self improvement in my life. However the results I'm producing from the lessons I'm learning at the Kabbalah Center knock the socks off of almost everything I've done before. Who would have guessed? And I thought it was just some kind of jewish mysticism thing that Madonna was into.

I want this profile to rank higher on Google so I'm going to add in some keywords here....

Namaste Faustino, humanitarian entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, business owner, all consuming obsession, Business owner, World traveler, business owner, entrepreneur, business owner, entrepreneur, world travler, humanitarian, business owner, entrepreneur, hardcore entrepreneur, world traveler, humanitarian, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino Privateer Nation, Namaste Faustino, American Privateer, Get Money, Business owner, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Namaste Faustino, skydiving, Namaste Faustino, snowboarding, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, philanthropic entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, fun, Namaste Faustino, Think & Grow Rich, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, Fear Games, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, THE 3 ALCHEMISTS, Entreprener, Business Owner, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, Full Moon Party, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, Goa, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, Rosicrucian, Business owner, Entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, business owner, XL Life Member, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, business owner, Ex-Presidents, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, business owner, World Travel, Business owner, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, Get Rich, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, business owner, Human Potential Movement, business owner, Humanitarian, Entrepreneur, Business owner, Humanitarian, entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, entrepreneur, Business owner, Las Vegas Entrepreneur, Party on the Beaches of the World, business owner, Las Vegas entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, Business Owner, Change the World, Entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, Namaste Faustino, Business Owner, Las Vegas Entrepreneur, Namaste Faustino, World Traveler, business owner, entrepreneur, business owner, world traveler, business owner, Namaste Faustino


I own and have read over 300 books on creating success, wealth and happiness. Out of all those books only 13 made a lasting difference in my life. Those 13 are listed below...

The first was Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This is the book that started me on the path when I as 18.

Years later I read a book called THE HIDDEN SECRET in THINK & GROW RICH. I've got to hand it to the author. He showed me stuff, I had missed, that is CRITICAL to making "the secret" in Think & Grow Rich work. He also confirmed what I thought "the secret" was (always wondered if I'd figured it out). To check out his book copy and paste in the following link

Big Bucks by Ken Blanchard. This book explained to me that the ONLY WAY I was ever going to get rich was by having FUN! Ken explains that if you don't wake up excited and looking forward to doing the day-to-day activities of building your business you'll never be successful. Since I was 18 years old I'd been involved in direct sales (MLM, door-to-door, or telemarketing) and I F%&KING HATED the day-to-day prospecting that I had to do to build my business so I was always avoiding doing it. Because I was always avoiding it I was always struggling to get by. I realized that I either had to figure out how to make prospecting fun or I had to get out of the business. It took me a while but I figured out how to make prospecting fun so that I ACTUALLY LOOKED FORWARD TO IT! If you are in MLM (even though I'm no longer involved in the industry) hit me up because I'd be glad to share with you what I learned. Imagine actually looking forward to prospecting (that seems impossible right?). It's not, I did it, and I'd be happy to tell you how...

The third was Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. Neale showed me that GOD rules the world through love, not fear and guilt

The E & P Attraction by John Kappas. First off DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER. The cover OBVIOUSLY SUCKS! However this another book that changed my life as well as the lives of my closest friends. John explained to me that there are 2 kinds of people on this earth "e's" and "p's" In every relationship you've ever seen that is successful one person is an "e" and the other is a "p". If you want to be happy first find out whether you are an "e" or a "p" and then date the opposite. I'm an "e" and I was always dating "e's" because they were exactly like me and that was the problem...

The 4 Hour Work Week was just released this year. I'm actually only on page 34 as of this writing. However, page 34 changed my life. I made a commitment to myself and everyone else that from this point forward I will ONLY work on the number one thing I'm good at (Systems). No more doing the things I am OK at. NO more wasting my life. Anything that is not systems I'm going to find someone else to do. The secret to getting to the top fast is doing the one thing you are good and and letting someone else do the rest. Thanks Tim!

How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book is the end all be all book about how to successfully deal with people. I'd watched people who had incredible people skills and how they cruised through life using them. I was always jealous until I finally picked up this book and started reading. IT'S AMAZING what you can accomplish when you understand little things like ALWAYS creating win/win situations.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kioysaki. Robert taught me why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's all about how the rich spend their money vs how the poor spend theirs. This book showed me how to spend my money like the rich (instead of the way I was spending it) so that I will become rich.

End Of Poverty by Jeffery Sachs. Jeffery explains in this international best seller how we REALLY CAN END EXTREME POVERTY on this planet by 2025. Do your part (and it's both easy and free) by joining the ONE ORGANIZATION by clicking on the banner in my heroes section.

Full Steam Ahead also by Ken Blanchard. I'd always been confused by mission and vision statements. What was the difference? And frankly were they really any good? Ken wrote the book that not only explained the difference between a mission and a vision statment but also showed me how to craft them so that they would drive my company on to succeed.

The Celestine Prophecy was a superfun read and it opened my eyes to how beautiful a world we live in. At least 5 times a day I have my breath taken away by something I never noticed before. We truly live in a beautiful world if we just notice it...

I grew up thinking that "Nice guys always finish last." I lived according to that rule and failed time and time again. Finally, I realized that the person who came up with the comment "Nice guys finish last" got it twisted. Nice guys/girls ALMOST ALWAYS finish first! This book is the first one I've run across that teaches this and it takes it to the next level. I learned so much from this book and it took me to the next level in my business!

And last but certainly not least Urban Tribes by Ethan Watters. Ethan explained to my friends and I that we are not alone (like we thought we were). We've all taken the road less traveled by opening businesses, traveling the world, and flipping corporate america the middle finger. We RARELY met anyone else like us. It turns out that people like us are everywhere in urban tribes all over the planet and the reason we weren't meeting them was because they weren't a part of our urban tribe. After I read that I thought, "that's lame" and my friends and I are now building an .. urban tribe for people who have taken the road less traveled. Go to


My mom for starting me on the road less traveled. This woman had me selling X MAS cards door-to-door when I was 5 years old. When I was 15 she helped me start my first business. Love you Mom.

My dad for believing in me when the rest of my family was saying, "Why don't you go back to college?" Thanks Dad.

Josh Hillis for facing the insanity year after year and never backing down or giving an inch.

Pat Eaves for coming up with the coolest ways to stay out of the 9-to-5 slave race and because he is an insane adrenaline junkie.

Lacey & Kiara ignoring the BS comments of their friends and family, quitting their corporate jobs, and leaving to travel the world 3 years ago and still going strong.

Namaste Faustino (that's me) for keeping the dream alive during all those years of trials and failures so that I could live to launch the biz of my dreams.

The ladies at who are doing a damn fine job of representing all us college dropouts every where...

Visit College Dropout's Official Website Here!!!

Martin Luther King who said, "The Ultimate Measure of a man is not when he stands in moments of comfort and convience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

And of course Gandhi, Jay Leno, Andrew Carangie, Eminem, Roger Hamilton (founder of XL), Joseph Jaworski (founder of American Leadership Forum), Bono, Rich Devos & Jay VanAndel (founders of Alticor), Kayne West, P Diddy, Farrah Grey (Farrah made his first million by the time he was 14 years old, got himself out the Chicago ghetto he grew up in, and started his own foundation).

Nelson Mandela for dedicating his life to correcting an injustice. The people of Amnesty International for their work on human rights and their vision for the world. The Red Campaign for showing us that corporate america can do some good too =)

My Blog

Electric Daisy Carnival in 48 hours!!!

I love massives.  Tens of thousands of people dancing till dawn to world class trance, drum and bass, jungle etc.  The energy rush that comes from being in an audience this big is insane... ...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:11:00 PST

For Fun I Co-Founded A Movement To Cause More Hugs In The World =)

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love massives.  One of my best friends and I are headed to the Electric Daisy Carnival in 2 weeks.  At Together As One (TAO) at New Years we partied ti...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:41:00 PST

3rd Privateer Nation Citizen Signed Up, 1st Krewe Complete

On Friday night I hung out with a friend of mine that I actually met via Myspace a year or so ago to talk about the Privateer Nation.  She has her own business doing skin care and waxing at ...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 01:19:00 PST

People Come Into Your Life For A Reason, Season or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person...  When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usual...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:47:00 PST

2nd Privateer Nation citizen signed up tonight

Around 11 pm I walked out of a meeting where I signed my second Privateer Nation citizen. Guess what?  She's a young 30 something seasoned entrepreneur who lives in Las Vegas.  It really is ...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:37:00 PST

Bought a $100 book called the Zohar thats written in ancient Aramaic which I can’t read...

I was 18 years old when a millionaire told me, "A closed mind is the most expensive thing you'll ever own."    I thought of that quote when I was first introduced to the Kabbalah. ...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:53:00 PST

And just like that she said, "Yes."

I got on the phone with a prospect today at 3:15 pm.  I spent an hour talking to her about how the peer coaching system I've built into the Privateer Nation could help her get rich in the pr...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:40:00 PST

Any one out there looking for money from angel investors?

A friend of mine is the founder of an international real estate organization in Vegas (LVIA).  She's having the following speaker come in.  Are you looking for investment capital?  If s...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Sat, 17 May 2008 01:40:00 PST

story of a guy skydiving on a drug more powerful than LSD

I've only been shocked 3 times in my life.  Once was seeing something I don't care to repeat, another was finding out a hardcore Marine friend of mine who was always capping on gay people wa...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:28:00 PST

Cool Tee-Shirts For World Travelers & Fun Success Story for Me

PrefaceLara owns a tee-shirt company called Proud To Be (not launched yet).  The idea is you have a tee-shirt that says, "Proud to Be ____" and you fill in blank.  In my case I'...
Posted by Namaste-Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, World Traveler on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:43:00 PST