What is THE SECRET to success?" If you guessed hard work, persistence or the willingness to take risks you are on the right track. However, NONE of these are the actual secret to success! What is it then? The secret to success is choosing work that is so FUN you can't believe you are getting paid to do it! And you don't have to take my word for it. Ask anyone worth more than 30 million dollars, "Why don't you retire and go live on a private island?" And they will tell you like Michael Dell did when asked this question, "You think living on an a tropical island is fun? You have NO IDEA how much FUN it is to run an international computer corporation.
Almost a hundred years ago Napoleon Hill did a radio broadcast where he told the following story:
In the late 1870's six friends (who were all basically broke at the time) decided they were going to all get rich using their individual businesses and have fun doing it. They decided to start meeting every Saturday night. At each meeting they devoted roughly 20 minutes to each man. The group acted as a sounding board for his ideas, held him accountable to his goals, and used their network of contacts to help him succeed. After the meeting they all went out and had FUN. Within not too many years, the six of them were millionaires and they had become known as the Big Six of Chicago.
Our holiday season trip for 2008 will take place between November 23, 2008 and December 23, 2008. Join us for the entire month. Or join us for a week that works best for you. Here is what that trip will look like...
We are going to fly into Bangkok and head off to famous Khao San Road. After a day or two of enjoying the sites of Bangkok, and partying, we will be heading to Chiang Mai(Northern Thailand) to trek through the jungle on the backs of elephants.
We will follow that up by bouncing over to Cambodia to see the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat. These ruins are said to be some of the most beautiful and spectacular in the world.
We will finish our trip on the island of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand. We will be staying on Haad Rin beach. Haad Rin is beautiful and everything you’d expect on a tropical island is available. Hike, play beach volleyball, swim, party at the beach bars or if you’d like, head over to The Sanctuary, and do a cleanse and fast.
That beach hut above costs a whopping $6 - $10 a night depending on demand. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to join us on the night of the internationally famous full-moon beach party. Thailand's full moon beach parties are world famous. Up to 10,000 travelers show up at Haad Rin beach and party the night and much of the next day away. After everyone has recovered from the full-moon party, we will fly out, and be back in time to celebrate Christmas in the States.
The world is changing around us at an amazing rate. Everything we consider to be a part of the human experience has been created in the last 150 years. Think about that! Now watch this video to see what is coming...
As a nation we support the mirco-loan movement. We do loans to entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries through allows you to give loans (NOT GIFTS BECAUSE THEY PAY YOU THE MONEY BACK) to small business entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries in amounts as little as $25. And $25 might not sound like a lot but it can massive difference.
I did my first personal loan to a woman starting a small banana plantation in the South Pacific (100 trees). Check it out
And after signing up to help out a fellow entrepreneur on do your second good deed for the day and join one...
I'd like to meet:
Men and women who are like like the people who signed onto privateers during the American Revolution. These people left their sweethearts, friends and careers behind (everything that was important to them) for an opportunity to get rich, travel the planet and change the world.
Each of these people knew that they might be one of the ones WHO WOULD BE KILLED on the voyage, or captured and imprisoned, or even worse come back with everyone else penniless because their ship failed to sack big prizes.
Only people who were obsessed with their dreams, and willing to do whatever it takes, would take a deal like that. And it’s ONLY people who are obsessed with their dreams, and willing to do whatever it takes, that are right for this nation. So if you've flipped off the corporate world, swallowed the red pill and begun working on your dreams (LIKE THE PEOPLE BELOW) we'd like to meet you.
Karen (in process of becoming a citizen)World Traveler/Entrepreneur/Aspiring Humanitarian
Karen is a serial entrepreneur who currently lives in Shanghi, China . She lives there with the love of her life who she met at Burning Man (How cool is that?). She is in the final stages now of launching a socially concious outsourcing company for fashion design firms. If you want to have stuff made in China (the right way) see her myspace profile at or go to her website at .
Mike (in process of becoming a citizen)World Traveler/Entrepreneur/Aspiring HumanitarianMike is a serial entrepreneur (pictured on right) who currently lives in New York City . Although young he's already started 3 businesses. The first was an online directory for his hometown. The second was an ice cream truck (I had no idea the guys in those trucks can make over $300 a day). Currently, Mike is one of the co-founders of an online manifesting blog. Mike and his partners take manifesting techniques they found in movies like THE SECRET, apply them to their lives and report the results (good or bad). You can see the blog at
Aaron (in process of becoming a citizen)Author/Entrepreneur/Aspiring HumanitarianIn Aaron's early years he served our country. Then he got "a real job." As the years passed Aaron kept thinking "there has got to be something better." One day he kinda, how should I put this, well he just "snapped." He quit his job and the rest is history. Today, Aaron is an author of several self-improvement books, the founder of Personal Development (if you are looking for people in your area who are into self-improvement check his online community out) and the owner of the well known online blog Today Is That He is an aspiring humanitarian as well whose passion in life is helping other people to achieve their dreams. He lives 1 block from the beach in Daytona Beach, Florida . Check out his website at
Namaste (even though I'm the founder I'm still going through the process to become a citizen...that's called leading from the front)Entrepreneur/World Traveler/Humanitarian/Occasional
Adrenaline JunkieMy entire life I've been looking for "my people." People who refuse to be held down by "the establishment". People who are driven to as 50 said, "Get Rich or Die Trying." People who will not consider themselves a success until they give back on a massive scale. After years of owning my own businesses, and joining countless entrepreneurial organizations that all turned out to be lame, I decided to start one that wasn't. Now you are reading this and that means I'm living my dream =) I am currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada .
The pic below is of a friend of mine named Sryah (world traveler & aspiring entrepreneur & humanitarian) and I in Goa, India on one of the craziest nights of my life. It was taken a few hours before we found ourselves running for our lives down a deserted beach on the other side of the world at 2 am...
LaceyUltimate World Traveler (30 countries)/Entrepreneur/Aspiring HumanitarianAfter graduating from college she got a good paying corporate job. A year and half later (to the horror of her family) she quit. Lacey took off with her best friend/partner in crime Kiara for a multi-month trip (that is now legendary) to South East Asia. Upon returning her family thought she'd get back on the corporate fast-track. She didn't. Lacey will tell you that she had to change her life completely in order to travel so much. Her family has never stopped knocking her and she's had to work her share of crap jobs but as she'll tell you its absolutely been worth it. Today, she is a travel coach and travel blogger (you should hire her if you want your next trip to be epic) and you can find her where ever she is in the world at As of this writing she is living on a farm in France .
World Traveler/Entrepreneur/Aspiring Humanitarian/Adrenaline Junkie
After a year in college Pat dropped out and took off to travel the world. He's surfed Witches's Rock in Costa Rica, partied on the island of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand at one of the infamous full-moon parties, and has flown his wing all over the world. When he is not traveling he is running his own business. He'll tell you he's had to make a lot of sacrifices to be free but it's been worth it. He currently lives in San Luis Obispo, California . One of his greatest achievements is the movie ONE SKY. It's a movie that he filmed, produced, and starred in that covers the adventures of himself and his friends flying their wings around the world. Have you seen Endless Summer II? It's that good (and I'm not kidding). View a promo clip on his website at
Kiara & Achim
World Travelers/Entrepreneurs/Aspiring Humanitarians
Kiara graduated college with a degree in nutrition and actually got a job in the field of nutrition. After a year and a half she quit and took off with Lacey for a multi-month epic trip through out South East Asia. During that trip she met Achim who was a "traveling carpenter." If you are from the USA you likely have never heard of "traveling carpenters." Traveling carpenters belong to an old secret society in Europe that trains them to become carpenters. Once trained they take an oath to travel the world NON-STOP doing carpentry work which funds their travels. Achim traveled the world non-stop for 6 years (did almost 20% of the countries on the planet) before he and Kiara met up again in Switzerland where he officially retired from the society. Today, they are living in Florida fixing and flipping their first house and saving up to start a hostel in an island country (haven't decided which country yet).
JoshWorld Traveler/Fighter/Entrepreneur/Humanitarian
Josh dropped out of college his freshman year to start a business. After opening and closing a number of businesses looking for his "all-consuming obsession" he found the physical fitness industry. Today, he has his own training business , is the author of 2 books about physical training (his first was a book for women who already have good bodies but want rock star bodies), and he recently married a beautiful Brazilian girl (the love of his life) who he met in Rio De Janeiro while studying Brazilian Jiu-jitsu at Gracie Camp. Josh and his wife currently live in Denver, Colorado .
GwenMusician/Aspiring World Traveler & HumanitarianGwen's love is music. She picked up the sax when she was 11 years old and the rest is history. She has performed with numerous jazz bands playing the Seattle music scene. Having just completed college she is now taking the initial steps to make it big in the world of jazz. Gwen currently lives in Seattle, Washington . Want to hear something nuts? This girl is single (she is standing on the right in the pic below). If you live in Seattle, are a musician or an entrepreneur, you should drop a note to say hi . If it's your lucky day she'll answer you but if you are "corporate" forgetaboutit. She doesn't date corporate guys...
AwakeExotic Dancer (soon to be practicing pediatrics)/World Traveler/Aspiring HumanitarianAwake (real name Dani) is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Today she lives in Southern, California . Dani is the reason I love immigrants who come to this country to make it happen. She is an exotic dancer (she and Christina Aguilera should hang out because they both share a philosophy that I have a tremendous respect for) and is using the money to get her medical career worked out. This year she will be passing the USMLE so she can go back to attending medicine, pediatrics, and thru the children hope for a better future (check out the Medical logo tat on her cool is that?)
SebassMastermind behind San Diego Punk Band Sic WaitingBack in High School Sebass never dreamed that one day he'd play on stage with Green Day in front of an arena filled with 40,000 screaming fans or even with the Gin Blossoms. Now a few years out of high school he's done just that. Currently, he lives in San Diego with his wife and daughter. A rising star in the San Diego punk scene Sebass is one of the hardest core musicians I've ever seen. I saw Sebass at a show once, pissed mad and drunk as hell and he still owned that stage like the fucking rock star he is. He has BET IT ALL to get his dream and it's coming... Check out Sic Waiting's Myspace profile at .
SierraArtist/Entrepreneur/Aspiring HumanitrianSierra is the definition of an entrepreneur and artist. She grew up in So. Cal and over time made here way to the Pacific Northwest. There she founded the Dolly Sisters. Her company markets handmade silk flowers and sells them all over the the western part of the United States. Sierra currently lives in Eugene, Oregon .
VeroniqueArtist/Entrepreneur/Musician/Aspiring HumanitarianVeronique is one of the most unique individuals I've ever met. She is an performer, artist, musician, and entrepreneur all rolled into one. Until just recently her show called the Red Velvet Vaudeville Show could be seen once a month in Hollywood. After closing the show she decided to go for a Grammy in (get this) the Polka category. She released her Halloween Polka song, it got radio play and now we will see what the Grammy judges decide. Like I said she is amazing.... Veronique currently lives in Los Angeles, California .
Nicholis aka "The Encourageanire"
Encourageanaire/Modern Day MacGyver/Grassroots Visionary/ Humanitarian/ISOURCE CERTIFIED LIFE COACH/Entrepreneur/Artist Management/Editor
ENCOURAGEANAIRE: A Generation of Hearts with Spirits that Sow Seeds of Encouragement Nurtured by the Faith, Hope & Love of God that Reaps Harvests of Greatness!
Encourageanism written by Nicholis Encourageanaire Washburn 12-23-2006
A Human Being born in Seattle that is Raising the Bar of Greatness in his and others lives through his Vision, Mission, Passion & Pilgrimages/Adventures. That would be "Sowing Seeds of Faith, Hope & Love to Minds, Hearts, Bodies & Spirits to help them find their Voices through their Fruits which will lead them to their Harvests & Destinies and Oneness with the themselves & the world! His Philosophy is that we all are "Encourageanaires" because we all have the ability to encourage from the Heart and give courage to ourselves and others that leads Extraordinary Blessings & Victories. His Lifetime Goal is to become a Top 1% Encourageanaire a.k.a. Humanitarian of Encouragement for the 21st Century by creating a generation of "Encourageanaires".
For more details about this Extraordinary Encourageanaire see: .
Dani (girl on far right)Entrepreneur/World Traveler/HumanitarianEveryone has a gift. Dani's gift is writing. Dani was born and raised in Chicago. Upon graduation from highschool she moved out to the Pacific Northwest. Now a recent grad from the Universty of Washington she has opened her first business Northwest . For just $15 (you read that right) you can have one of Dani's employees review your essay before you submit it to the 4 year university of your choice. Having your essay reviewed by professionals makes it is much more likely that your essay will get noticed and you will get into your first choice of schools. Over the years she has traveled all over the world. Her most recent trip was a 2 month trip with one of her best friends walking the El Camino from France to Spain. She currently lives in Seattle, Washington .
Dani is the happy blonde on the right in the pic below.
As long as it's about getting yours it's all good...
Juicy by Biggy Smalls and 8 Mile by Eminem (rap/hip hop), The Gambler by Kenny Rogers (country), Get What You Give by New Radicals (alternative), Martin Luther King by Moodsfood (electronica) etc.
The Matrix, The Secret, Point Break, Boiler Room (awesome movie but characters were wasting their talent), What the Bleep Do You Know?, HEAT, Hustle & Flow, A Bronx Tale, Office Space, Fight Club and the movie ONE (see trailer below & while you are watching it ask yourself...
Will our generation be the generation that looks past everyone's differences and come together as ONE? .
Rather than talk about television shows I decided to dedicate this section to telling you your future. I'm really not kidding so here goes...
Think of the 5 people that you spend the most time with for a second. Now take out a piece of paper and write their names down. Don't be stupid! This may be the single most important thing anyone ever tells you (it's your future for crying out loud) so actually do it! Next to each name write down how much they make a year (you might have to guess a little but you should be close). When you have all 5, divide by 5 and that will be your yearly income within a few thousand dollars! Try it as I'm really not kidding!
Amazing huh?
Do you know why this works? Because studies show that you earn almost exactly the same amount as the 5 people you spend the most time with. You will drive a car that costs about the same amount. You will replace it about as often as they replace their cars. You will live in a house that is very similar to the houses they live in. Your kids will go to the same kind of schools as their kids do. It's mind blowing when you realize how similar your life is to their lives.
Ready for your future? So for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE studies show that your life is going to turn out JUST LIKE THE LIVES OF THE 5 PEOPLE YOU HANG OUT WITH THE MOST. This fact should either have you thinking, "Sweet" or "I need some new friends!" When I learned about this from Jim Rohn in 2003 I was one of the people who said, "I need new friends!" If that is your situation keep reading, and even if it isn't you should keep reading, because I have a really cool free gift for you.
Regardless of whether you said, "Sweet" or "I need some new friends" you can benefit greatly, by adding 5 new people a year to your life, that are out there seriously making it happen. MY GIFT TO YOU IS I'M GOING TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THEM! How? All you need to do is subscribe to the blog on this page. Each week I'm going to post a success story of someone on Myspace that is on my top 24 list. Each week you are going to see a new blog post. Success stories are a huge income booster because they make you believe that you can do it too (and then you do). You are going to read the story about this person. At least 5 times (if not every time) this year you are going to think, "This person sounds really cool and I'd like to meet him/her." You are going to look at my friend list, find him/her, and send an e-mail. You will most likely hit it off and BAM! a new person in your life that is making it happen. Read this blog every week. By the end of the year, you are going to have 5 new best online friends, that are going to change the course of your life and your financial future forever!
To subscribe to the success story blog click here .
PS. Do you have a cool success story? Would you like free money? Send it to me and if it really is cool I'll post it in a few weeks. At the end of your story I'll include info about your business and how to contact you. Can you say, "Free Money!" Submit your story today!
Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson
Richard tells the tale of his life and causes you to dream bigger dreams.I Am Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan tells how he DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL IN THE THIRD GRADE and against all the odds became the biggest movie star in Asia.Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
T. Harv EckerCanada
Harv explains that we all have a financial thermostat. What's that? Think of a thermostat. It's set for a particular room temperature. When the room gets to cold it kicks on and brings the temperature up. When it gets to hot it kicks in and brings the temperature down. Your financial thermostat does the same thing. Let's say all of a sudden you are making a lot less money. It kicks you into action and you go back to making the amount you are comfortalbe at. Cool huh? Now here is the bad side. Let's say all of a sudden you are making to much (perfect example is lottery winners). Your financial thermostat kicks in and you lose enough money until you are comfortable again(this is why the majority of all lottery winners lose it all within 5 years). How do you turn your financial thermostat up so your financial thermostat kicks in and you make more money? Read the book =) The End of Poverty
Jeffrey SachsGlobal Citizen (visited over 100 countries)
Jeffrey explains how it is possible for our generation to end extreme poverty forever. A must read!
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide To Extended World Travel by Rolf Potts
Urban Tribes: Are Friends The New Family? by Ethan Watters
Here are some more favorites...
From Pieces To Weight by 50 Cent,How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie, The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting & Running A Business, Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Big Bucks by Ken Blanchard, Winning Through Intimidation by Robert J. Ringer, Wave 3 by Richard Poe,Reallionaire by Farrah Gray, Tribes by Joel Kotkin, The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn, Lessons of History by Will & Arial Durant, There’s No Such Thing As Business Ethics by John Maxwell, Hip-Hop Generation Guide to Success by Kevin Liles, The Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gitomer, Synchronicity by Joseph Jaworski, It by Paula Froelich, Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen, Autobiography of Jamie Kennedy, Autobiography of Jay Leno, Mahatma Gandhi by Romain Rolland, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kioysaki, Compassionate Capitalism by Rich DeVos, Believe by Rich DeVos, The Art of Winning by Dennis Conner, Your Life Your Legacy by Roger Hamilton, The Rich and How They Got That Way by Cynthia Crossen, Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, A Pirate Looks At Fifty by Jimmy Buffett
The following people are listed here because they flipped "the system" the middle finger and changed the world...
This is my favorite quote by Dr. Yunus becaue it describes the Privateer Nation to the t, "If we put a non-profit donor $1 into the field it is gone for good. The future of Humanity rests with social humanitarian for profit structures that are able to do the most good whilst recycling the use of $1"
- 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Richard Branson,
Entrepreneur/World Traveler/Humanitarian/ Adrenaline Junkie
ENGLANDMahatma Gandhi
INDIAT. Harv Ecker
Entrepreneur/World Traveler/Humanitarian
CANADANelson Mandela
Mark Burnett
Creator of TV shows like Survivor/Adrenaline Junkie
Lee in just thirty years time took the tiny island of Singapore from being a Third World country to one of the cleanest, safest, and most economically prosperous countries in all of Asia. He created prosperity for 4,353,893 people.
Bono is now the public face of the campaign to end extreme poverty and is additionally working on raising AIDS awareness in Africa.
As well as....
Mary Kay founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Mother Teresa, Rich DeVos co-founder of Alticor, Joseph Jaworksi founder of American Leadership Forum, Martin Luther King, George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson founding fathers of the United States of America, Bill & Melinda Gates founders of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Russell Simmons of Def Jam Records, Oprah founder of the Oprah Winfrey Show, Andrew Carnegie, Dr. Walter Fleming and Billy Florence who helped co-found the Shriners, Jimmy Carter founder of The Carter Center, Sergey Brin and Larry Page founders of Google, Steve Mariotti founder of National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Bill Philips founder of Body For Life, Danny Wallace founder of Join Me, H. Spencer Lewis who helped bring the Rosicrucian Teachings to the United States, William H. Russell founder of the Skull & Bones, Ihsanullah Khan the mayor of Batagram, S. Truett Cathy founder of Chick-fil-A restaurant chain, Hugh Hefner founder of Playboy and Bono front man for U2 and the ONE Organization.