earl crown profile picture

earl crown

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Papa don't take no mess... width="425" height="350" ....My professional wrestling career was cut tragically short by my sex addiction, as well as my continuing struggles with gambling and recreational drugs. I guess chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear, and when I do its something mesh or leather, usually.
Me and my beibee...

My Interests

The accumulation of power in order to facilitate my decadent lifestyle. And I like kittens.

I'd like to meet:

People who need people.


Anything on Impulse Records, Rita Lee, Great Bear, Beach House, Human-Bell, TV Hill, Muddy Waters, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Public Enemy (the reasons are several, most of them Federal), Otis Redding, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones (65-79), the Ramones, Television, Dizzy G., Frijid Pink, John Coltrane (esp. Giant Steps as well as all of his Impulse recordings), Miles, Jimi Hendrix, Sam Cooke, A Tribe Called Quest, James Brown, The Ronettes, ike and Tina, the Smiths, The Jam, Joy Division, Guided By Voices, The KINKS!, Aretha Franklin, The Pixies, The Beastie Boys, Ol' Dirty, The Gza (Liquid Swords), The Animals, Nina Simone, Elvis Costello, Peter Tosh, Fela Kuti, the Cars, David Bowie, Roxy Music, LL Cool J (early stuff only), The Easybeats, Frank Sinatra, Method Man, NWA, Neil Young w/ Crazyhorse, The Pretenders, Curtis Mayfield, Brian Wilson/BeachBoys, Charlie Parker, Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, The Stooges/Iggy Pop, The Wedding Present, Al Green, Louis Prima, De La Soul, Blondie, Pink Floyd, Dead Kennedys, The Crystals, The Who, Sam and Dave, Lungfish, Rock-A-Teens, Pharoah Sanders, Bruce Springsteen (esp. Nebraska), Billie Holiday, Chuck Berry, ELO, Talking Heads, Johnny Cash, the Zombies, the fucking CLASH, New Order, ETHIOPIQUES


Dark Star, Point Blank (Lee "Fucking" Marvin, bitch), Mean Streets, The Wild Bunch, Dr. Strangelove, Black Caesar, Catch-22, Caddyshack, Stardust Memories, The Third Man, The Great Escape, Apocalypse Now, Manhattan, Neighbors, Blues Brothers, Once Upon A Time In The West, High Noon, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Good-The Bad-And the Ugly, For A Few Dollars More, Fist Full of Dollars, Bridge On The River Qwai, Dr. Zhivago, SUPER TROOPERS, Up In Smoke, Raging Bull, Five Easy Pieces, The Shining, King Of New York, 8 1/2, Barfly, Godfather 1 & 2, The Last Waltz, Kelly's Heroes, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Bladerunner, MASH (the movie, not the TV show), Animal Crackers, Horse Feathers, A Night at the Opera (these last three are Marx bros.), Goodfellas, Easy Money, Papillon, Jackie Brown, Easy Rider, Goldfinger, Full Metal Jacket, Paths To Glory, Citizen Kane, Key Largo, Casablanca, Network, The Longest Day, Bullitt, The Long Goodbye, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Brazil, Python's Holy Grail, Life of Brian, The Meaning of Life, American Grafitti, High Plains Drifter, Diner, Scarface, Strangers On A Train, La Femme Nikita, Blue Velvet, Being There, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Do The Right Thing, Darkstar, Snatch, Polyester, The Thin Man, The Maltese Falcon, Love and Death, the Graduate, The Way of the Gun, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Last Tango In Paris, The Pawn Borker (Rod Steiger), 24-Hour Party People, Alphaville, Dog Day Afternoon, Drugstore Cowboy, The Searchers, Bottlerocket, The Killer, Is Paris Burning?, The Conversation, Scarecrow, The Taking of Pelham One-Two-Three (if you wanna hear the rhymes, then come see me), Lolita, A Boy and His Dog, Juliet of the Spirits.. width="425" height="350" ....


Dave Chapelle Show, Mr. Show, Larry Sanders, GET SMART, World at War (Thames), Young Ones, Absolutely Fabulous, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show, Ripping Yarns, Fawlty Towers, Fishing With John, Dinner For Five (Favreau's talk-show on IFC), Hardball, Red Dwarf, The Prisoner, The Avengers, Captain Chesapeake (R.I.P.), NOVA, Star Trek (ONLY THE ORIGINAL), Twin Peaks, Battle of the Network Stars, Simpsons, Second City TV, Barney Miller, Kids In The Hall, Taxi, Match Game.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas & The Great Shark Hunt & The Curse of Lono & Generation of Swine & Fear and Loathing on the Campaign trail '72 & Better Than Sex & Songs of the Doomed (HST), Catch-22 (Heller), The Plague & the Fall & The Stranger (Camus), Naked Lunch & Junkie (Burroughs), One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzeneitzen, forgive spelling), Stranger In a Strange Land (heinlein), Post Office & Women & ham On Rye (Bukowski), Churchill's World War 2 Memoirs, On the Road & Dharma Bums & Mexico City Blues (kerouac), Slaughterhouse Five & Breakfast of Champions (Vonnegut), Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 1984 and Animal Farm (Orwell), Bells of the Kremlin (Tuominen), Taming of the Shrew & Merchant of Venice & Julius Caesar & Hamlet & henry V (Shakespeare), Death In Venice (Mann), the Art of War (Sun Tzu), Russia and the West (Kennan)..


Pop; HST; Dennis Hopper; JFK; FDR; Orson Welles; Marlon Brando; Peter Sellers

My Blog

One-twenty, Oh-Nine

"Journalism is not a profession or a trade.  It is a cheap catch-all for fuck-offs and misfits -- a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the build...
Posted by earl crown on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 11:04:00 PST

Vinnie Bloggareno

It's so weird, Mr. Kahhtah.          
Posted by earl crown on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:43:00 PST

A SERIOUS gun buy-back

I'm pressed for time, so I'll just give you the basics of my idea.   Proposal:  Federal Government spend $5 billion on a massive, national gun buy-back.  The buy-back would offer amnest...
Posted by earl crown on Tue, 29 May 2007 02:03:00 PST

duckpin bowling in the hour of chaos

I've got the patio door open, and there's a cool breeze coming into my condo.  I can smell the ocean.  Outside, the bars have closed.  Screaming drunks wander bayside to their weekend r...
Posted by earl crown on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:16:00 PST

I never liked Imus, anyway/Nappy-headed Hose-job/ Rush is cracker-tastic

Special Imus blog, just for you... here's the breakdown: 1.  What Don Imus said was sexist and racist and stupid, and his victims were innocent. 2.  Glad he got fired.  It was appropria...
Posted by earl crown on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:29:00 PST

"Hank Kingsley" profile disappears

Seriously, this was one of my favourite peeps on here.  What happened?  He's disappeared from my friends list, his comments have disapeared, and its listed as "profile no longer exists". Is ...
Posted by earl crown on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 07:25:00 PST

Gawd-damn, my girlfriend is talented

I know that sounds filfthy coming out of MY mouth, but I am not trying to suggest anything untoward or unseemly. Check this shit out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/deadchinadoll/ The goofy lighthouse l...
Posted by earl crown on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:32:00 PST

Part 2 of "Shangri-La" coming later this week / Fox "News"

Howdy. I'll be continuing with Art for art's sake later this week, when I get around to finishing chapter 2 of "Shangri-La". "Shangri-La" will be an ongoing saga.  Expect a new chapter every week...
Posted by earl crown on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:20:00 PST

Shangri-La (one)

  Shangri-La. one.   Art lumbered to the top of the dune.  The load Art was carrying made the climbing difficult.  Art could hear a distant thundering behind him, muffled.&nb...
Posted by earl crown on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 07:18:00 PST

never get out of the boat...

Our President is INSANE. After three months and a pile of advice from our country's sharpest political and military minds, Dubya has decided to ignore the good counsel he got from James Baker and ever...
Posted by earl crown on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 03:37:00 PST