licensing top designers to sell their products to mainstream america at reasonable prices, i.e. isaac mizrahi, mossimo, michael graves, sonia kashuk, thomas o'brien, luella, tara jarmon, PAUL & JOE. i am pretty hip you know.
i like to keep up with the kids nowadays, so i'll play videos from artists as various as "she wants revenge" and "rihanna" whilst you browse my vast selection of musical genres.
everything. comedy, drama, horror, sci-fi, tv series, health and fitness, anime.
i carry a plethora of reliable name brands such as sony, toshiba, and hello kitty. you can get a tv for every member of the family!! (and you can see my commercials on almost every channel!)
bestsellers, fiction, non-fiction, we have it all. and if you're lucky, i'll give you 30% off the publisher's price.
i am the hero!