Tyler Ray Elmergreen is a native of west Michigan, born and raised in Grand Rapids. His older sister, Tiffany was the biggest influence in his life, through music, and the guitar. Tyler was raised on 2121 Shangrai-la, and started to record his friends back in 2003. Tyler was 13, and worked with his very first artist "J-kidd." I wasnt till late summer 2004, when Tyler started to record himself. Getting better at guitar and drums was the focus, but as more and more cds were getiting passed around, Hip-Hop became the focus. From 2003-2007, over 20 different solo albums, projects, and other artist’s records has been recorded by Tyler Elmergreen. Some are no longer available, some are hanging out certain places on the internet, and some are in his backpack. Email Tyler at
[email protected], to just talk, plan a collaboration, or get a CD. His group MAYHEM, formed in 2005, and they’re myspace is at myspace.com/mayhemhiphop.check it out, and feel the love.