Hen na Ningyo profile picture

Hen na Ningyo

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm kind of an odd one. i like being different, it's much more fun that way....i am dark and light, outgoing and quiet, chill and ocd, mischevious and proper, adventurous/curious and aprehensive, playful and serious, spontanious and methodical, mysterious and straight-forward, optimistic and pesimistic, childish and mature(ish), assertive and cowardly, non-sensical and comprehendable, intelligent and naive, caffinated and decaf, excentric and dulled, oblivious and aware, good and evil, flexable and stubborn, mentor and student, night and day, awake and dead...... yeah, that's me. i am addicted to my sketchbook as it is the reflection of my wee little mind. i can blaze through pages at a time in a fire of creativity or sometimes not even touch it. but it is always there, chained to my side. i'm the one who's either in the corner of an odd cafe drawing and quietly watching the world go by, or the one who gets told to get lost by security guards whilst exploring odd little areas that nobody knows exist. creativity is often paired with being kind of a nut, but it works for the best. albeit, an interesting mix, but isn't life more fun that way? ................... FOR CURRENT AND PAST WORKS, check out me wee deviantart site that i use for posting illustrations, sketches, whathavyou.----------------------------------------------- HTTP://HEN-NA-NINGYO.DEVIANTART.COM/ --------------------------. also, apparently i'm according to this quizilla thing ............................................................ ..........."Your a Vampire! Maybe a tad goth...your obsessed
with the night. Maybe Killing the living,
Sucking the blood off the innocent. You my
friend are the deadliest creature out there."
You are a cat woman. You are independant and very
self-rigious. You have a mind of your own and
are not afraid to show it. You tend to hide
your true feelings and get frustrated (easy).
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla"Individuality"

Your Beauty lies in Individuality. Different, amazing, and all your
own. You like be set apart from all others and most love that you do. You are solitary at times, but for the most part, there is no greater compliment to you than someone telling you that you are different. You're most likely a bit of a fighter and you hate it when anyone attempts to change who you are. You wear what you want, look how you want and don't let anyone tell you what do to. You can be a little immature at times and have trouble dealing with authority and asking others for help. You like to do things yourself and are independent almost to a fault. But, people still find your individuality amazing and the fact that no matter what happens or what anyone else anyone thinks about it, you will not change who you are.

Some Things That Represent You:

Element: Dark, Fire Animal: White Tiger Color:
Bold Colors, Odd Colors Song: Just They Way I Am by Angel
Expression: Smirk

Gemstone: Bloodstone Mythological Creature: Phoenix,
Dragon Planet: Pluto Hair Color: Unnatural Colors Eye
Color: Amber

Quote: "You laugh because I'm different. I laugh
because you're all the same."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla............................i must say, they're pretty acurate, especially the later of them. i live by that quote.

My Interests

In Some Type of Order: Drawing/Painting in My Sketchbook. Kikyo, Tsuki, and Ryosuke(RIP) - My 3 Kitties. Designing/Sewing My Own Clothes and Everyone Else's. European Fashions from the Empire/Victorian/Edwardian Eras.(Experemental) Animation .Making My Own Films/ Shorts. Kimonos and Japanese Culture. Music. Twisted Darkness in the Arts/ Post Surrealism. Trees and Nature. Hitting Up the Local Dark/Goth/Industrial Clubs - Darkroom/Malediction/Das Bunker... etc (free life drawing, coo peoples, attempting to groove... yes!). Hiking/ Trespassing on Utility Trails. Hangin With People Who's Company I Enjoy. Going on Long Drives Without Direction or Going Anywhere I Please at Any Time. My Apartment. Beast, My Car. Caffine in the Form of a Blended Mocha. Sleeping on the Floor or in My Nest. Oil Refineries, Industrial Plants, and Cities at Night. Watercolors and Ink. Goodwill. Insomnia Cafe. Est Cafe. Haunting Places. Sand Canyons and Caves. Tea. Being in San Diego or LA. Volcanos. Fleece Blinkets (mmmmm.....so snuggly and warm...). Metropolitan Areas. Rain and the Atmosphere After it Rains. Pastafarianism. People Who Aren't Fake, Materialistic, or Mean. Psycology. The Colors Purple and Black. etc.......

I'd like to meet:

mostly people i already know....


Currently on Tap: The Chameleons. Assemblage 23. Sisters of Mercy. Covenant. The Birthday Massacre. Carbon Based Lifeforms. Claire Voyant. The Cure. De/Vision. Switchblade Symphony. Rasputina. Wolfshiem. Psyclon Nine. Hocico. Pink Floyd. Seabound. Lacuna Coil. Jem. God Module. VNV Nation. A Perfect Circle. Tool. Daft Punk. Massive Attack. Marilyn Manson. The Doors. Boston. Wumpscut. Clan of Xymox. Project Pitchfork. Apoptygma Berzerk. Imperitive Reaction. Decoded Feedback. Negative Format. Diary of Dreams. Fields of the Nephilim. Deep Forest. Helium Vola. Nine Inch Nails. Rammstein. Smashing Pumpkins. Duran Duran. The Cruxshadows. The Good Stuff Played at the Local Goth/Industrial Places (i need to figure out the playlists). Project 86. At the Drive In. Depeshe Mode. Front 242. Suicide Comando. Accessory. Faith and the Muse. Nirvana. Alice in Chains. Gorillaz. Coldplay. Deathcab for Cutie. The Mars Volta. U2. Muse. Jane's Addiction. Agatsuma. Opera (especially Carmen, as i was raised on it). Stuff From the Early-Mid 90's (aaah, nostalgia). Good disco. Tanatious D. Wierd Al............................currently trying to download/test out different stuff. what else.....hmm, anyway,.......I'm workin on it here. somebody, suggest something....... except country.


Spirited Away. Tonari no Totoro. Kiki's Delivery Service. Mononoke Hime. Edward Scissorhands. Iron Giant. Amelie. Howl's Moving Castle. Films by Akira Kurosawa ( The Sea is Watching, 7 Samurai, Ran, Rashomon, Yojinbo). Nightmare Before Christmas. 5th Element. Twelvth Night. Belle et la Bete. Taming of the Shrew. Mulan. Lilo & Stitch. Wedding Singer. Strictly Ballroom. Napoleon Dynamite. Shrek. Star Wars (for the most part). Pride and Prejudice (the BBC production). Hot Shots Part Dux. Ever After. Cats Don't Dance. The Emperor's New Groove. Antz. Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Secretary. Beavis and Butthead Do America. Wayne's World 2. Pootie Tang. Princess Bride. Harry Potter. Mirror Mask. Wedding Crashers. The Incredibles. most of the Animatrix. Office Space. Tokyo Godfathers. etc............... there's a long list of films out there i still need to see.




ANY books portaining to kimonos, Japanese arts- visual or theatere, period clothing and costumes (especially ones that get into the nittygritty of patterns, undies, and corsetts), animation, visual development, Japanese history, children's books with kick-ass illustrations, and the occasional book of/on psycology, dark-humored poetry, human sexuality (not the porn stuff you perv.... actual books on the subject), olde english literature, ancient greek mythological comedies, etc.................


Hayao Miyazaki and AM!....also those whom have come from the horrors of the lcad animation/etc department, defied athority/the man, and gone on to vastly improove their own skills and lifes in a way as to do far better than they were ever expected to for not selling out. i extend this to other creative peoples who burn with passion for their art and refuse to water down their work to please the majority. i tip my hat to thee..... and if i ever see thomas kinkaid, i will kick him square in the nuts. ;)

My Blog

well.... change of plans....

ok then, change of plans.   let's just scratch out that thing about the job in downtown la. despite being miseable there for the most part, putting in a real effort to change things and change ot...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 06:34:00 PST

i has work....

bit of a wee change from thee last one. but for those of you who don't know, i've finially gained some employment at a real place. I now work in downtown la for a jewelry designer called CHAN LUU. sin...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:43:00 PST

trying to move on and stuff....

well, this past year has sucked the balls off of anything out there for a few years. most noticeably, the crushing death of my most beloved cat/best bud, something i really didn't expect to happen for...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 02:36:00 PST


Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:32:00 PST


ok, along with the general changes that have come in life these days, for better or worse, i've decided to try and get up on my arting. as a part of that, i've decided to change my arting post site fr...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST

so much to do, so little brain/body cooperation.

ok, i've got roughly 7 or so hours till i have to get ready for the night gallery setup @ malediction tonight. i'm trying to get one more piece done for tonight.... not to mention all the other fun st...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 01:36:00 PST

my poor ryosuke..... updated x 2.

poor little guy. *sniff* i miss my little scaredy cat. get up yesterday morn and get ready for the usual routine of feed cats, get dressed, grab breakfast, go for hike, come back do work on layouts......
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Sun, 07 May 2006 03:52:00 PST

dashboard glove compartment.

goodness me, but i'm terrible about posting these fuckers! but hey, a time release mocha or 2 will tend to fix such problems. did you know that the palm tree's top outside my window has both a squerel...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 11:55:00 PST

update past due, pay in full.

well, heck, i think it's finially happening....... i'm updating this thing. 6 months of me trying to do them, then geting cought in something or waiting for a better time to post has finially ended (i...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:46:00 PST

fixing my shoes with duct tape as ryosuke watches from my shoulder

these 2 pictures of blurs upon my table belong to that of a small mamal. this small creature, of which i have co-habiated with over the past month, has seduced me with his charms. often in ...
Posted by Hen na Ningyo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST